Board Decision - | Arthritis Information


Waddie brought up an interesting point when she was hurt by something JSNM posted.  She was being lumped in with the attack squad.  However, one can understand JSNM's belief that if people aren't protesting the actions of this mob, then they must be 1) condoning it or 2) or are afraid of bringing on the wrath of this bunch.

Babs, on another (same???) thread keeps asking for more studies than the limited Mino ones we have and repeated referenced comments some APers have made to the negatives for the users of traditional meds. 
There are 1000's of studies on the traditional meds that say some really rather negative things about them - side effects, info about infection rates, they don't work for sero-negative etc.
I have not posted these negative clinical studies because I figured they were out there and if people researched they'd find them themselves.  Plus, if a person was a seroneg and could respond well, placebo or otherwise, why should I put the idea that it is the placebo effect in their mind?
However, I'm have reached the end of my rope in that the only drug being dissed on this forum is the antibiotic.  I think the 'truth' and not 'propaganda' should be put out there for all to make a logical decision on their treatment options.
Do the non-APers who are not in the attack squad want this information?  Yes or No.  Vote now.
Oh give me a break.  People complain about problems with various medications here all the time.  Big difference is most medications don't have evangelical cheerleading sections waiting in the wings to pounce on anyone who dares to claim they suffered an adverse reaction. Yes [QUOTE=JasmineRain]Oh give me a break.  People complain about problems with various medications here all the time.  Big difference is most medications don't have evangelical cheerleading sections waiting in the wings to pounce on anyone who dares to claim they suffered an adverse reaction. [/QUOTE
I could be wrong, but I don't think you get to vote
edited to remove a bracket
Lynn492009-04-19 13:53:16LOL [QUOTE=Pip!]Waddie brought up an interesting point when she was hurt by something JSNM posted.  She was being lumped in with the attack squad.  However, one can understand JSNM's belief that if people aren't protesting the actions of this mob, then they must be 1) condoning it or 2) or are afraid of bringing on the wrath of this bunch. I was not laughing at anyone just with everyone. On a more serious note. I want to here all of the good and bad about everything before I take it. The whole idea of having to take medicine for the rest of my life bleeps!! If it is going into my system and threw my liver I want to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth about all meds and treatment. I am a big girl I can take it. OMG... Please... Babs asked for what ??  I was asking for nothing on the "What's going on thread" .....  that's where waddie posted her question.
How about the constant posting negative stuff about doctors, traditional meds, call our meds toxic and the insinuations that people who do well on the traditional meds are either lying or one step away from having some serious issues because of those meds.
You must admit that stating your results for your peeps is what set this ALL off..  so, maybe no one should make unprovable remarks.....  could that be??
this is a six lane two way street here, Pip.
I can do this.. I can promise NEVER to make a derrogatory remark as long as I don't read one.... 
wise owl you areno one has asked that anyone leave... no one has asked that they stop posting..
just be honest!  be truthful and if you SAY something.. be prepared to back it up!
is that so hard?
I have a suggestion. Just I am feelling like we are segragating this forum into two catagories. I mean the words AP is alright with me as applied to a medicine. The words APers and non APers. We all have RA. We all have the right to post. But seriously it is offensive to suggest that we are so different when we all face the same disease. Simply put everyones opinion counts. Everyones good days and bad days count. We do not need more segragation we need less of it.[QUOTE=milly]I have a suggestion. Just I am feelling like we are segragating this forum into two catagories. I mean the words AP is alright with me as applied to a medicine. The words APers and non APers. We all have RA. We all have the right to post. But seriously it is offensive to suggest that we are so different when we all face the same disease. Simply put everyones opinion counts. Everyones good days and bad days count. We do not need more segragation we need less of it.[/QUOTE]
I've said this numerous times.  I'm always happy when someone here has success with their meds, whatever they may be.  I do however get annoyed and offended when some posters call names, tell me to F off and question my meds, memory and remission....
Truely we all get offended when that happens.[QUOTE=milly]Truely we all get offended when that happens.[/QUOTE]
when that happened...
it may have been the straw that broke the camels back .... to use an old quote.
sometimes you kin take and take and then you kin takes no more!  another quote..
Moe of the Three Stooges I think  You better watch out who you quote (and be sure to get it exactly right)... or someone's gonna call you stupid! Lucky for some of us our memory is so bad we won't remember it.[QUOTE=milly]Lucky for some of us our memory is so bad we won't remember it.[/QUOTE]
Probably because they all use Rituxan....Q: What did the bowling ball say to the bowling pins? Q: What goes up when the rain comes down? Q: Who is the best friend of a Girl Scout selling cookies? Now thats the spirit. I come here for knowledge. At the end of the day I come here for friendship. A little laughter always does me good.And the inserts we get with our medicine have all that info anyway! :)I have to be honest and say that the only reason I come to this thread is for entertainment!

