Diet and exercise!! WooHoo | Arthritis Information


Well; I've started getting serious. I've really been committed to a low calorie diet and I've even started exercising! (imagine that!) I'm doing pretty good and I'm feel better than ever. (At least in a long time anyway.)
I was wondering if anyone else here has started a new diet or exercise program and would be interested in participating in an on going thread about that?
I hope so. I've joined a site where you log your food and they have a forum.....but it's not very active. I find the on going encouragement and sharing alone of this sort of thing keeps you intersted in it.
Me too Lovie!  I have started running/walking. I run for a bit, really as much as I can and I do pilates. I did a 5k not that long ago.  I am not really trying to lose weight, maybe like 5 pounds. I want to tone up. I have been trying to eat well but it is really hard since hubby and my parents got me lots of chocolate for easter.
I did make grilled tuna and salad tonight for dinner though.
Good luck to you!
What are you doing for exercise.  I know the more active I am the more I feel better.  I can't stay still for long or I look like the tin man before he gets his oil!I'm riding my stationary bike again every morning about 5 miles and doing some strength training as well.  I need to drop several pounds so I'm also watching my diet as well.  So far I've lost about 7 pounds and hope that when the pred dose is decreased more then I'll be able to do better than this.  It still causes pain and stiffness for me but I've come to realize that this may be the best it's going to get as far as my RA is concerned and may as well just go for it.

cah! pilates!! OMG...that is painful stuff right there!!  No can do that yet!!

lovie..what a great idea...we can be diet buddies! I have a friend who runs a very active SouthBeach board... I'm a member but haven't gone there much lately..It would certainly help w/ the eating better portion... and the weather breaking.. I'll start walking my 140 lb Wolfhound... now there's a workout!! 

stationary bike! I have one of them too... I think I can do that as long as I don't make it uphill..that gets my knees aggravated!!  We have an elliptical (I can't spell it) but that is not something in my cards just yet.
cheers!! to you all and working out!
I would love to, just don't know how to, I start exercise and flare and have constant pain anyway, I am so fed up with fighting in my mind (over my lack of ability to do something that I once did religiously), that is the cruel part, running is my first love and all sports to be honest, I wish I could commit to this without thinking 'theres no point"  I decide to eat well and then if hubby isn't home I don't eat thru fatigue and pain and then binge when I get too hungry.  Sorry about rambling, best of luck to all who participate.  JAnie   Sorry I am on a real downer, hopefully I haven't hijacked the thread sorry. I would love to say yes but I feel like I would end up not participating after all. I have alot of good intentions and I have been eating just 1200-1400 calories forever but I cannot bring myself to exercise. I makes promises , promises and then I feel so tired I tell myself I'll do it later but later never comes.... Now it's- well the weather is going to warm up now. When it does you will start walking.... I'm game! My motivation is pretty bad lately as is my energy level. Painwise I'm doing great, so I really want to get back to my former exercising self. Would be great to have some RA friends to work out with! I have started Nordic walking and my boyfriend says he noticed I walk better and faster with the sticks than without.  I live near a park and it is not so big so I manage to walk in the park and around it and then have a coffee (no sugar) in a nearby cafe where I can sit outside and enjoy the sunshine.
As far as my diet that has gone crazy I have put on 15kg and am so angry with myself.  Just have to pick myself up and move on and start eating healthier.
I got the AF's Take Control With Exercise DVD - its about .00.  I found it to be very very very good.  The PT leading the course is excellent.  Great idea. I am heavily into physical fitness and would love to be a part of this thread.Newly diagnosed, I really stepped up my exercising. I've walked on a treadmill and ridden a stationary bike forever, but now have added stretching exercises and lifting weights, trying to get back the muscle I have lost in my upper body over the last year or so. I was getting weaker and weaker, not knowing it was RA all the time.

I spend between an hour and an hour and a half exercising every day. It sounds ridiculous, but I decided that it's the main control I have over this disease and I am taking it. I exercise first thing in the morning, I would NEVER do it at night or in the afternoon, too tired. I've always been most energetic in the AM anyway. I work noon to five, so devote mornings to exercise and maybe clean the kitchen!

I'm seeing real progress and I would encourage everyone to start moving, even though it may hurt. Even a few leg lifts while watching TV, it doesn't have to be a big session at first, Want. I promise that it gets easier as time goes on, and that you will feel better.

