OT - House | Arthritis Information


I can't believe I fell asleep and missed the end of House last night!

Why did Kutner commit suicide?  What was the outcome of Meatloaf's character and the wife?
The wife ended up dying and the husband lived. Don't have an answer on the reason for Kutner's suicide.they never gave a reason for the suicide..... I'm assuming he got a better role somewhere else...... 

Budget cuts.Actually, and I swear this is what I have heard, he is going to work in the White House.Not knowing what House was/is, I did a quick search and found this>

The shocking story.
[QUOTE=hessalina]The wife ended up dying and the husband lived. Don't have an answer on the reason for Kutner's suicide.[/QUOTE]
So, what did the wife die from?  The guy dying of cancer didn't die?  Can someone give me more details?
I am trying SOOO hard not to read this.  GUess what my DH did (having a real hard time typing the D right now) He shut off the power cord to the tv to save electricity so House didn't record! I have to wait till this weekend to watch it at my moms. I know it was a important one too. :([QUOTE=kweenb][QUOTE=hessalina]The wife ended up dying and the husband lived. Don't have an answer on the reason for Kutner's suicide.[/QUOTE]
So, what did the wife die from?  The guy dying of cancer didn't die?  Can someone give me more details?
SPOILER ALERT - don't read if you don't want to know
The husband actually didn't have lung cancer, but a rare condition (with a long name that I didn't catch) that was treatable so he could recover completely.  The wife lied, she didn't go to Hawaii, she went to Rio with someone else and got a disease from some type of sandfly there.
Now....my question about House: they said they needed to do a spleen biopsy on the wife to check for rheumatoid arthritis....is it really possible to biopsy for diagnosis?I CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED THAT!!!

I completely forgot what day it was!! Ugh!!
I did the same thing when Warrick died on CSI!!! I must be cursed. Doomed to watch all the best TV in reruns....For anyone who missed it, you can watch full epidsodes online here:
Thank you so much Suzanne!

That is last weeks episode. You can't watch yesterday's episode on fox until 8 days after the brodcast. :(That long? I thought they usually let you when it's been 24 hours after the broadcast.  Sorry about that.  But better than waiting for the rerun to come around I suppose.The other night, older son (age 10) and I were watching "House."  It's his favorite "grownup" show.  He's always talking about how smart and crazy Dr. House is, and that even though he's mean he always finds the answer.  Anyhoo, a patient on the show needed a brain biopsy.  DS was not happy about this.  He asked me why they needed to take out a piece of someone's brain.  I explained that the doctors could look for infections and decide what medicine would work best to fix it.  He was still not happy about this, so I went on to tell him that your brain can't feel anything, so it doesn't really hurt.  He didn't like that answer either.  I asked what he was thinking about.  The answer: he didn't think doctors should be able to pull out a piece of your brain because then they could see what you were thinking about. What if they pulled out the part of your brain where you were thinking a swear word, or a secret that you didn't want anyone to know about?   When I explained that there was no way they could do that, he was very relieved and agreed that a brain biopsy could be quite useful and necessary.  :) Hilarious jasmine!
I just love boys and their 'logical' thinking. My 7 yr old son came to me because he was convinced he was an alien. He had been lying in bed in the dark and had seen a static electricity discharge caused by his blankets. He thought his alien body was producing electricity. Unfortunately I miss read his emotional state and assumed he was terribly upset. He didn't actually become upset until I convinced him he WASN'T an alien![QUOTE=JasmineRain]The answer: he didn't think doctors should be able to pull out a piece of your brain because then they could see what you were thinking about. What if they pulled out the part of your brain where you were thinking a swear word, or a secret that you didn't want anyone to know about?   When I explained that there was no way they could do that, he was very relieved and agreed that a brain biopsy could be quite useful and necessary.  :) [/QUOTE]
Then just don't let him watch Fringe!! LOL
Yeah Fox is weird like that. Other networks don't do that.
Luckily I caught my mom before she deleted it on her dvr so when I get up to PA tomorrow night I can watch it!!! wooo
Leila that is hilarious!! I mean sometimes those static sparks freak me out so I couldn't imagine what a little kid would think of it! hhahaha
I heard that he's going to work in the White Hiuse too.[QUOTE=dotty]I heard that he's going to work in the White Hiuse too.[/QUOTE]
Yes, he's going to work for Obama's administration after having worked for his campaign.  I believe he will be an Associate Director in the Office of Public Liaison, specially to the Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities.  He won't be doing any acting again until he's finished working for the administration.

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