 The Lost Bagpiper

As a bagpiper, I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man who had no family or friends.

    The funeral was to be held at a cemetery in the remote country side and this man would be the first to be laid to rest there.  As I was not familiar with the backwoods area, I became lost and being a typical man, did not stop for directions.  I finally arrived an hour late.  I saw the backhoe and the crew who were eating lunch but the hearse was nowhere in sight.  

     I apologized to the workers for my tardiness and stepped to the side of the open grave where I saw the vault lid already in place.  I assured the workers I would not hold them up for long but this was the proper thing to do. The workers gathered around, still eating their lunch. I played out my heart and soul.  As I played the workers began to weep. I played and I played like I'd never played before, from Going Home and The Lord is My Shepherd to Flowers of the  Forest . I closed the lengthy session with Amazing Grace and walked to my car.  

     As I was opening the door and taking off my coat, I overheard one of the workers saying to another, "Sweet Jeezuz, Mary 'n Joseph, I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

LOL I had to read that one out loud. My son wanted to know what I was laughing about. He thought it was funning also.[QUOTE=janiefx]I have to be honest and say that the only reason I come to this thread is for entertainment! [/QUOTE]
well.. we aim to please, janie!!Oh now I get it, sort of. I just hopped on the ap thread. I must confess I lead a sheltered life. I havn't been on the AP thread for apparently a long time. Really I have no advise for that. I guess everyone just post what you want where you want and read what you want. A little complicated but doable. I usually try to read around the contraversy. I must admit it is getting harder to do. LOL I tried to go back and see where it started. Have not found that one yet. So I certainly just do not have an answer. I am sure it will all work it's way out someday. Maybe?
Milly throws hands in the air. I got nothing.
I agree with Janie - the entertainment on some of these threads is priceless! For Waddie, Milly, Snow Owl, Katied G....thank you for your encouraging posts.  They were most appreciated by me.  When you are on the other side of things some of the remarks are very painful so your words do help.  And then there is watchingwolfe who seems to have the best solution of all...laughter.  That last one was priceless.  Keep them coming.
Take care all.
TeedOff2009-04-19 23:13:54All I read was the first post and then I jumped to the end to say that some people just don't care one way or the other that's why they don't respond.
Some people could care less about this bickering.
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]That's true, Lovie, I don't feel afraid to post, or that I'll seem to be condoning anything by not replying, I reply to posts I want to answer, where I feel I'll have some contribution to make.  I do feel bad when people ask for help and get 2 or 3 replies, I'm sure there are lots of folks out there who could help who don't for one reason or another, and would like to encourage them to add their "voice" wherever it can do some good, there's a lot to be said for a simple, "I understand" response.  We're here for many reasons, to provide valuable information, and to offer support, let's not let the support falter.    We're all in this together.[/QUOTE]
It is sad when the posts that are full of bickering get triple the amout of reads and responses that the posts from new people and people with problems and questions get.
[QUOTE=Pip!] She was being lumped in with the attack squad.  However, one can understand JSNM's belief that if people aren't protesting the actions of this mob, then they must be 1) condoning it or 2) or are afraid of bringing on the wrath of this bunch.[/quote]
Attack squad, another descriptor guaranteed to restore harmony, bring balance, enhance communication, and forge the bonds of community.

One, but only one might be able to understand JSNM's gestapo and Hitler remarks, but only one. I continue to be amazed at this penchant for derogatory comments, inflammatory tagging, and divisive tactics.

Frankly, Pip, the only wrath I have witnessed is from you and your "bunch".