You can probably tell from this post that I've always been active and that's the biggest thing RA has taken away. When I spend the day on the couch because I feel like crap, it makes me crazy. Now gardening season is starting and I will have to dredge up some real discipline to get both my exercising AND my garden work done.

Lastly...though I know yoga is supposed to be great for arthritis sufferers...all that stretching and holding and slow stuff makes me want to jump out of my skin.

hessalina!!  Good for you!  I'm going to use you as incentive!!

Bluehour.. you too!  Incentives all over here!! 

I have just reached a point where I feel I CAN exercise without additional pain..

Last night, Instead of driving the field where my youngest was playing lacrosse, I walked... It's not terribly far...but last year, I couldn't do it... and I also would not have been able to stand during his game..... which I did the entire time!!

This progress doesn't seem like much for some, but it's HUGE for me from where I was two years ago...... and I know that with the help of some of you, I will continue to improve and work toward a healthier Babs.......  thanks!!

babs- you gotta start somewhere!

I know a lot of people on this forum have difficulty exercising but I think most will benefit just by getting their bodies moving.

I believe the best way to lose weight is to improve your metabolism. A lot of diets actually lower your metabolism. Exercise and a permanent change in your overall eating is the key.YEAH!! I'm so happy to see you guys on this thead. Last night when I posted this I saw several folks viewed but none responded......I'm thrilled to see your responses here this morning.
I've been walking a mile on the thead mill almost every day. It takes me 20minutes and last night I went for 25. Hopefully as I get stronger I can continue to increase that. I have it set at 3mph but will often increase that during the walk.....but usually slow it down after a couple minutes.
This week I bought one of these exercise balls with the rubber ball weights and resistance bands. I'm going to be trying to do that as well. It came with a video so I need to watch that so I know I'm doing the right sort of exercises. I did it last night for about 15minutes before starting my walk and I think that's really going to help me tone up some. I don't know a lot about this pilates stuff; but evidently that's what the ball & resistant bands are all about. I'm interested....and that's the difference this time for me.
I'm eating low cal meals, eating lots of fruit and veggies between meals and drinking tons of water! Tons. Besides my one big splurge in the morning (Coffee w/ lots of real cream & Sugar) I don't drink anything else. Maybe a glass of wine in the evenings.......but I haven't even had a glass of sweet tea all week! No sodas; but that hasn't ever really been hard for me.....don't care much for it anyway.
I want to participate in the Arthritis walk here in September so I'm working toward three miles. That doesn't sound like much compared to some of you hopefully you guys will help me stay committed!!
Thanks for your interest guys. I'm even more excited than before.
I'll weigh on Saturday.....I'm guessing I've lost about 5lbs so far. I'll let you know. I weigh on the Wii Fit. That's a great way to track your progress. I'd like to lose a total of 20lbs; but we'll see.
[QUOTE=hessalina]babs- you gotta start somewhere!

I know a lot of people on this forum have difficulty exercising but I think most will benefit just by getting their bodies moving.

I believe the best way to lose weight is to improve your metabolism. A lot of diets actually lower your metabolism. Exercise and a permanent change in your overall eating is the key.[/QUOTE]
I have a friend who owns a women only workout place... he says that you should actually work out three weeks prior to beginning any diet to have yourself in prime place to be successful!!
In April 07, I was probably in the best shape I had been in for years!  June 07... RA struck w/ a vengence... I want to get back there..... No, I WILL get back there.
Lovie ....
when I would walk (in the past) I would carry two water bottles (12 oz) and pump them as I went... two fold it helped, I had water for thirst and it worked the arm muscles while I was working the leg... Not alot of weight but it gets heavier and heavier as you go along!!
[QUOTE=babs10] [QUOTE=hessalina]babs- you gotta start somewhere! I know a lot of people on this forum have difficulty exercising but I think most will benefit just by getting their bodies moving. I believe the best way to lose weight is to improve your metabolism. A lot of diets actually lower your metabolism. Exercise and a permanent change in your overall eating is the key.[/QUOTE]

