Humira and Dizziness | Arthritis Information


So...I had RD appt Monday, GP today, also endocrinologist Monday.  Too tired to fully summarize.  Thyroid is back to normal in terms of TSH and T4 (fine without any meds) but thyroid itself is inflammed.  But impossible to fix without steroids or messing up thyroid levels (and all my antibodies are negative).  Will follow up in 6 months to track .8 cm nodule that needs to be monitored.  Going to try to otherwise ignore it for now.

Still itchy.  RD says this is out of his field.  Tell him re chest pain.  Long story short had EKG or whichever one they can do real quick plus chest x-ray and it is not pericarditis right now, but I'm not having symptoms now...could be related to RA, could be GERD, or costo, but RD and GP somewhat dismissive right now.  Got referral from GP for dermotologist to figure out why I am making myself bleed every night itching.
So also starting on Allegra, GP says take it for 10 days to see if that helps with allergic type symptoms. 
But I have been having: dizziness (mild to moderate), pins and needles, BRAIN FOG starting 3 days after Humira shot, lasting about a week.  Could just be allergies or that I'm weird.  I don't have fever, elevated WBC or any detectable infection.  So I am pretty darn worried that these are Humira side effects.  The Humira is ACTUALLY WORKING (not 100% but MTX and Arava did NOTHING for my swelling and I'd say Humira has things about 70% better...wrist, fingers, jaw and chest still hurt at times but feet/ankles/knees/elbows/shoulder are about 90% better). 
Anyway, does anyone ever have:
1. Dizziness (close your eyes, do you fall over or not type of dizziness)
2. Pins & needles
3. Serious brain fog/cognitive issues
4. Ear fullness/popping
3-4 days after Humira?
When my Humira guy calls regarding the refill, I am going to discuss and see if this happens the next time.  I had this when I had strep before and they thought maybe TIA, maybe MS (but MRI was fine), that was about 6 months before RA hit, and it just eventually faded.  They said "It must have been strep" but that was all weird to me, because I didn't have a sore throat.
Anyway I am frustrated and tired, I was SO dizzy/out of it at dinner, I am hoping that it might be allergies, will give Allegra 10 days and see. 
Anyone else feel like they have too many issues for a doctor to address in one appointment?  My chest pain is intermittent but I have no clear answer on that, my itching is ongoing, thyroid still swollen, etc., whatever.   At least my joints are doing better!  Really everything other than my wrist, which is the worst and hasn't ever gotten better since all this started.  But I can tell some of the damage is already permanent, in terms of tendons/range of motion.  And I fricking forgot to ask about PT, but the last time he said it was still too messed up to do anything.
Alright, need to get to bed...thanks for letting me type!!! :)
I am on humira also. synthroid, methotrexate, celebrex,zoloft,predizone,folic acid and a multi vitamin. I have been experiencing dizziness for the past 6 months and my ears have been ringing. I went to the rd and explained my sysmptoms and she said I dont know why you would be dizzy. Gee I am on so much medicine I would think that would explain it. i told her about the ear ringing no help there. I also went to my reg. doc and explained no help there either. I feel like a broken record when going to the doc. The meds are helping with the swelling in hands and wrist but  not so much the pain. I groan most of the night with incredible elbow pain and wrsts and hands. I lost 20 pounds in a month and a half because of the mix of medicine. I am back to having and appetite now. Just know you are mot alone. Katie - I have never been on Humira, but have had all the RA symptoms you have described.  The frain bog was the worst, followed by the dizziness, which thankfully has been gone for quite awhile now.  I hope you are better today, and your meds start to work.  Big hugs ~~ CathyI have no answers but I did want to wish you well and hope you start feeling better soon!Katie..... sounds horrible!! 
I had all symptoms except the dizziness..... though I felt a little vertigo at times when standing up.
Call your pharmacist.. ask him/her about your symptoms!!
best to you!!