[QUOTE=JasmineRain]Oh give me a break.  People complain about problems with various medications here all the time.  Big difference is most medications don't have evangelical cheerleading sections waiting in the wings to pounce on anyone who dares to claim they suffered an adverse reaction. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=mabus]oh pip, justifying terrible remarks of jsnm, if this board is so pityful there is always the free choice to leave instead of hanging out everyday posting up a storm[/QUOTE]
Exactly again!  Actually she has nothing better to do than come to this board fifty times a day!  I have just come back from a beautiful two days at the seaside! This is another attempt by Pip to distract us from what really should be, not voted on but, absolutely just an absolute. I think that Babs and Jas and Spelunker and probably others have tried to bring this absolute through the smoke and mirrors produced by Pip, JSNM and Suzanne. Honesty. As much as this group want to make it seem as though the other members are anti-AP, the truth is, we are demanding truth. Pip is absolutely an outrageous fraud. If I offend anyone, then sorry but this once again has to be said. Pip continues to post as if she has and had ra and is now running thanks to the miraculus results of minocin. She is a fraud and a liar. Did anyone read her last proclamation on the AP thread? Let me refresh everyone's memory, here it is:
Thanks, Paula.  I know what you mean about it tho; like how I feel about the great John McD.  The man saved my life.  Did you know I once got to meet him?  OMG!  I was a blathering idiot.  Thank God he was MPing and didn't notice too much!  I'd never met a rocket scientist before.  LOL
As for the ankle - I think it will eventually heal.  Do you hang on the RB ever?  There was a few recent posts on biofilms.  Again, not something I'm well versed in, but what little I've read makes sense as it being a trouble spot for you. 
I'm glad you're walking better.  I still remember running for the first time since I got RA.  We were late and had forgotten something at home and my hubby said 'run' and I did - without thinking.  It was late fall; one of those crisp, clear days - and I just took off!  Ran to the door and back and was struggling back into the car when we both went....look what you (I)did!!!
To all of us - may we run like the wind.  And SURF!  OK, that one's my goal!
Antibiotic Protocol - Mino, Zith, Naproxen, Folic Acid down to 1 mg, Milk Thistle, Bromelain, Potassium, Magnesium & 1/4 my old Tramadol! Adding Nystatin, Diflucan, NAC, GSE, OofOregano & Melatonin
Do you ever hear Pip mention the desease that she really has? She has Palindromic Arthritis. Palindromic does no damaga to joints. Palindromic comes and goes and when it goes, there is no pain or swelling. It may go for weeks or months and then come back as a flare. Isn't it deceitful to talk as if she is being cured of ra and is now so well cured from ra by the minocin that she can actually run. Liar. It's about honesty. Someone show me where any one of the APers has ever posted the updated American College of Rheumatology's recomendation for the use of minocin for the treatment of RA. As you can see in the garbage that JSNM calls her new contruction zone and posts on a constant basis, she constantly quotes the ARC about minocin being grouped in with other dmards. Conveniently she and the others never post the most important part of the American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the use of minocin in the treatment of RA. That's the meat and potatoes. That's honesty.
Does anyone remember Zeekman? He came here and Pip jumped on him like she was a timeshare salesman. Zeekman actually decided to try AP therapy. He came back and said that his doctor told him that AP wouldn't work for him because he was moderate to severe. Pip said that it was part of the conspiacy of traditional doctors to go with big pharm and told Zeekman to go to roadback and get a physician from their list. This is the good part. Zeekman told Pip that the doctor that told him that, was actually the doctor given to him from the roadback list of physicians. Pip was furious wanting the name of that doctor so that she could turn that doctor in to roadback, because in Pip's professional opinion, minocin should be recommended for all ra, afterall, Pip knows better than a real ra doctor. It's a good read if you want to search "zeekman". Zeekman finally did give Pip the doctors name. Pip Claims that she was misdiagnoed as ra and then found out that she actually had palindromic arthritis. After being questioned about her desease, she was all of a sudden diagnosed as her palindromic going into rheumatoid and then back to palindromic. I've asked her many times how that happens. If miocin kills the ra "bug" and she was already taking minocin, how did the "ra bug" grow in her system if she were taking the ra bug killer. I've never gotten an answer. I've asked for medical and scientific evidence about the effectiveness of minocin, breaking them down into mild, moderate and severe. It's her and her friends words that AP is effective against all RA. All they can do is give a couple of lurkers that will verify. And if you need more proof go to roadback and read the stories.
It's all about truth and honesty. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a very serious disease, with very serious possible damage and even death. It is not Palindromic arthritis. Palindromic does not cause damage to the vital organs, ra does. Palindromic does not cause joint and bone damage, ra does. When is the last time you hear Pip say "that's the first time I ran since I got palindromic arthritis. NEVER.
It's about honesty. Fortunately, most all doctors that do prescribe minocin for ra, also mix it with a couple of dmards, to ensure that the joints and bones aren't damaged. Apparently, according to Pip and the others, the roadback physicians will prescribe minocin with out the protection of other dmards. Of course, just like Pip, when the patient finds out that irreversable damage has been done, blame the patient.
It's about honesty. This is a very serious disease.
