Can you get Fluid off the Knee... | Arthritis Information


I have some fluid on my right knee it's been there for months.  I don't want the doctor to have to put a needle in my knee and extract the fluid.  That is to much pain.  I was wondering would it go away on it's own.

Anyone know about this subject?
RA Dx 1996
Meds: Orencia, Folic Acid, Methrox, Prednisone.
I have had mine drained before.  My RD is really handy with the needle and the pain was minimal compared to the pain of having the fluid there.

I hope you find a solution soon and are up dancing soon!  have it drained.. tell your dr you want the freeze spray first.... you won't feel a thing!!
I've never had it go away on it's own, Waddie
[QUOTE=babs10]have it drained.. tell your dr you want the freeze spray first.... you won't feel a thing!! Have you had a doctor remove it before.  i occasionally get pseudo gout in the nee.  mine rubs numbing cream, then 3 small painless numbing injections, and then the biggie, i don't even feel it, infact i now watch how much we sucks out.  give it a try[QUOTE=waddie] [QUOTE=babs10]have it drained.. tell your dr you want the freeze spray first.... you won't feel a thing!!
I've never had it go away on it's own, Waddie

No, Babs, me either.  I am sorry if I implied it would, I did not mean to.  I meant I hope she finds a solution to her knee pain that is suitable to her.  Sorry! [/QUOTE]
no!No worries, Waddie... I think something distracted me and I didn't finish my thought.. but posted...... that happens in a home w/ all these people and animals and at work... ah well.......I didn't mean to make you feel badly at all... 
I agree with the other posters! My RA MD used a freezing spray beforehand and I didn't feel a thing other than the initial needle stick. I would highly recommend it. I had this EXACT same problem for over two months. No amount of methotrexate, Humira, or steroids could get rid of it. Finally after dealing with not being able to bend my kneee or sleep very well, and the pain in general, I gave up and had my knee drained and a cortisone shot.
All I can say is - HOLY CRAP - it was a miracle... I walked in limping and left skipping out of there with NO PAIN. Of course the shot sucks and I cursed but like others have said, you have to choose your pain.
When its really bad and enough fluid I havent found anything but draining and a cortisone shot to finally take it away.
Not the news you wanted to hear but thats where I have been :(
