Bursa Question | Arthritis Information


Last night I was sitting on the couch, stood up too quickly, and felt a sharp pain in the bursa area of my left hip.  It felt like I had maybe torn the bursa.  Moving or walking is very painful.  I read that ice, rest, and ultrasonic treatment will help.  I stayed home from work today and will call my RA when the office opens. 

I have had injections in the bursa on both hips previously which helped, but I always have some continual pain in both of them. 
I know some of you have had hip bursitis too, but have any of you had a torn hip bursa?  If so, what did you do for the pain?
sorry to hear about that, Flamingo-- I don't have any info to help w/ your question...
Twas interesting reading your blog though...
I have bilateral hip bursitis, left side worse (like RA hands, shoulder, feet).
I don't know if I have ever torn a bursa, but here's what I learned from my orthopedic surgeon last year. In my shoulder surgery, the bursa there was so badly inflammed, it had to be removed and then he had to spend 40min cleaning out all the inflammation before doing the repairs he planned on. Later, I asked him, don't we need our bursa? He said it grows back! Not as big, but still enough to provide a cushion. 
So, if a whole bursa can regrow, then I imagine a torn one can repair itself too.

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