[QUOTE=levlarry]This is another attempt by Pip to distract us from what really should be, not voted on but, absolutely just an absolute. I think that Babs and Jas and Spelunker and probably others have tried to bring this absolute through the smoke and mirrors produced by Pip, JSNM and Suzanne. Honesty. As much as this group want to make it seem as though the other members are anti-AP, the truth is, we are demanding truth. Pip is absolutely an outrageous fraud. If I offend anyone, then sorry but this once again has to be said. Pip continues to post as if she has and had ra and is now running thanks to the miraculus results of minocin. She is a fraud and a liar. Did anyone read her last proclamation on the AP thread? Let me refresh everyone's memory, here it is:
Thanks, Paula.  I know what you mean about it tho; like how I feel about the great John McD.  The man saved my life.  Did you know I once got to meet him?  OMG!  I was a blathering idiot.  Thank God he was MPing and didn't notice too much!  I'd never met a rocket scientist before.  LOL
As for the ankle - I think it will eventually heal.  Do you hang on the RB ever?  There was a few recent posts on biofilms.  Again, not something I'm well versed in, but what little I've read makes sense as it being a trouble spot for you. 
I'm glad you're walking better.  I still remember running for the first time since I got RA.  We were late and had forgotten something at home and my hubby said 'run' and I did - without thinking.  It was late fall; one of those crisp, clear days - and I just took off!  Ran to the door and back and was struggling back into the car when we both went....look what you (I)did!!!
To all of us - may we run like the wind.  And SURF!  OK, that one's my goal!
Antibiotic Protocol - Mino, Zith, Naproxen, Folic Acid down to 1 mg, Milk Thistle, Bromelain, Potassium, Magnesium & 1/4 my old Tramadol! Adding Nystatin, Diflucan, NAC, GSE, OofOregano & Melatonin
Do you ever hear Pip mention the desease that she really has? She has Palindromic Arthritis. Palindromic does no damaga to joints. Palindromic comes and goes and when it goes, there is no pain or swelling. It may go for weeks or months and then come back as a flare. Isn't it deceitful to talk as if she is being cured of ra and is now so well cured from ra by the minocin that she can actually run. Liar. It's about honesty. Someone show me where any one of the APers has ever posted the updated American College of Rheumatology's recomendation for the use of minocin for the treatment of RA. As you can see in the garbage that JSNM calls her new contruction zone and posts on a constant basis, she constantly quotes the ARC about minocin being grouped in with other dmards. Conveniently she and the others never post the most important part of the American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the use of minocin in the treatment of RA. That's the meat and potatoes. That's honesty.
Does anyone remember Zeekman? He came here and Pip jumped on him like she was a timeshare salesman. Zeekman actually decided to try AP therapy. He came back and said that his doctor told him that AP wouldn't work for him because he was moderate to severe. Pip said that it was part of the conspiacy of traditional doctors to go with big pharm and told Zeekman to go to roadback and get a physician from their list. This is the good part. Zeekman told Pip that the doctor that told him that, was actually the doctor given to him from the roadback list of physicians. Pip was furious wanting the name of that doctor so that she could turn that doctor in to roadback, because in Pip's professional opinion, minocin should be recommended for all ra, afterall, Pip knows better than a real ra doctor. It's a good read if you want to search "zeekman". Zeekman finally did give Pip the doctors name. Pip Claims that she was misdiagnoed as ra and then found out that she actually had palindromic arthritis. After being questioned about her desease, she was all of a sudden diagnosed as her palindromic going into rheumatoid and then back to palindromic. I've asked her many times how that happens. If miocin kills the ra "bug" and she was already taking minocin, how did the "ra bug" grow in her system if she were taking the ra bug killer. I've never gotten an answer. I've asked for medical and scientific evidence about the effectiveness of minocin, breaking them down into mild, moderate and severe. It's her and her friends words that AP is effective against all RA. All they can do is give a couple of lurkers that will verify. And if you need more proof go to roadback and read the stories.
It's all about truth and honesty. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a very serious disease, with very serious possible damage and even death. It is not Palindromic arthritis. Palindromic does not cause damage to the vital organs, ra does. Palindromic does not cause joint and bone damage, ra does. When is the last time you hear Pip say "that's the first time I ran since I got palindromic arthritis. NEVER.
It's about honesty. Fortunately, most all doctors that do prescribe minocin for ra, also mix it with a couple of dmards, to ensure that the joints and bones aren't damaged. Apparently, according to Pip and the others, the roadback physicians will prescribe minocin with out the protection of other dmards. Of course, just like Pip, when the patient finds out that irreversable damage has been done, blame the patient.
It's about honesty. This is a very serious disease.
Lev she is in so deep she doesnt know where to turn anymore! She is just covering up her lies with more lies.
gotta give it to you... I've been saying the Truth.. the Truth.. The truth..
You are so right, lev 
I'd not heard of Zeekman before... that's an interesting little tid bit.
Hard to believe that I can remember such things with all this rituxin fog. Do you notice how Pip constantly talks about my brain fog? The funny part of that is that Pip once said her husband is 6'2" tall. Seven months later she says her husband is 6'4" tall. After seven months and being on rituxin I remembered that her husband is 6'2" tall, she didn't remember.
Hey Lev - with that memory maybe you should write a book.  I'm sure it would be a better read than Pip's manifesto! All I know is that my RD said he tried AP on some of his patients that wanted to give it a try.  He said they progressed very quickly.  He now refuses to prescribe it.  It was during my first visit that he said that.  At the time, I had no idea what AP therapy was.   [QUOTE=kweenb]All I know is that my RD said he tried AP on some of his patients that wanted to give it a try.  He said they progressed very quickly.  He now refuses to prescribe it.  It was during my first visit that he said that.  At the time, I had no idea what AP therapy was.   [/QUOTE]

