B12 shots - do they actually help with energy? | Arthritis Information


Im looking for anything right about now that can help with energy besides exercise (I already know about this one but have to be careful with RA) and non-natural stimulants. Any ideas or suggestions? My cousin suggested monthly B12 shots but I dont know if they would really make a difference or be worth it. Anyone have any experience with these or anything else that seems helps?

I just feel like I am "dragging" my butt through life which stinks because I have a toddler I want to feel good enough to do things with.
IDK, but my gram who had RA always got shots. said they made her feel alot better!!My mom gets B12 shots and she says they make her feel good too. I have a B12 deficiency DX'd by my GP who put me on B12 pills- says it's not low enough for shots. I asked my RD for the shot and he says they are placebos. He says he wishes he could give me a sugar pill instead of MTX and have that make me well too. He says people just see that red liquid in the syringe and they think they are getting something wonderful. I'd like to try it. Even if I felt better because it's all in my head..... I don't believe what your doctor is telling you about B12. Placebos? Really? I don't know why he would say that. I take B12 injections at least once a month for a B12 deficiency and I know they help with some tingling and numbness I have related to that but they haven't given me the energy boost I'd hoped for. I can always tell when I need an injections because I have a lot of numbnes in my hands and feet/legs. After an injection I'm almost 100% better for several weeks. That's how I know for sure it works and it's not just a placebo. The type of numbness I have isn't all in my head; I know that for sure.
My Aunt also takes B12 injections and she swears by them. She say they do help with her energy levels.
I know of a lot of people who swear by B12 and would totally disagree with that doctors comments.
Can't say b-12 injections help with my energy, but like Lovie, I can sure tell when it is time by the numbness/burning in my extremities, increased vertigo, tinnitus, and relentless insomnia.

I also use b-12 sublingual every day, but again cannot say they do much for my level of energy. However, as long as I take them the annoying ticks I was experiencing around my left eye and the trigeminal pain that is even more annoying remains under control.

I do know from blood tests that my b-12 levels have returned to a borderline-to-low-normal range from a very subnormal range.

FWIW, Shug

edited for an inability to spell, type, and proofread...

Spelunker2009-04-07 09:47:22IDK- all I can say is what he told me and he refused to give me one. He says your body just eliminates it.

I'll ask my GP's opinion next time I see her.
I wasn't trying to be rude to you....just saying I disagree with your doctor. I don't doubt that's what he told you; I just doubt what he's saying. No offense taken Lovie- I really like and trust this doctor but I have my doubts too. Anyway like I said even if it was all in my head I'd like to try it....WTB-
I've read B12 levels drop as you age so I really question your doctor.
I've taken sublingual and liquid and they are helpful.  May try shots.  Although, I generally don't like shots, I guess it is the best way to get the B12 into your system.
You can buy a big bottle of B12 almost anywhere. The whole issue with B12 is that you don't need much, but to get the little bit you do requires you to take a lot as most of it gets flushed out of your system. 1000mcg is the usual pill dose--most multis and B complex vitamins don't have anywhere near that amount.

B12 mostly helps with your nervous system. They probably won't help much with energy, but in addition to other vitamins, you might find you have more stamina to get through a day.
I have three friends who take B12.
One has a B12 deficiency and she takes the shots.  They really do help her with energy.  The second friend had the gastric bypass surgery and she takes the sublingual and she doesn't notice any difference, but takes them because she has to.  The third friend is getting ready to start the sublingual.  She just found out yesterday that she is B12 deficient.  Her doc told her that the sublingual was just as good as the shots and that the shots had some ingredient in them that was bad for you.  I told her that I hadn't heard that one before.  Anyone else?
I do remember when I was younger and I was trying to go to work full time during the day and take classes at night that I was really tired.  I took B12 pills and it really did help me.  I'm sure it wasn't a placebo effect since I pretty much always think stuff won't work.  
[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]WTB-
I've read B12 levels drop as you age so I really question your doctor.
I've taken sublingual and liquid and they are helpful.  May try shots.  Although, I generally don't like shots, I guess it is the best way to get the B12 into your system.
These shots are really easy! I use a really tiny needle and it doesn't burn or anything like Humira does; so compared to Humira their a welcome change.
I take 5000 mcgs that melt in your mouth and they do nothing. I look in the drug store for the sublingual and it was expensive and less mcgs so I said heck with it. In fact I stopped taking the B12 and I want to see what happens next blood test. I'm already testing out (drs. orders) not taking my calcium supplements because those levels are high!
I have heard that some people can't absorb B12....
i do not always get them but they help me with energy and staying well.  you can get them at any pharmacy without a prescription (i think every 2 weeks).   i certainly think they are worth experimenting with to see if they help you.  you have nothing to lose but .00 so go for it and ask for one everytime you go to the doctor.  no extra cost if you pay a co-pay for your visit.  i wished i had remembered today when i was at kroger.   i am tired and my ear is ringing so loudly right now. [QUOTE=abbyrhoades]Im looking for anything right about now that can help with energy besides exercise (I already know about this one but have to be careful with RA) and non-natural stimulants. Any ideas or suggestions? My cousin suggested monthly B12 shots but I dont know if they would really make a difference or be worth it. Anyone have any experience with these or anything else that seems helps?
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