Appt yesterday | Arthritis Information


I had an appt yesterday, which was good timing as I've had some increased activity over the last few weeks.  More joint swelling in hands and feet.    Not horrible, but trace swelling in all areas.  Bummer since my visit in January only had one joint involved.  It's frustrating to have some increase and not know what may cause it. I've been working 50-60 hours the past 6 weeks which is not helping (40 hrs workweeks to begin again as of today)  had an intestinal bug two weeks ago, so is it meds, work, illness (or all three) 

I currently take relafen, mtx and enbrel (weekly) and am to increase my enbrel to every 5 days and then go back in two months to see if the increase and reduced hours at work is helping.  I asked about the increase and my RD said no worries and that some inject twice/week. Does anyone take enbrel more than weekly?     For those that failed enbrel, was this how it started?  Less control and then increase and re-evaluate?
This sure is a frustrating disease! 

I think the original recommended dosage is twice weekly. That's the reason I choose Humira to start with. Twice a week or once every two weeks? Duh; that was a no brainer for me since I was scared of the shots anyway.
Sorry you have some increased activity; but that's the nature of the beast. Up and down. up and down, up and down. It get frustrating.....but you learn to expect it.
Take care.
[QUOTE=CathyMN]This sure is a frustrating disease! [/quote]

It certainly is; I just think I have the beast trained to my wishes and it breaks through the fence and runs amok.

I hope the increase in your medications brings you the relief you deserve.

Best wishes, Shug
Sorry Cathy, I know I always feel just a little depressed when I have to increase my meds. I hope this does the trick for you!

Hmmm.  At 50mg of Enbrel weekly, my RD told me I was at the highest dose.  Hope the increase helps.Cathy ~~ frustrating is the mild term I use ... I hope things improve.  CathyFL

Linncn - now you have me worried.  I did check the Enbrel site and it says recommended dose is 50mg/week.  They did list that for psoraisis, a starting dose can be 50mg twice/week, but only for three months and then dropped to 50mg/weekly.  I don't have psoraisis.   I think I may hold off for my shot today, take it as normal on Sunday and make a follow-up call.  I do trust my RD, but waiting a few more days and checking again wouldn't hurt.   I do go back in June, so it might be that it was fine for two months, but then back down or a different med if it's not helping.


Which Enbrel dose do you currently have?  I took 25mg of Enbrel twice weekly when I was on it.  This was years ago, before the once weekly shot was available.

My dose is 50mg weekly.  Now that I've thought about it more, if 50mg is recommended, increasing to every 5 days vs every 7 days while more often, isn't too out of line.  There is probably a broad range from minimum to maximum.    

I hope the increase helps you.
Keep us posted!
I hope it works Cathy!!  best of luck