Pain/swelling poll | Arthritis Information


I'm hoping a quick poll will make me feel less like a nut job. That may be a little too much to ask from a poll tho...

Anyway, how are your pain and swelling related? Do you tend to have more pain when you are more swollen, more pain when you are less swollen, or is there no correlation for you?More pain, when less swollen.I don't get much swelling. Right now I just have slight swelling on the sides of my hand right above the wrists. I can pretty much always count on my hands and wrists to let me know I have RA. They get stiff sometimes too.  I have pain elsewhere with no swelling- it doesn't hurt any more or any less.
At onset I was very swelled in the wrists, hands, ankles, feet and I had horrific pain- but I don't think it was related.
WTB~you don't think the pain and inflammation were related?  Why?  Do you have any eroision to any of your joints?I don't know Linncn- I only had a baseline hand xray. I had a dexascan but I don't think that shows anything does it? I guess I don't think it was related because it doesn't seem to have effect now in relation.

Hm.  I was just thinking that maybe you have pain without inflammation because their is some joint damage.  I guess that would hurt all the time whether ina flare or not.

I've never had inflammation without pain.  I always have just put the tow together so it surprised me, I guess I thought it was that way for everyone.
ok.... when I have alot of inflammation..I have less pain........
less inflammation.........MORE pain..
it's like the inflammation cushions the joint and gives only achiness...but without the inflammation it's a  sharper pain... deeper too.
babs102009-04-14 17:28:35Now I think of inflammation and swelling as 2 different I off base? I think of inflammation as internal stuff you can't see but it shows up in your blood and if it's inflamed your joint lining enough it can cause pain. Swelling I think of as visible proof...proof of what... I don't know? I thought I was filled up with water when I had bad swelling. It looked like my skin could burst and spew water. They put me on lasik (or is that the eye surgery  I have nearly no inflammation but a TON of stiffness and lots of pain that the narcotics won't touch.  (there's always booze though right?)
WTB....I think it's Lasix that you're thinking of....lasik is the eye surgery.  Hey it's close enough one letter. 
Bob you are probably too young to know who I speak of but I am Slip Mahoney!  I got it from my dad who is really from that era. I am famous for mixing up very similar words- my kids roll on the floor over the things I say. They think mom is really out there! It can be very embarrassing tho when you are not amongst friends and family! 