This is interesting........... | Arthritis Information


Once-a-Year Drug Helps Counter Steroid-Linked Bone Loss
Reclast injection beat daily pill at restoring bone for patients with asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, study found Lyn, very interesting especially as I took part in this trial!  I felt like Harry Potter growing bone, I was in agony and felt like I had the flu for 24 hrs and the pain was tremendous, unusual reaction apparently but nevertheless very painful.  Thanks again Jane. wow, Janie.  that's terrific....  Has it been helpful?Yes Babs it was successful, I did have osteopaenia in my hands and feet, it went away in my hands and the lumbar spine had grown stronger too with their markers showing significant bone growth in lumbar area.  My feet fractures are still bugging me but 2 out of three are now healed thanks to this drug!  Thanks for your interest.  Janie. THAT'S WONDERFUL.  Honey, you're getting good news all over the place, aren't you!!! Yes Babs thankyou for your concern and care, how are you going?  Today I was sliding backwards but I have been doing heaps so I went and laid down, I couldn't relax for all the things in my head that I wanted to do, but hubby made me have a rest for an hour, I still feel more energetic but a little more tired today, bad tummy due to MTX shot yesterday too.  I still feel incredibly lucky to be playing with my kids, board games, tidying their rooms with them etc, we are having fun!  Love Janie. 