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fall in love with a 17 year old high school boy if he's really a hundred year old vampire?

I have fallen prey to my daighter's Twilight series.  Anyone else read it?
No, I haven't, Link but I am going to hunt it down now, just outta curiosity.

I often read books for young people. They are fun and adventurous. Just look at the whole Harry Potter thing. Also I have some ideas for my own books for that age group.

Enjoy, Link. If there good, read them. They sound good.
It sure puts a whole new twist on the term " cougar". Would that make you a saber toothed tiger?
O wait... You'd be the youngster...ummm...
Since I've not come up with an appropriate cliché, I'd say it's fine. Don't let society ( or reality) put restrictions on your love!

Cordy~  I wouldn't say Twilight is as good as Harry Potter, but it's still a fun read.

Leila~ yay!!  Now, any suggestions on how to break the news to my husband?

Snow~I know!  My adult friends told me I'd want a vampire if I read them.
There is NOTHING as HP, Link. Rowling is a master writer that cannot be equaled.

That's what it is about books written for that age group...they are fun to read. Pure escapism.

And the other thing...very good characters. It's characters, we relate to,  that keep us turning page after page. And usually characters who are imperfect. I mean Harry is really a scrawny geek but we all relate to that on some level. We relate to his grief over his parents death, him being bullied by Malfoy. HP touches in on so many parts of our own humanity.

Sounds like Twilight has a character like that...well written and that we can all relate to on some level.

Well, I've already looked up the Twilight series...I love finding new books to read. At the moment I have my nose in one that is taking my mind off my huge pain levels and crippling stiffness.

Hooray! For good books...of any kind.
[QUOTE=Linncn]fall in love with a 17 year old high school boy if he's really a hundred year old vampire?
I have fallen prey to my daighter's Twilight series.  Anyone else read it?
Dil is reading a series called The House of Night and I think she said there are 6 books in the series.  She was going so fast I couldn't get all the names but she also read the Twilight series and says these are along the same vein.  One more series she mentioned that there are 3 books and in each book there are 3 so you get a total of 9 books.  She is loving them.
It's an excellent series.  My students were reading them and kept asking me if I had.  Finally, over Christmas break, I bought the first book.  I ended up reading all 4 before break was over.
I really didn't think I would like them.  I am not a big fan of fantasty, but I appreciate anything well written.  I was totally hooked within the first few pages.  Harry Potter was the same way.  The Twlight series isn't as imaginative as Harry Potter, but it has a love story that keeps you reading to find out what happens.  I highly reccomend them.  Then you need to decide...Team Edward or Team Jacob.....
OMG!! Hubby & I watched the movie about a couple of weeks ago, and well... I kinda like the guy who plays Edward. I only like him when he looks like Edward the vampire. I do not like him when he is his normal self
I kinda have a thing for vampires. When I was younger... I always wanted to be a vampire. Because I would sleep thru the day and stay up thru the night and I hated going out side. So... I thought being a vampire seemed to fit me Joonie, you can't go by the movie, the books are SO much better (aren't they always?).
When I was  alittle kid I was terrified of vampires.  I didn't own a cross necklace so I did the next best thing to ward them off. I'd go to sleep at night with my pointer fingers making a little cross on my chest.
I am not much of a reader. I know probably missing out on ALOT, but... I just do not like to read. I do not comprehend things well, when I read them. I spend most of my time re-reading things to make sure I understand what it is saying.
I suck at reading and spelling.
I was going to buy the Twilight book set for my daughter for her b-day coming up in a couple of months, because she likes to read, but they cost way more than I have to spend on them at this time.
Daughter has not gotten to see the movie yet, but I am sure once she gets to see the movie she will want to read the books.
You sell yourself way too short Joonie! I have been in love with Anne Rices' Lestat ever since I read the book.  
Hubster gets VERY tired of me pressing on the lovely ropy veins on his hands and arms......lolol. And I bet he's glad his neck ones are not as impressive. Lin! the pointer finger cross.... too cute!
I have the first book...... haven't ead it yet.... my Oldest daughter AND her husband (27, 32 years old) have read them all.....
I will get to this series after I finish the total fluff of the TruBlood series.
and yes!! Lyndee..... Lestat is the epitome of the sexy vamp........ to drool for.
[QUOTE=Linncn]fall in love with a 17 year old high school boy if he's really a hundred year old vampire? Very fun series, but agree not as good as HP... at least not yet as I haven't finished the first book yet. Lots of symbolism on teenager love, but it's fun to remember back to those days.
Joonie, maybe you should try books on tape. I downloaded mine from Audible.com and listen on my mp3 player while I'm commuting. Books on tape have come along way in recent years, and the narrator for this series is REALLY great.
Is this cradle robbing or grave robbing?  [QUOTE=mab52]Is this cradle robbing or grave robbing?  [/QUOTE]
good point!! [QUOTE=waddie]I have a niece I am very close to.  We started the HP series together and then went on to many other series, the latest being the Twilight series.  I got a real kick out of these!  I don't know if I was the only one to see the irony of your daughter dating a Vampire AND a werewolf!  It was interesting to give my niece a parent's perspective on the books and of course, hear hers!  I enjoyed the series and thought the ideas of the way the supernatural world were presented were very creative.  

But no Harry Potter for sure!

Aw...Waddie, that's so nice you are close to your niece and do that together. How beautiful! Elders, extended family, and friends who are also family...are all so important to kids of any ages. Young women need the elder women around them, it's very important stuff.

I am going to Brisbane this week, on holiday with Neve and Dad. One of the things we are going to do is see my aunty and Neve's great aunt who is the older sister of my Ma who died last September. Aunty Shirley has been very supportive of Neve and I since, writing little cards and letter, calling us and just keepng in touch. I have always loved her to bits and as a 17 - 22 year old spent a lot of time with her.

Sorry, to OT and hijack your thread, Link, I was just so touched by what Waddie said.

Ever since I read the first post here.....I have wondered where I heard about this ' Twilight ' thing. Well it hit me tonight and shows just how small our world is!

I have a Net friend ( has been for 5 years now) who took work as Executive Chef at The View Point Inn  in Oregon last year.  He mentioned one time that the filming of Twilight took place there, or some promotional shoots...cant remember which!! What a hoot!
Anyways, if any of you head that way, go eat some of his great food.
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