Lyrica? Fibro ? | Arthritis Information


I would like to hear some feed back from those that use Lryica. I welcome your honest opinion. I have been taking flexeril again this past week. It certainly adds to the brainfog. I am not sure which I hate more. The never ending pain or the foggy drugged feelling. Oh I am not that bad today. Yesterday I could not even remember if I had taken my medicine. Anyway I guess I should count my blessings that I am still able to walk. My feet were cramping so baddly that hobbleing was no longer an option.

So I guess I am asking. Does Lyrica work better than Flexeril. Does it give you brainfog? I want to be awake coherant and on my feet as much as I possibly can. So if it makes you sleep more, how much more ect...?
I've been taking Lyrica for about 18 months and it works great for me.  To date I've had no side effects.  No brain fog and no edema.  When you first start Lyrica you may be tired or dizzy but after a week or so it goes away.  Lyrica has helped my neuropathy by at least 60% and that's huge.  LindyI've been taking Lyrica for about 10 weeks. when I started I was taking 1 capsule twice a day. I noticed that the all over pain was gone. Yeah my toes, ankles, knees, hips and hand hurt.. But somehow it was specific, not an "Ohhh I hurt all over' feeling.. if that makes sense.
now I've doubled my dose. I still have the same results as regards pain, but I have terrible blurry/distorted vision, and my balance is shot to hell. I stagger.. my knees may not hurt when I do, but falling into walls sure does.
I'm seeing my rheumy May 12 and I'll bring this all up with her or him.
I take Lyrica for some nerve damage in my legs and it's great! When you first start it or up your dose you'll get sort of dizzy feeling. I always take mine at night and it was hard to wake up from. I felt like I was still half asleep driving to work; but that wears off after about a week. I can't comment about the fibro stuff because I don't have that; but for the nerve damage I can't get by without it. It's the one medication I NEVER let run out. In fect; I just got back from the pharmacy to pick mine up.
Good Luck. I hope it helps you.
I also take Flexaril at night as needed; I can't take that during the day and drive. Just at night for some back pain.
I take Lyrica and it has significantly helped my neuropathy.  However it is a difficult med to get used to IMHO with a few weeks of sleepiness and dizziness so it is best to start slow and ramp up as needed.  I do not believe it has contributed much to my brain fog.
But as far as it helping my muscle/fibro pain, I couldn't really say.   I continue to take Skelaxin as my muscle relaxant in addition to the Lyrica.
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snowpeak2009-04-20 10:35:40

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snowpeak2009-04-20 10:37:23[QUOTE=snowpeak]Milly,
I have to say that Lyrica is one of my most important med.  Before lyrica I was experiencing terrible brain fog, sleep disruptions, pain all over.   Doc put me on 75 mg morn and night.  Within 2 days the brain fog was 75 -85 % better.   My brain fog lifted! 
I slept all night and felt better with the pain.  NOW, my problem with it was an urge to eat all day.  So doc scaled me back.  I now take 100 mg only at night.  The food/eat urge left.  I dearly wish I could take a morning dose but as I am already overweight, I cant afford to gain more weight.
Milly, go for it and I hope you sucess.
Edited by Karen[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=snowpeak]Milly,   Added info from snowpeak
Just make sure that you monitor your self the first week so if there are side effects you catch them early.
Also, I love my humira, but the MTX is more important.  I still have tremendous pain from the RA and just got over a flare.  So lyrica wont take care of that but for the fibro big YAHOO'S!
Are you on any meds of that type?