Hip Replacemant - problems in construction? | Arthritis Information


Potential Hip Replacement problems -

Last line makes absolutely no sense.
Thanks for posting this Pip.  It is very helpful. 
My surgeon has recommended ceramic for me, and he noted that squeaking is sometimes an issue, but still feels that ceramic is the best bet.  There are problems with the metal parts as well, and ceramic actually lasts longer than the metal, in spite of the squeaks.  Younger patients are likely to need new parts sooner, because they are generally more active and the parts wear out sooner, requiring additional surgery.  That's why they recommend it for younger patients. 
There are also issues about metal ions being cast off and absorbed into the body, as small shavings occur with metal wear and tear. 
Who knows, by the time I finally get to do this, they may have solved the squeaking problems.  But, it would definitely be an attention-getter!  I can remember my FIL's replacement heart valve always clicked, and actually kept him awake when he first got it, LOL.

the last line makes sense.  The ceramic doesn't have a lot of advantages over traditional implants other than longevity.  So for a younger person who may need multiple replacements he would choose the ceramic because it lasts long even though it may have a squeak.  An older person who may never need a revision can have the metal impants

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