Blood Tests and MTX | Arthritis Information


Does anyone else avoid getting blood taken on their MTX day? I try to. I'm always afraid my liver enzymes will be higher.
I'm going tomorrow at lunch time unless it's raining buckets like it's supposed to but I'm not going to take my MTX until after I go.
Yeah, I try not to have lab done on the days i take my enbrel and mtx shots, but that might be a good question for one's RA doc.

that is not an issue..go ahead and get your bloodwork doneWhile I do not deliberately have lab testing the day after or day of MTX, I have never noticed any spike in LFT when drawn within 24 hours of dosing, nor a decrease in same when blood was drawn just before MTX date.

Well I just got back.  I was told I was supposed to fast. I had some kind of Comprehensive this or that test. I don't know if it's something new the dr. checked off. He didn't tell me to fast- at least I don't remember him telling me but he gave me the paper work at my last visit in February. I never had to fast before....

He gave me paper work for standing orders every 2 months like the last time, it's good for 6 months.