I'm sure he was prescribing wrong, the patients were taking the drugs wrong, and those "progressions" were really just "herxes."
[QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=kweenb]All I know is that my RD said he tried AP on some of his patients that wanted to give it a try.  He said they progressed very quickly.  He now refuses to prescribe it.  It was during my first visit that he said that.  At the time, I had no idea what AP therapy was.   [/QUOTE]

I'm sure he was prescribing wrong, the patients were taking the drugs wrong, and those "progressions" were really just "herxes."
Yep, all doctors that went to college and medical school for 8 years, did residency for I dont know how many years and have established practices are all WRONG WRONG WRONG!  They are idiots and should go to Pips "School for AP" or better yet read her book when it comes out known as "AP for idiots"  Hahahahahaha!!! Q: What did the bowling ball say to the bowling pins? Q: What goes up when the rain comes down?

Hey WW,

Q. What did the horse say when it fell down?
A. I've fallen and I can't giddie up!

I'm sure he was prescribing wrong, the patients were taking the drugs wrong, and those "progressions" were really just "herxes."
Wait a second......I thought the drs were part of a vast, money making conspiracy with big pharma?????


I urgently needed a few days off work, but, I knew the Boss would not
Allow me to take leave.

I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' then he would tell me to take a
Few days off. So, I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny
Noises. My co-worker who's blonde) asked me what I was doing.

I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss
Might think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off.


A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What in
The name of good GOD are you doing?'

I told him I was a light bulb.  He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.'
Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.'

I jumped down and walked out of the office...


When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her, '...And
Where do you think you're going?!'

(You're gonna love this....)

She said, 'I'm going home too. I can't work in the dark.'

