Very Stiff Jaw | Arthritis Information


I everyone I have posted before but have been unable to come back cause I am blocked from work ... I gave it a shot today and here I am.

Glad you were able to get through.

I also have RA and have experienced the same pain in my jaw.  My rhuemy said that it is common in RA; our jaws are just one of the afected joints.

 I've also had a lot of pain and especially noise (just to me, no one else hears it, I hope

My rheumy says that it's a lot more common in the jaw than people think.  Yet he doesn't think the hips have RA very often.  (Rare to see it he says)I have had pain in my jaw and tmj joint for 9 months--I've had RA for almost two years, and the very first symptom that I had was pain in my tmj joint.  The initial pain in this joint only lasted about a month, and then it came back intermittantly for about a year.  Finally, in June, it became a permanent pain.  In spite of this, my rheumatologists insists that this pain is not from RA.  I totally disagree, yet I cannot get him to treat my RA aggressively, because he feels my other joints aren't bad. Meanwhile, my jaw and TMJ joints continue to kill me.  I also developed tinnitus, from the tmj joint problem.  Anyone else with this jaw-tmj joint problem?



I am actually having stiffness in my jaw right now. I only get it occasionally and it only lasts about a day or two. Thank God....LOL! I put a heating pad on it to relieve the pain. It doesn't really hurt, just very annoying.painrelief38746.597974537