Update | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I had a reasonable sleep, but awoke with the same shoulder, rib and knee pain, so phoned my GP, she said to get the pathology people out to do a blood test, to increase my oxycontin by 20mg per day am only for 3 days and she will see me on Monday to let me know what is going on.  I feel very tired now but the pain has subsided quite a bit thank God, so hopefully after a restful weekend, I will be better, then Tuesday I have to travel to Brisbane with Liam for 4 hours, while he is taking a bowel emptier, poor kid, he is going into hosp Weds am for Colonoscopy and endoscopy, so I will fill you in after that.  Hubby is driving us so I hope it will not affect me too much (fatigue).  Take care all, and have a great weekend, from Janie.
Rest up Janie- sounds like you'll need it! You and your family will be in my prayers.

Hi Janie,

Glad to see you got a little relief and will be seeing your GP on Monday.  Hope all goes well for Liam, those tests are scary for adults let alone children.

Take care of you and rest up!



Janie - good to hear your doctor is helping you, and best of luck with the appointments and testing.  I hope you find much relief this weekend and on Monday will be working toward a good solution..
Best to Liam....  this can't be fun for the kiddo.
Janie, I will be thinking of you and Liam, hoping for positive outcomes and better things coming around the bend!  Hummmmmmming too! I hope that Monday brings some answers for you and your son. You are both still in my prayers. Let us know the results of the test. Hang in there!  I think the "starvation" and "cleanout" are the worst parts of the colonoscopy.  That, and getting the IV started.  Once the narcotics are onboard, it's smooth sailing. Hope things go well for your little man. Poor guy. I hate he has to go through this. I too will keep you and little Liam in my prayers. Have you ever had those procedures done? Someone here said it... it's the prep that is the worst, well at least for an adult. Hopefully, the staff there will be experienced with easing a child's anxiety. Since you do not need to drive, take whatever works best for you while allowing you to be alert enough to be there while Liam is waiting for his turn. You can nap while they are doing the tests, unless you are allowed to stay at his side.

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