Pins & Needles | Arthritis Information


More unexplained symptoms!  Hooray! JK of course.

So my inflammation and joints are better on the Humira.  But I have had this itching (that didnt go away with going off of Arava and Plaq, although I'm happy to be off them now) and I have been having chest pain (discussed with doc, possibly pericarditis) and have been dizzy/lightheaded (sinus infection?  Don't have a ton of drainage or discharge, no fever...maybe allergies cause dizziness?)
But today my right foot has been "falling asleep" for no reason, at times when I've been walking around, haven't been putting pressure to where it should fall asleep.
Any experience/insight?
I see the RD on the 13th, thank god.  So much going on.  
Oh, and my right hand...I think I mentioned this before...when I tap in middle, where inflammation used to be so bad...weird tingly feeling up my fingers.

don't know if this is helpful........ but I was told that the pins and needles is due to inflammation pinching or pressing on nerves ...... I still have it even though some of my inflammation is way down.

I've had the pins and needles/tingly/numbness feeling in my hnads.  Was told I had carpal tunnel syndrome.  Wearing a wrist brace helps.
I agree with's the inflammation pressing on the nerves.  I've also had this happen with my feet. Not sure what you can do to help with the foot...the wrist was easy enough to fix with the brace though.  I still get it off and on and when I do the brace helps right away.
Hi Katie,
I was told the same thing as Babs and Kelstev that the inflammation presses on the nerves.  I get that in both my hands and my feet.  I just deal with it.  They put me on Lyrica and I tried neurontin.  I hate the feeling I get while on those medications so I just deal with it and accept that this is what it is.  Good luck to you, Hiking_gal
Thanks.  What is weird is that I don't know what swelling I have that would affect my foot.  My ankle and knee haven't been officially dx RA (although I know my foot is...but has been a while and isn't swollen). My right hip (groin area) has been tender.  Maybe that could do it?  And my calves have been swollen.Hi Katie,
It may be coming from your hip.  Do you have problems with your lower back and sciatica?  HG
My doctor took me off of Humira for those symptoms and after they didn't go away after a couple of months he sent me to a neruologist. He did all kinds of nerve conduction test and blood work. Although I do have some nerve damage in on leg that wass causing some of the symptoms; my B12 was low and he started me on injections. I was amazed at the difference. After the neruologist determined it was in no way related to the Humira I was started on Humira again.
It can be trickky though because Humira can cause symptoms simular to MS that's why my doctor took me off of it to see if that might help. Thankfully it wasn't related.....but your doctor may need to determine that.
Right before my onset I was waking most mornings with pins and needles hands. Lately it's been happening sometimes.  If it is really bothersom call your doctor. Back when i had an allergic reaction to the Arava I had them do my bloodwork. I said I don't feel well and it is not the allergic reaction. I had also been taking presciption fishoil. My potasium and my bloodsugar were both very very low. So you just never really know how your body is tollerating a new medicine. Let your doctor know. If you get to feeling ill go to the doctor. RA and the meds we take can cause alot of stuff. From time to time I have seen many post of iron low, B 12, low pottasium, ect.  Till you know for sure how you are tollerating something keep a diary and keep your doctors in the loop. RA is the very most frustrating thing. You never know day to day what is going on with your body. It is virtually impossible to know what to ignore and what to worry about. Good Luck!!  Hope it is absolutly nothing. Keep a close eye on yourself.

All of my doctors always think I have low B12 and then it shows up high (not too high, but high).  I am worried that the Humira might be causing it, because it didn't start until the Humira.  But my calves have also been pretty swollen. Emailed my RD about it, he didn't reference that specifically, and I see him Monday.  Kind of have to decide whether to take Humira shot day before I see him, or after.  I either have allergies, cold, or sinus infection.  He said he doubts I have an infection but my problem is that I have gotten strep and sinus infections without a fever before.  Whatever. I am going to make a short and clear note for him of my issues and get everything addressed.  My joints are better, not great, but I am so out of it. Coulnd't sleep on left side last night becuase of chest pain, so slept on my right but then hand was falling asleep.  But today is beautiful and I am going to ignore everything for now :)

I never run a fever....even when I've been sick. sick. sick with bronchtis. Go to your GP.....hate to say it; but if your doctor is anything like mine they dont' like to talk about anything unless it's directly related to RA. Tell your GP that you take Humira na dyou are concerned about infections. I started seeing a GP on a regular basis when I started on Humira. I was never sick so I didn't have one....but was worried in case I needed one. I'm glad I have one because she's good about trying to out run an infection. We treat early for suspected infections and only once in the last 5 years have I been sick to the point of missing work.
My doctor (GP) seems to think all these RA meds, anti-inflammatories, Biologics.....DMARDS; mask any sign of a fever I might ever have. An infection can easily sneak up on you if you aren't looking for other signs.
