those of you with ankle pain... | Arthritis Information


I have never had ankle pain. Now I have pain below both ankle bones...with the left being worse than the right. All my 'lefts' are worse than my 'rights' with the exception of my hips. I don't get it..

Anyway, I always thought that ankle pain would be located more in the front where the foot meets the leg. Where is your ankle pain located?
Thanks!My ankle pain is below the ankle bone as well.  Not so much pain really, but more a feeling of instability.  Like, if I twisted it or put too much pressure to the side it would break.  And it's not all the time  - I'll just all of a sudden feel a twinge of weakness.   Not sure if it's the same as what you're feeling.  Never tenderness in the front.  Does more on one side vs the other for any joints line up with what your dominant side is?   My rights tend to be worse for me and I'm right-handed. I have swollen ankle.  I don't feel pain in the ankle but I have achille tendonitis and plantar fascitis  very painful.  Can't even put foot down.  I have it on right feet only.  if i remember it correctly even before it felt like i will fall down anytime.No that's the weird thing Cathy, I'm a righty. You'd think I'd have more pain on the right but I don't. [QUOTE=veenu]I have swollen ankle.  I don't feel pain in the ankle but I have achille tendonitis and plantar fascitis  very painful.  Can't even put foot down.  I have it on right feet only.  if i remember it correctly even before it felt like i will fall down anytime.[/QUOTE]

Your profile says you are a teacher - it must be very difficult to stand on your feet and teach all day, Veenu.  What do you teach?
Hi, Leila.  It was my left ankle pain that finally got me my RA diagnosis.  Generally speaking, all my problem joints hurt much worse on my left - flares as well as everyday kind of pain.  I am right-handed, too.  Being a logical person - I have always looked for the "rhyme or reason" of my RA pain - but after 2 years with no success, I have officially given up!  It's a crazy disease - that's all I can say.

I am teacher cum Guidance counsellor right now.  High School teacher.  taught business studies accounting, computer and math.  Luckily they pulled me in Guidance just before all hell break loose with RAMy RA arrived 6 years ago w/ bilateral ankle pain so bad I couldn't stand on them. They were swollen and AWFULLY PAINFUL -- in the center of the joint, the entire ankle was sore for months. Luckily, it never happened again that badly since getting on drugs but I worry some day I'll wake up with it again. Just terrible. Good luck!

Both of my ankles and both of my feet are consumed with RA. At any moment a different spot may be worse than the rest. I take pain meds because i can not other wise walk on my ankles. As a rule it is the inner side of my ankles at the joint that hurts the most for wieght baring. I did have a day a few months back it was the upper inside of the foot that hurt so bad i could not walk even on pain meds. It lasted a few days actually before the meds kicked in.My left ankle is practically destroyed.  I have nearly no range of motion left aside from the up/down movement.  When I'm standing on it and try to turn certain ways it makes the most awful...and painful popping and cracking noises.  It's really awful but all my docs say there isn't anything abnormal on the xrays so I guess it must be in my head or something. 

Pain meds for this are a joke as they just get me stoned and don't do a whole lot for the pain.  The right one is starting to get this way too and I'm afraid that the only option for me is going be ankle surgery.  Can an ankle be replaced?  As for describing where the pain is...just all over the feet in general.
So I also know how you feel with ankle pain..good luck dealing with it.  Pain meds might help you more than they do me give them a try.
My RA started with my ankle... thought I had sprained it LOL. It started on the right side for some weeks before the left kicked in, but that was while I was working on a dx and was untreated. It hurt all over, but when the swelling became exceptional, there was more pain up the back like there was some involvement with my achilles.
Bob, I think they can replace anything these days! I hope it doesn't come to that...
I have ankle pain from achilles tendonitis. The big tendons pulled so hard on the bones that bone spurs were caused and those hurt. Foot dr says bone spurs caused by plantar fascitis don't hurt, but confirmed the fascitis sure does. In fact, the pain from that made me unconsciously walk funny, on the side of my foot (left is worst) and that's what caused the achilles tendonitis. Oh, and to have falling episodes. I'm being more carefully aware of how I walk now, but it's still like I'm walking on shards of glass. I do have arthritis on top of one big toe (dr didn't say if Xray showed RA or osteo) but the ankle problem is basically my own stupid fault... from walking funny.
As far as sides with RA, all my RA symptoms, though bilateral, are worse on the left, and I am right-handed. 
That is especially lucky for my hands since I write and do most things with my right hand, as well as use my cane with that "better" hand and shoulder. I don't use it in the house to give them a break... and that's why I was falling. I pay attention now.  
