Joonie | Arthritis Information


Did you ever ask your RD what she thinks of you getting a job?  If yes, what did she say?You hoping to get a job Joonie? I'm out of the loop. Lovie, she was saying that she put a few applications in.  She still wanted to check with the doc though.  Nice to see her feeling so well, isn't it?Umm... no I did not ask her. I was going to ask her and then she left out of the room so I could get undressed for the joint assessment, and then she went into another room to drain some womans knee and by the time she got back I forgot what I was going to ask her.

I did however write it down on this sheet they give you to answer some questions and there is a part about questions or concerns so I wrote it down there with a couple of other things. But she never mentioned it. I know she read it.
I guess freak-mart is not going to hire me LOL! Fail one employee assessment test and your screwed for 60 days LOL!
Do you know what the question was that you answered incorrectly?Wal-Mart wouldn't be a good job for you anyway Joonie. You need something where you wouldn't have to stand on your feet all day and you wouldn't be expected to lift and carry things that would only put more strain on an already frail body. That's just setting yourself up to fail my friend. Try to look for something where you sit the majority of the day. A receptionist (sp?) job or something. Phone bank.....counter position. Somewhere that you could maybe use your impressive computer skills maybe? 
It's just going to take you finding the right fit for your situation. I've worked as a secretary/office manager for the last 10 years. I've rarely missed a day of work and I really feel like that's due to the type of job that I have. I couldn't work at wal-mart. That's way too physical for me.....and most of us here. Grocery stores? Nope; again.....too much standing and lifting and moving.
Jobs are hard to come by right don't get discouraged. Also; if you feel like you can work I say go for it. I imgaine your doctor would say the same things. You don't need premission. All you can do is try. Getting out everyday where you get your mind off your physical disabilities would likely do you a world of good. It would do so much for your self- esteem as well. I remember all too well being a stay at home Mom. Once I found a "career" where I was more than just a wife and Mother; I became a totally different person. My whole world changed for the better. It gave me a chance to think about something else 8 hours a day. It hasn't always been easy; but it's been very rewarding.
I wish you luck Sweetie. You've thought about working for so long. I'll say a prayer that the right position opens up to you. My job pretty much found me.....I truely believe things that are meant to be just appear to you. Keep an open mind; and keep your eyes out for opprotunites that are right for you.
