Exercising and RA | Arthritis Information



Can anyone tell me what exercises you do while dealing with RA? I hardly ever exercise and I need some advice. I have a "gazelle" (pedals that glide back and forth with handles). I also have a stationary pedaler (sp).


Hello Painrelief,

       I find exercise to be extremely important. I use to swim at my local YMCA, (nothing intense, alot of water walking). One thing i find extremely helpful is sitting on the floor (if you can make it down there) and stretch!! I put on some uplifting music and i stretch for about 30 min.

I walk the treadmill as often as I can, I do Pilates, and light weights (I mean really light only 2 - 3 pounds). 

There are days when I can't, but when I can I do one or more of the above and I have found that it has defintely helped not only my weight, but also my energy and over all well being.


I think swimming is the very best exercise for ra.  I also do yoga when I am not flaring and walk.  It is tough to know when to exercise and when to let your joints "heal".  I have made my flares worse by exercising too soon after a flare.  I think if you do not keep using your body, you will lose muscle strength and stamina.  So when you feel well enough - exercise. 

I watch very little television, but started a new habit when I am watching. With every commercial I pick up the 3# weights and exercise. Doesn't seem like such drudgery then.

And let's not forget isometrics while in the car stopped at a traffic light.

In answer to the question "which exercises"......whatever you can do without injuring yourself, go for it.

I believe that you must exercise in order to resist stiffness.  Use it or lose it.


Thanks so much for all the advice but unfortunately, I do not know how to swim and have a fear of it.

I know walking does wonders but my left knee is in a lot of pain.

What does your physician say is wrong with your knee? [I'm looking for something other than RA.]

Do you have a health club/gym in your area? If your knee can tolerate it and you don't mind going into a pool that you can stand up in with your head above water, try aqua jogging. You do not need to know how to swim. It's great exercise and not brutal on the joints.

You might discuss this with a physical therapist, who would be better able to advice what type of exercising you can do.

My doc told me swimming is one of the best exercises for people with RA.  The main reason being you are weightless in water so the movements don't hurt your bones/joints so much. 

And even if you can't swim, stay in the shallow end of the pool and walk, move your arms, etc.  The resistance the water gives is great exercise.   

I know how to swim...somewhat.  I don't like to swim, it scares me.  But my doc told me I could join Curves because of their hydraulic machines. He said I should not be using weights.

So, I've been a member of Curves for three years, and have been doing well with it.  Exercise is not my favorite thing to do, but Curves is fun.  The hardest part is dragging myself there.


If you have not exercised for a while start out easy.  Stretching is very good and if you need help use a towel to help.    Walking is very good for you and you can go at your own pace, you can even walk at home if the weather is rotten.  There are tapes out there that do programs for walking at home with other easy exercises included.  REMEMBER DON'T OVER DO IT.  As for water there are exercise programs that use the pool and you don't have to swim, you work in the shallow end.   My rd always says you need to keep moving and work on keeping what flexability you have.  Check in your area yoga does have programs for people with arthritis and other disabilities and yoga is very good for you.  meme
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