Regression sucks | Arthritis Information


Hi Guys, I knew it was coming but it still isn't quite as bad as normal, I am telling myself it will never be that bad again!  Today all joints are puffy and sore and I do feel fatigued, didn't wake up today until 10.35, but hey, I know there are more good days coming, woohooo, hope you are all coping well and not having too much of a rough day.  HUgs Janie.

PS I gave myself my MTX shot as it is Easter and my GP is away, just wondered will it work as when I finished blood came running out literally, that has never happened before, so I must have hit a blood vessel, but did the medicaine run out too? OOPS! Janie,

Remember that progress is not always forward motion, but I hope you find relief again this week. And that the MTX did not flow out in the river of blood!
