eyes | Arthritis Information


Has anyone have trouble with there eyes watering all the time. I take 20mg predisone could that be it. I went to eye doctor and he said I might have some dry eye but not bad so he gave me some drops for them and they don't help. I wish I was off of the predisone I think that is causing a whole bunch of problems. JoanYES!!!  But it's just the left eye and I do have ocular hypertension from long term high dose prednisone.  I was told last week though that the pressures in my eyes has gotten down to a very safe level now.   Prednisone has caused me nothing but problems as well as now not only do I have the eye thing I mentioned but also high blood pressure,  wicked moon face, I've gained a good bit of weight and the thin skin and stretch marks are hell too.  Also, I've had hell with recurring sinus and ear infections all winter long.

Good luck to you
no.. sorry I can't commiserate...
I have the opposite..not enough tears..
good luck!!
This is really freaky but my eyes were watering all day... and leaving dry, salty residue on my skin. Watering all the time. My eyes are dry and the over the counter stuff helps a lilttle bit. I sometimes have what I cal "leaky eye" but it seems to be related more to allergies.

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