I bet if you worked out 3 weeks before starting a diet a lot of people wouldn't NEED the fad diet.That's a good idea. I could hold those weight balls while I walk.
We live in a great neighborhood to walk but it's very hilly.....It's really rough on the knees. I hate to be walking indoors when It's so pretty outside; but I do much better on the threadmill than outside. Maybe once I get a little better at it I can change over at least a coupld days a week. I know my little dog would like that.
Lovie, I tried to get my poodle to run with me! BAD idea!!!   I would be curious to see if you could get yours to do it. She will walk forever, but the minute I start running..she sits down and won't budge!!
Babs- Pilates is not bad at all! No impact!  You should give it a try. There are modifications for beginers. 
[QUOTE=hessalina] Babs-
I bet if you worked out 3 weeks before starting a diet a lot of people wouldn't NEED the fad diet.[/QUOTE]
I bet you are RIGHT!! 
I want to get my treadmill fixed... just in case of bad weather days... they are still here in my neck of the woods....
and funny you mentioned the dogs.. one of my neighbors offered to walk my big guy.. but I told him I think I'm feeling up to it now.. I"ll take him with me... I know I'll have no fear of anything w/ Sullivan along for the ride... he's gia-normous!  LOLLilly loves to run! She'll run with my daughter.....but it's not on a regular basis. I've tried to get her to do the treadmill; but she acts like I'm throwing her in the brier patch! It's rediculous. I don't know how Cesar gets those dogs to do that. Lilly just loves to sit beside the treadmill and watch.....she's not real crazy about the exercise ball though. I had to make her leave the room last night. Lovie, what a great thread!  My exercise bike is my best friend!  I have a recumbent one so it is easier on the back and its great for foul weather days when I can't get out and walk.  I have added an exercise ball and rubber bands for some strengthening and toning, my weak points! It's not really exercise as such, but it's a lot of moving around - I spent yesterday afternoon working in the gardens. I am a gardening fiend and this is the first year with RA, so I am having to modify my methods. I got an excellent tool bag so I'm not running back and forth, my yard is big and I have gardens on the edge, in the back yard, around the driveway, and so on. I can already see that I'm going to have to get some good shoes to wear instead of whatever castoff tennies I have, my feet were killing me.

Husband had played golf recently so was sore. He was mowing the lawn and mimed choking on the dust so I got him a beer. I had just finished gardening, and limped slowly out toward him, he was limping toward me. By the time we met in the middle I was laughing so hard.

First glass of wine on the patio, HOORAY, and the first tick, BOO. Summer is on the way! Spring is here!Sounds good.  I'm changing my diet too.Well I was busy all weekend exercising and attending my sons' soccer games. I see that others on the forum were busy with other things (mainly arguing with one another over that stupid AP controversy).

So let's get back to IMPROVING ourselves.

If you do both cardio and weight training/toning, do the cardio second. You'll start burning fat immediately.That's good advice Hessalina. I'll try that. I'm not doing much heavy "weight training" but I'm trying to tone up as best I can. I'll start doing that first and then the treadmill. I was doing it the opposite way.
I bought some scales because I wasn't feeling good about the wii scale. Looks like I've lost about 6lbs since my last Dr.s visit. I actually stepped on the scales this morning and it said I had lost 2lbs since last night! I'm not trusting that. That's probable water weight or something......but never the less; I'm making progress.
I've been so proud of myself with this diet. Exercise too. I'm really getting into it.
I bought a fittness magazine at the grocery store last week and read it cover to cover. I loved it. I thought it was going to be just be for the really fit finatics; but it wasn't. Here's the link to their website if anyones intersted. I'm just check that out but I thought I'd post it. 
I'll give it a look when I have time.Good for you Lovie!!
I noticed my pants are fitting a bit loser today! :)  I don't weigh myself though!  I always get discouraged because I gain weight when I work out. I  know it's because I am building muscle...but still I don't want to see it.  I think I will wait a few weeks to weigh in!
When I got on the Wii to weigh on Saturday it said I'd gained 1.3lbs! I about freaked!! I have been exercising like crazy (For me anyway) and doing great on my diet. I couldn't believe it. My daighter said the same thing; it's because I'm building muscle.
When I got the scales yeseterday though I was satisfied with what they were saying. I think I'll keep weighing so I can see when I've done something that's adding and can quickly make some changes. I don't know. We'll see.
I purposely didn't weigh much before now because I didn't want to get discouraged; but when I see a loss it makes me excited and helps me continue to work on it.

Make sure you weigh yourself the same time every day. I always weigh myself naked in the morning as soon as I get up (I tend to be lighter that time of day!).