Good one!!! I love it! [QUOTE=Linncn]

[quote]I'm sure he was prescribing wrong, the patients were taking the drugs wrong, and those "progressions" were really just "herxes."
[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TeedOff]For Waddie, Milly, Snow Owl, Katied G....thank you for your encouraging posts.  They were most appreciated by me.  When you are on the other side of things some of the remarks are very painful so your words do help.  And then there is watchingwolfe who seems to have the best solution of all...laughter.  That last one was priceless.  Keep them coming. agreed... support is a wonderful thing!!  and so many here are spectacular at giving it!!

but so is truth... and if you don't have truth you don't have integrity and mistakes can be made by those misled..
considering you are thinking of AP therapy, TeedOff, you would think that having the truth about it would be all that important to you and then some... that what Pip! has declared to be so isn't is pretty damn important to someone ready to take the leap into AP...  I think I would be thankful that the TRUTHs have been brought to the forefront.
This is a very serious and on topic thread. It's ridiculus that Watchingwolf thinks that she needs to hijack this thread. This is probably one of the most appropriate and important threads on this forum. This thread may very well prevent one or more joint replacements in the future. As stated before, most traditional doctors that do prescribe minocin or other antibiotics for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis almost always prescribe the antibiotic for mild disease, with a "Dmard coctail" thus ensuring that joint and bone damage is prevented whereas, if the antibiotic is prescribed by itself, there is a good chance that irreversable joint and/or bone damage may happen leading to the need for a joint replacement. According to those associated with roadback, they claim that some of their doctors will prescribe an antibiotic with-out any other Dmard, therefore leaving the bones and joints successable to irreversable damage. To those of you that think that this thread should be turned into a thread for wannabe comediens, is irreversable joint and bone damage on topic enough for you? Is the possible protection of a newly dxed person on topic enough for you? That is what this thread is all about, 100% on topic and very, very important. I have never seen any person with an on topic question ever be ignored. How many answers should be enough? This isn't a smack down. This is an on topic thread filled with intelligent on topic facts in an attempt to bring the scientific truth about AP therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. How on topic is that, WatchingWolf?
TeedOff, I've asked before if you have rheumatoid arthritis and for some reason, you don't want to answer. As much as I've read about your journey, you did have polymyalgia rheumatica which you stated that you were cured of. Since you mentioned that you are considering AP, for what disease are you considering AP therapy?
To those of you that don't like this thread or find it offensive or not to your liking, don't hijack it, just don't read it. By now you know what it's about and yous don't care for the thread, why continue to read it and more importantly, read it and hijack it? The threads you disagree with, use intelligence and fact to voice your disagreement or just don't read it and leave it alone.
[QUOTE=babs10]agreed... support is a wonderful thing!!  and so many here are spectacular at giving it!!
but so is truth... and if you don't have truth you don't have integrity and mistakes can be made by those misled..
considering you are thinking of AP therapy, TeedOff, you would think that having the truth about it would be all that important to you and then some... that what Pip! has declared to be so isn't is pretty damn important to someone ready to take the leap into AP...  I think I would be thankful that the TRUTHs have been brought to the forefront.
What is the truth?  Who's truth is it?  I have not been blindly following Pip or anyone else.  I am my own person and if I choose to follow AP and fail that is my decision and only I will pay the price.  What the rest of you fail to realize that while attacking Pip and all the rest of the APers you were driving off another option and I have yet to see any stupid people on this board that can not think for themselves.  While picking bits and pieces out of the mess that was once the  AP thread, I have found good information, not just from Pip but from Suzanne and Cathy, that was coming from reputable sources.  Studies that are being done and have been done that I find very credible.  What it all boils down to Babs is you have your truth, Pip has her truth and I have mine and no one has the right to, by force, try to change that.  
Even though Larry, I have said I have nothing to say to you I will answer two of your comments.  One, this thread was started by Pip to find out how many non APers were interested in her information not, as you say while critisizing watchingwolfe for hijacking this thread, a serious thread about support for non APers.  Watchingwolfe saw what I saw, a serious question being asked being turned into a joke so it got treated as such. Second is, my health is none of your business, not now and not ever.   
edited because I have a bandaid on my little finger so kept making mistakes
TeedOff2009-04-21 10:02:41wow...... you really edited that didn't you?
frankly Scarlet......  I don't give a damn what therapy you choose.
But there are unknowing, newbies that are fresh for the APer picking... it's those I would like to keep informed......
And THAT is MY choice....
you may always take what you wish from any online source.......  that is your choice again.
but you SHOULD want to have the MOST and the BEST information in order to make the most informed decision........
or.. you could follow the triumverate

how do you feel about MJ, babs? 

