Palm Sunday Chat | Arthritis Information


What's happening today?

Here in Chicagoland, we're supposed to get rain, sleet and snow today.  The family and I are staying put inside! OUCH!  Do you have any aloe?  I swear that works like magic... I keep a pot of it outside the kitchen door, though the bottled juice is just as good and feels good because it is nice and cold. 

DH is working today, so I am just doing my thing.  A nice little front came through this am so it is picture perfect here, though we could use some rain.  I puttered in my garden, checking my tomatoes for creatures. 

I got a horrible migraine last night, the first I have had in months!  Grrr... I don't much care for dogs, and I really can't stand the yipping yapping hyperactive Napoleon-complex mutts.  Even if you were the only one to complain, chances are, there are several more who are equally annoyed but can't/won't speak up for some reason. I don't understand how someone can be so arrogant as to think they have the right to disrupt the peace and quiet in a neighborhood - whether with yipping dogs, loud booming music, loud parties, midnight lawnmowing, or unsupervised screaming kids.

Maybe you can bring up the noise problem with your mayor/trustees? It might be time for a noise ordinance (or maybe there's an ordinance somewhere on the books that they've forgotten about).
I second the aloe vera thing as we have a plant just for kitchen burns.  When it gets bigger I'll use more of it for 'cleanses'.

I am seriously thinking of discussing that with city council (and election time is just around the corner).  The guy on the other side of her raised fighting chickens so we hear roosters 24-7!  No wonder she doesn't get a complaint from him!  The folks across the street and two doors down have weird hours and fast cars so we listen to glass pak mufflers roaring off into the night along with screeching tires (usually about 2 or 3 am). 

I love sleeping with the windows open, but I can't do it here unless I have a nice, loud fan blowing all night!  Sad some are so arrogant as to think they have the right to encroach on others peace, then get upset when they get a complaint. Pip, I have the stuff coming outta my ears!  It just crawls out of the pot and starts where it falls.  I have never used it for cleanses though my grandmother used to drink it for her 'rheumatism'!  I loved her so much that I thought anything she did was magic, so one day I tried it... .  She sure had a good laugh! Barking dogs - I bought a noise machine at Walmart.  I think it is intended for babies (has a heartbeat sound), but the white noise setting works to drown out the barking.  There is also thunderstorm, rain forest, train (why?????  doesn't just rumble, occasionally blows the horn OMG!), and babbling brook that makes me have to go to the bathroom way too much.  We stick with white noise.

You can't win with barking dogs.  You just have to hope they move away.
[QUOTE=Pip!]I second the aloe vera thing as we have a plant just for kitchen burns.  When it gets bigger I'll use more of it for 'cleanses'. Snow, I like the way your dh thinks!  When we lived in the country, our dogs use to join the coyotes in the occasional howl.  One night when our sons and their friends were all there the coyotes tuned up and the dogs joined in.  With out saying a word, we all started to howl!  After a bit we all stopped and just sat quietly under the stars.  We decided a good howling was really good for the soul and did it often at gatherings, though if anyone other than us would have witnessed, I am sure they would have thought we had gone feral!  Don't think we could have pulled that off without a noise complaint in the big city! We have 5 dogs and my daughter has 2, so when she comes to visit or I dog sit, that means we have a full blown pack!  I love to get them going howling, it is like a primitive, instinctual thing.  Someday you will see us on Funniest Home Videos, 'cause I swear I'm going to tape it, it' so funny.  Our boxer this deep "Woo Woo Woo", and then the smaller dogs are higher and shriller.  Fortunately for our neighbors sake we do this activity inside, although our houses are not that close together.
Our boxer snores horribly, so hubby and I have taught ourselves to sleep with the TV on.  It drowns out the snoring enough that you we can fall asleep!
Hillhoney2009-04-05 14:21:21OUCH!!! Poor hand, Jas. [QUOTE=Suzanne]Barking dogs - I bought a noise machine at Walmart.  I think it is intended for babies (has a heartbeat sound), but the white noise setting works to drown out the barking.  There is also thunderstorm, rain forest, train (why?????  doesn't just rumble, occasionally blows the horn OMG!), and babbling brook that makes me have to go to the bathroom way too much.  We stick with white noise.

You can't win with barking dogs.  You just have to hope they move away.
I love the sound of a distant train..even with the horn!  My machine has a setting for the ocean with that's annoying...I'm with you on the babbling brook.  Ican't believe anyone listens to that setting.  I stick with the whooshing ocean sound.