And as cah1418 noted the fit of your clothing is a better indicator than weight.Also, if your gut is "backed up" (trying to be delicate here) then that can easily add up to 5 pounds. LOL Jasmine. I was going to mention that too!Holy crap!! No pun intended! lol  I had no idea. That is a lot of weight!!
I joined this what a neat site! All sorts of things from exersice demo's to healthy eating. Message boards and a very active community. Neat stuff. Check it out. Started weight watchers 10 weeks ago and am down twenty pounds. Also go to the gym 5-6 days a week. I do a water class 2x a week and a weight class 3x a week -- and swim on days with no classes. My swimming is not good anymore -- but i still manage to get up and down the pool. I also walk the indoor track -- made 8 circuits today. good luck all.That's awesome IW!! You go girl!! I'm sure you've got tons of tips to share.
Do share!!
One of my good friends had great success using WeightWatchers as well.  She had about 30 pounds to lose after weaning her daughter at about 1 year, and the weight just wouldn't come off.  She said that the weekly meetings really helped her stay focused on eating right.  In a few short months she was back down to the thin side of normal. Cool website, Lovie.  I am really proud of you for making such quick progress.  I played Wii games this weekend for the first time with my nieces... I was surprised at how sore I was!  I think it was the boxing!

Jas, 5 lbs?  Really?  I used to work as a nurses' aide at a home for developmentally challenged adults. Many of them were on lots of psychotropic meds and consequently had constipation issues. The worst case I ever saw was a tiny 90-pound woman who hadn't gone #2 in over a week. Her abdomen was so distended! She had cerebral palsy and was wheelchair-bound in addition to being developmentally challenged, and that made her elimination problems even worse. Anyway, they kept giving her stool softeners, laxatives, and extra fiber to no avail. The doc ordered an enema, and it finally did the trick. She lost damn near 10 pounds. We had to empty the bucket on the potty chair twice. Poor thing was exhausted after that ordeal. Lovie-

Cool site! Thanks for sharing with us!Lovie -  Good for you Lovie.  I think that diet and exercise are the most rewarding things we can do.  I am so happy I quit smoking.  No one will get me to light one again.  I did not think I could do it living with a smoker - but hurrrrrrrrrrray - we can do anything we set our mind to.
Remember when I was first on the board - I exercised everyday - aerobics, yoga and hiking.  That is what I have missed most since RA took over.  Now that I am feeling better I am going swimming at the YMCA.  Very reasonable membership.  It is the only exercise I can do now but it still is very rewarding.
Keep it up Love.  Rox
Glad to hear you're starting to feel some better Roxy. hope things continue to improve for you. Nice to see you.Roxy, nice to hear from you. I know it is difficult looking back and seeing what we "used to be able to do". But swimming is great exercise and unfortunately it is one I can no longer do and I manage quite well. My shoulder bursitis is the main problem.

It's interesting that as we age and friends and family start complaining more and more about their aches and pains when those of us with RA have been living with them for years.

Exercise seems a great idea but I am having a problem with it.  Every time i do any thing remotely looks like an exercise i get a problem, especillay in my feet.  Treadmill gave me Plantar Fascitis, personal trainer circuits of cardio, steps and strength training gave me achille tendonitis too.

Unfortunately I do not have a pool near by and I work too. I do not know what else will work for me.  I have seen great ads for these diet program but I have very few vices.  I do not smoke, drink or eat meat.  So I do not know what to give up now in order to reduce some wait.  any tips will be appreciated.

Keep well

There are many non-impact exercises available - perhaps you can pick up a couple of yoga, pilates, etc DVDs and see what works for you? Water, Water, Water! How much are you drinking per day? I think this new habit is going a long way toward helping me. I drink one LARGE cup of coffee (Sweet & Creamy) and then water the rest of the day. Some days I'm getting at least 100oz per day. I keep a 20oz bottle on my desk and fill it at the water cooler all day. Yes; I'm running back and forth to the bathroom at least every 30minutes.....but I'm really feeling good about this habit.
Any other small changes being made that you think are making a difference for you?
[QUOTE=hessalina]Roxy, nice to hear from you. I know it is difficult looking back and seeing what we "used to be able to do". But swimming is great exercise and unfortunately it is one I can no longer do and I manage quite well. My shoulder bursitis is the main problem.