Going on my boogie adventure to the garden[QUOTE=babs10]wow...... you really edited that didn't you?
frankly Scarlet......  I don't give a damn what therapy you choose.
But there are unknowing, newbies that are fresh for the APer picking... it's those I would like to keep informed......
And THAT is MY choice....
you may always take what you wish from any online source.......  that is your choice again.
but you SHOULD want to have the MOST and the BEST information in order to make the most informed decision........
or.. you could follow the triumverate
See Babs, there you go again.  I do not fall in line with you and your way of thinking so out comes the sarcasm and browbeating.  Don't you think the newbies have a right to choose for themselves not be pushed one way or another.  So many times it has been said what works for you is yours and what works for me is mine so why don't you let everyone choose for themselves..  What direction I choose will be between my Dr. and I.

how do you feel about MJ, babs? 

Going on my boogie adventure to the garden[/QUOTE]
Same old stupidity aye mabus.  One way mind.

namecalling just like your alter ego, i am not talking to you, so boogie woogie some where else?

I am not Robin...Stupid!!

Teedoff again, can't get over how nice you are

These gentlemen/ladies differ from trolls in the sense that they are not anti-social, but they are an accepted and sometimes well-respected members who assume a sort of informal and unofficial leadership role. They use this position to intimidate and assert their views on newer and less established members and often push their weight around to mark territorial rights. They will generally try and behave properly, but subtly try and behave like moderators and preach about forum behaviour. They will also turn and insult people as they wish and surprisingly other forum members will turn a blind eye to them. They will usually "adopt" ownership of a single forum or a subforum of a board and hang out there frequently with their clan. (this feature is usually more common in larger forums)

These people are often the starting point of cliques because they can gather a group of yes-people around them in no time

Sound familiar anyone.
TeedOff2009-04-21 10:31:16[QUOTE=TeedOff]

"online bullies" or "internet bullies" who can become equally destructive in undermining communities.

These gentlemen/ladies differ from trolls in the sense that they are not anti-social, but they are an accepted and sometimes well-respected members who assume a sort of informal and unofficial leadership role. They use this position to intimidate and assert their views on newer and less established members and often push their weight around to mark territorial rights. They will generally try and behave properly, but subtly try and behave like moderators and preach about forum behaviour. They will also turn and insult people as they wish and surprisingly other forum members will turn a blind eye to them. They will usually "adopt" ownership of a single forum or a subforum of a board and hang out there frequently with their clan. (this feature is usually more common in larger forums)

These people are often the starting point of cliques because they can gather a group of yes-people around them in no time

