labwork: lymphs high | Arthritis Information


I just got my latest labwork results.

I forget about why lymphs might be high.... anything to do with Mtx?
Big dose of supplemental Vit D has improved it from very low to normal range... that should help stop my osteopenia.
RFactor still very high... 1,225.
wow.. that is a high RF....
Good news on the Vit D !!!  I know that made me feel tons better..
IDK anything about the lymphs.....   best of luck on that CathyMarie.

RF is high!  Lymphs- I don't remember seeing that on blood results. I just know they said it's common to have swollen lymph glands....

How are you feeling?

Yup, my RF is always exceedingly high... always in 1,200s through 1,600s!
Which number it is that year never reflects how I am feeling or functioning. My dr just shakes her head and rechecks it every year as well as the other possible causes for it ie hepatitis, endocarditis (always neg).
CRP is in normal range. Go figure.
I'm too busy to find out about why lymphs is high right now. We have to go pick up our tax papers then bring them over to realtor to send to the bank along with proof of our severely dropped income... to help convince them to approve a short-sale of our house. So, I'll ask RD next week about the elevated lymphs. I wonder if it is RA or Mtx or inflammation someplace?  I'll let you know. Do any of you have an idea? I should know this.
Things are always showing up then going away on my lab results. Last time, besides the D still low, my RBC were also low, yet I wasn't anemic. Now those are fine but this lymph thing. Pretty screwy. Oh well, nothing is earth-shattering. No need to fret. Just curious.
Yes, I am glad we got my D up to normal. I don't need osteoporosis meds added onto my arsenol.
Oh, and I'm feeling like I always do.
More stiffness this am, couldn't cut pancakes. Maybe driving from my mom's yesterday. Easing off now. Feet and hips hurt a lot as usual. My daily Great Fatigue with pain and "flu" will hit me later. The plan is for me to start Ultram today when hubby can watch me like a hawk. Having these deadly med allergies sure does complicate things.  
I don't like my situation, but reading about your tougher challenges makes me somewhat embarressed to complain. I wish a nice day for each of you,
don't be embarrassed to complain here.. we all have our "days" if you know what I mean!
Hang in there... fill us in on the lymph node tests when you can.
Crap- my days are a cakewalk compared to what you are describing...wish you could feel better!

I don't know anything about medical jargon Cathy

As Babs said Hang in there..... U will be in my prayers.
Lymphs and part of a complete blood count. Usually reported in %. Lymphocytes can be elevated in both acute and chronic illnesses, including autoimmune diseases.

Most peoples lymphocyte % change day to day and can increase or decrease depending on many factors including stress and insomnia as well as infection or inflammation.

It is possible to see drastic day to day changes in people with chronic illness, depending on the overall physical, emotional, and mental balance.

I am sure a comprehensive discussion of all the components of a CBC can be found on

Best wishes, Shug
Shug, thanks for that site. I've packed up all my reference books for our big move. I don't know if I will be able to keep them so it's good to know how to find things on the internet. My "favorites" on my toolbar is getting full of good info from so many here.
It looks like lymphs can be elevated for what I thought;  inflammation all the way to leukemia. I didn't know it could change every day. That means there were people who willingly had blood drawn every day for that to be discovered. I bet mine is simply from inflammation, no big deal.
Next, I'm going to learn more about CRP. I wonder why mine is normal. I don't want bad results except for now when I need as much ammo to convince the Judge to approve of me getting Disability. Do you know what it means to have a neg CRP yet an extremely high RF?
[QUOTE=CathyMarie]Shug, thanks for that site. I've packed up all my reference books for our big move. I don't know if I will be able to keep them so it's good to know how to find things on the internet. My "favorites" on my toolbar is getting full of good info from so many here.