It's interesting that as we age and friends and family start complaining more and more about their aches and pains when those of us with RA have been living with them for years.[/QUOTE]
Hessalina!  Walk in the water!  it's better than nothing and there is no stress on your joints at all..... won't bother your shoulder!
[QUOTE=Lovie]Water, Water, Water! How much are you drinking per day? I think this new habit is going a long way toward helping me. I drink one LARGE cup of coffee (Sweet & Creamy) and then water the rest of the day. Some days I'm getting at least 100oz per day. I keep a 20oz bottle on my desk and fill it at the water cooler all day. Yes; I'm running back and forth to the bathroom at least every 30minutes.....but I'm really feeling good about this habit.
Any other small changes being made that you think are making a difference for you?
oh I need to get on this kick again!  WAter or green tea all day is what I was doing for awhile...... gotta get back into that!
And I've been parking at the very edge of the parking lot... walking uphill to the building every day (except torrential downpours) .... I think I may take a stroll at lunch today.. it should be in the 70's. not too hot.. not too cool...... just perfect.
I think I've always just been so lazy. Coming home in the afternoons and right away starting to do things verses sitting or laying on the couch has helped. I have to push myself after dinner to get up and go walk; but I'm always glad I did.
I'm seeing results and that's helping me stay excited about things.
[QUOTE=Lovie] Water, Water, Water! How much are you drinking per day? I think this new habit is going a long way toward helping me. I drink one LARGE cup of coffee (Sweet & Creamy) and then water the rest of the day. Some days I'm getting at least 100oz per day. I keep a 20oz bottle on my desk and fill it at the water cooler all day. Yes; I'm running back and forth to the bathroom at least every 30minutes.....but I'm really feeling good about this habit.


A also keep a 20oz bottle at my desk. My workout routine call for drinking 6 of those a day. I can maybe do 4 plus a glass of diet soda at lunch and a whey protein isolate drink post workout but have a tough time getting down 6. [QUOTE=babs10] [QUOTE=hessalina]Roxy, nice to hear from you. I know it is difficult looking back and seeing what we "used to be able to do". But swimming is great exercise and unfortunately it is one I can no longer do and I manage quite well. My shoulder bursitis is the main problem. It's interesting that as we age and friends and family start complaining more and more about their aches and pains when those of us with RA have been living with them for years.[/QUOTE]



I have a pretty hardcore routine but just don't swim. I like to reserve all water activity to a raft or the hot tub!gotcha!!  ;)[QUOTE=Lovie]I joined this what a neat site! All sorts of things from exersice demo's to healthy eating. Message boards and a very active community. Neat stuff. Check it out. [/QUOTE]
sparkpeople also has an active RA sparkteam which you might visit
I've lost 27Lbs so far with WW...I need the accountability of knowing I will weigh in weekly.   I go to aqua classes 5 days a week.  These classes range from a low impact circuit class to a high intensity water kick boxing.  I like the fact that I can moderate the workout as necessary without everyone seeing that I did.  I also walk my dog regularly.ooh. buckeye.. what an inspiration you are!!    go girl!!
I've thought of trying WW to get off this medicine/RA induced weight....
Do you do the points?
I do the points..the math is easier than counting calories and I like the flexibilty to eat whatever I like...within reason....[QUOTE=buckeye]I do the points..the math is easier than counting calories and I like the flexibilty to eat whatever I like...within reason....[/QUOTE]
I think that would best work for me too.. In that I wouldn't want to make my entire family eat what I have to have 
Buckeye~Yes, I joined the RA team on sparkpeople. The more and more I poke around on that site the more I like it. There is so much stuff to look at on there. I like it alot!BUMP
This fell three pages back and I really want those involved in this to try to keep this on the first page. If we keep this on our minds well do better.....or at least I will.
I'm still very excited about this whole thing. I've lost several pounds since starting this. At least 1 a week....maybe a more; I'm hoping to just keep a steady pase and stick with some lifestyle seems to be working.
I'm adding more and more to my exercise routine every week. My daughter and I walked two miles the other night and that's up from my mile a day on the thread mill. I've joined the RA walk in my hometown for September so I'm trying to get in shape for that. That's helping me stay committed to it,
So many people visit the hate threads several times a day. At this point in my life I'm starting to get into self improvement. I hate it took me to age 38 to get started; but I feel like it's never too late. I invite more of you to join in on something that improves you life verses brining you down. All the negativity just brings you down....physically and mentally.
This fell three pages back and I really want those involved in this to try to keep this on the first page. If we keep this on our minds well do better.....or at least I will.
So many people visit the hate threads several times a day. At this point in my life I'm starting to get into self improvement. I hate it took me to age 38 to get started; but I feel like it's never too late. I invite more of you to join in on something that improves you life verses brining you down. All the negativity just brings you down....physically and mentally.
Hear, hear, Lovie!
Looks like we are getting some much needed rain today, so much for my bike ride, but I am going to do an ab workout this morning and ride the stationary bike. I have a spinning DVD and it's actually gets me to ride harder than when I just watch TV.
Walking.I worked in the yard all day yesterday and apparently also worked a lot of muscles that haven't been worked in my daily routine. I'm sore today! Getting ready to go do a little yoga and try to stretch some of this out.
My goal this week is to try to incorporate more healthy foods into my diet. I'm easily cutting my calories....but I'm having a little trouble getting in enough healthy stuff. I've never been a breakfast eater so I've just been having like a banana & a pear or apple for breakfast, but I'm working toward adding like a whole grain bagel or something like that in. They say breakfast is so important to this process.
Any suggestiongs on healthy snacks? I'm trying to work this "eat more often" theroy into my plan.....but I need more snack options. I'm eating a lot of fruit and I want to add some healthy nuts, but the ones they suggest that are good like Almonds are so hard on my teeth. I didn't buy any yesterday because their so expensive.....I didn't want to have a jar of nuts in my pantry that I can't eat because their too hard.


