Imuran/Azasan | Arthritis Information


Am going on Imuran/Azasan this week {pill form}... have heard some bad things about it... one friend said "Keep your God close as it is not an easy journey." which scares me... can you fine folks give me an idea of what's ahead... I know each person reacts differently... worried about the blood & lymphoma problems it can cause also... Any help is appreciated...
Peace to you all...
I've been taking Imuran (azathioprine) (3x50 mg/day) for more than a year with no side effects or complications whatsoever.  The increased risk of lymphoma, if it exists at all, is considered quite small.  Unfortunately, none of our meds are risk-free, and only you can determine which risks you are willing to take.  But out of the scary meds I take (which are many), this one really doesn't cause me concern.  Good luck with it! Hi! I've been taking imuran along with naproxen for a few months now with no major side effects. Well, other than dizziness and nausea if I don't eat enough before I take them. I was taking 100mg of Imuran for a year +/-. No side effects. Only time I have lightheadness or was dizzy was when I was on 200mg.
At my last appointment, my RD & me decided it was not doing what it was suppose to be doing, so I was switched to MTX.
Hope the Imuran helps you.
[QUOTE=ljemt59]"Keep your God close as it is not an easy journey."...[/QUOTE]
I was offered similar advice when I opted to forego AP and begin MTX therapy. I too was leery and had more than my share of angst.

However, much of what we do in and with life has a trade-off, not just deciding how and where and why to treat the various autoimmune diseases and/or dysfunctions we live with.

Stopping the joint erosions, limiting the PAIN I was living with, and getting my ability to think, to experience, and to engage life was as important, to me, as dwelling on the rare but very real side effects of the drugs I take to keep my signs and symptoms under control.

I wish you well upon your journey and hope that you have chosen well and wisely, Shug
