Specialized medical centers? | Arthritis Information


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I am from Greece and a friend of mine has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 3 years ago and since then he is in therapy with remicade taking injections every 2 or 3 months. His current condition I believe is good but he is searching to find a specialized medical center in Europe to visit to take extensive examination.  I thought asking in a forum like this would be good idea since people here could have some suggestions...

thanks for your time...

I don't know.  I am sure there are rheumatologists in every country.  You might choose a country and do some research.hi tribd!  Sorry to hear of your friend's illness.
While I am not familiar at all with europe and their clinics... I would think that he could get some ideas from the doctor that diagnosed him?
Best to you.
Thanks for your answers.
I plan to visit an organization that support people with Rheumatoid Arthritis and talk with them, but it's a bit more complicated to talk to his doctor.

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