Here are a few ideas for healthy snacks: celery with peanut butter (I get PB cups when on the go) or Laughing Cow cheese spread, V8 juice, lowfat string cheese, veggies with hummus. Most natural foods stores have bulk foods that are cheaper than regular stores - cashews are a lot softer than almonds and very tasty (not quite as healthy but still good).
The best breakfast I know is oatmeal pancakes from the south beach diet cookbook. They don't make you feel too full, but you won't feel hungry until lunchtime - they have so much protein. You can use sugar-free syrup to keep the calories down.
1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
4 egg whites (I use egg white beaters - much faster)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Process all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Spray nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Add batter and cook over medium heat until both sides are lightly browned.
Lucky you -working in the yard! It was cold and rainy here yesterday, but I got a long day in on Friday. Hope your aches go away quickly.


Sounds good.

Any suggestiongs on healthy snacks? I'm trying to work this "eat more often" theroy into my plan.....but I need more snack options. I'm eating a lot of fruit and I want to add some healthy nuts, but the ones they suggest that are good like Almonds are so hard on my teeth. I didn't buy any yesterday because their so expensive.....I didn't want to have a jar of nuts in my pantry that I can't eat because their too hard.
Lovie I eat the sliced almonds which make them easier on the teeth.  I also chop up my walnuts and pecans again making them easier on the teeth but also makes for brain looks like you are getting so much more when they are in smaller pieces.
Healthy snacks..lets see...sring cheese. apples with peanut butter (any fruit realy), a yogurt, a small protein shake, couple pieces of lunch meat
I bought some honey roasted almonds at the grocery store this afternoon and their not too hard at all. Their probable sweeter than I should get....but they really feel like you're having a treat. I understand their still real good for you. I've got to get a better handle on all the good fat, bad fat stuff because just watching the calories isn't good enough. On I've started keeping the food journal and I'm trying to get in the target areas for all the stuff. I've done better with that today.
Low fat Milk? Who knew? I like it! I'm going to try to at least drink one cup full every morning while I wait on the coffee to make. Lord knows I can use the calcium and those milk commercials swear that the ladies that drink a glass of low fat milk everyday lose more weight than those that don't. I think I'll just put that to the test. I originally bought it with some low fat ice cream to make a small milk shake at night....A regular treat I've been missing.
Thanks for the pancake recepie. That sounds good but complicated for me in the mornings on a regular day. I wonder if you could make them up a head of time and then just warm one in the mircowave....or even the toaster and eat them plain? I have eaten a 1/2 cinnamin raisen bagel the past two mornings just plain no butter or my favorite; cream cheese. It was real good just plain.
I always keep a stash of ZonePerfect bars on-hand.  I'm not a breakfast person, so if there is something quick and easy to grab, I'm much more likely to eat it.  Zone bars (and similar meal bars) have 40% protein, 30% carbohydrate, and 30% fat calories, with a few vitamins and minerals thrown in for good measure.  These bars are usually around 200 kcal, which is a good size for a snack.

I tend to do the pancakes on the weekends, altho they go pretty fast after you make them a hundred times! Yes, you can make ahead and keep in the fridge. Toasting them is probably best.

Another snack I love is edamame. I buy a large freezer pack at Costco which has a bunch of small snack sized trays. Just need to nuke for 3 minutes and add some salt. Very tasty healthy snack if you don't have to worry about your salt intake.