Sound familiar anyone.
Yes, it certainly does.  It sounds just like Pip and the cult of AP..........and you dont attack, you need to chill.....[QUOTE=TeedOff]On AP thread there was Pip, Maz, Cathy and Suzanne.  Hardly what anyone would call a large # of people but they did pose a threat to you.  And if you don't attack, what is that comment about Pip and the cult.[/QUOTE]
they are an accepted and sometimes well-respected members who assume a sort of informal and unofficial leadership role
since you've used the word, I feel free to do the same, STUPID.  Above is the description YOU Posted... NO WHERE Does it say A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE........
and honey, we aren't threatened by them for gosh  sakes........  not on their best day.
though we do feel that we are responsible in that we know better, to be sure that newbies get the honest to god truth about all the meds...... all of them....... every last one.......
[QUOTE=TeedOff]On AP thread there was Pip, Maz, Cathy and Suzanne.  Hardly what anyone would call a large # of people but they did pose a threat to you.  And if you don't attack, what is that comment about Pip and the cult.[/QUOTE]
You really should read the entire thread because you left out a lot of people...Such as Panda, Gimpy, Mammia, Becky78, Brisen, Karin1013, higgy, Jan Lucinda and 2manyaches
edited to add...Pip called AP a cult...I'm just repeating her description TeedOff,
What is your problem? Babs wasn't being sarcastic or mean or browbeating to you. She just asked you whether you want the truth about medicines and disease. She explained to you that she was concerned for new vulnerable members that may be looking for a miracle and follow the wrong path of lies to joint damage. Here's the problem TeedOff. Members here like me and Babs and Mabus and 99% of the other members have rheumatoid arthritis. We with rheumatoid arthritis not only know how dangerous rheumatoid arthritis is, we have to live with the fears of the very possible dangers. The problem is that you don't have rheumatoid arthritis. You don't have to worry about the dangers of rheumatoid arthritis. I still can't figure out why people like you without rheumatoid arthritis are here but none the less, you have that right. What's really bothersome is why you want to deceive people to believe that you have ra rather than admitting that you do not have ra. There has to be a name for that mental illness because you aren't the only member here with that illness.
TeedOff, this is what you posted about truth:
"What it all boils down to Babs is you have your truth, Pip has her truth and I have mine and no one has the right to, by force, try to change that."  
TeedOff, seriously, there is only one truth. If Babs says 2 plus 2 is four and Pip says 2 plus 2 is five and Cathy says that 2 plus 2 is six and you say that Cathy and Pip are right, the only truth is that 2 plus 2 is four.  I don't know what your problem is TeedOff, seriously. TeedOff, we are truly concerned about others with the very dangerous disease, rheumatoid arthritis being taken down a path of lies. We with ra know how it is when we are dxed with ra. We all looked for that miracle or miracle cure and that's when we are most vulnerable. I spent hundreds on miracle cures. What is so wrong about demanding the truth concerning this dangerous disease and the medicines approved for therpy. I'm wasting my time I know TeedOff, because it's really of no concern to you because you don't have rheumatoid arthritis.
[QUOTE=babs10][QUOTE=TeedOff]On AP thread there was Pip, Maz, Cathy and Suzanne.  Hardly what anyone would call a large # of people but they did pose a threat to you.  And if you don't attack, what is that comment about Pip and the cult.[/QUOTE]
they are an accepted and sometimes well-respected members who assume a sort of informal and unofficial leadership role
since you've used the word, I feel free to do the same, STUPID.  Above is the description YOU Posted... NO WHERE Does it say A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE........
and honey, we aren't threatened by them for gosh  sakes........  not on their best day.
though we do feel that we are responsible in that we know better, to be sure that newbies get the honest to god truth about all the meds...... all of them....... every last one.......
I am so sorry I made a is now corrected.  You see...I am the only one left who is trying to mount some kind of defense of AP because it is an option but the wolves are out and they have me surrounded so I guess you have completed your more APers left on your all inclusive board. 
To the past there may have been Tom, Dick and Harry but when I started becoming interested in AP those were the people who posted the information and  who had to fend off the non beleivers.  If there were all those people you mentioned, where are they....did you run them off too? 

"online bullies" or "internet bullies" who can become equally destructive in undermining communities.

 They use this position to intimidate and assert their views on newer and less established members and often push their weight around to mark territorial rights. They will generally try and behave properly, but subtly try and behave like moderators and preach about forum behaviour. They will also turn and insult people as they wish and surprisingly other forum members will turn a blind eye to them. They will usually "adopt" ownership of a single forum or a subforum of a board and hang out there frequently with their clan. (this feature is usually more common in larger forums)These people are often the starting point of cliques because they can gather a group of yes-people around them in no time

Sound familiar anyone.
TeedOff2009-04-21 11:58:30[QUOTE=TeedOff][QUOTE=babs10][QUOTE=TeedOff]
To the past there may have been Tom, Dick and Harry but when I started becoming interested in AP those were the people who posted the information and  who had to fend off the non beleivers.  If there were all those people you mentioned, where are they....did you run them off too? 
You will have to ask them TeededOff. 
 I have no idea why people stop posting.  People come and go on message boards all the time...
 Except in the case of Gimpy who got outed after she outed another poster, so I suspect that's why she left...
And really, Jan Lucinda posts on that thread all the time. 


Truth trumps bullies. If what was being said about the miracle of AP was the truth and could be backed up by science and medical fact, we would be the ones looking pretty darn silly. All we did was ask that what was being posted as scientific fact be backed up by the scientific facts. Your friends couldn't back up their statements with scientific fact. All they did (with your help) was to attack those looking for truth.
To the past there may have been Tom, Dick and Harry but when I started becoming interested in AP those were the people who posted the information and  who had to fend off the non beleivers.  If there were all those people you mentioned, where are they....did you run them off too? 
You will have to ask them TeededOff. 
 I have no idea why people stop posting.  People come and go on message boards all the time...
 Except in the case of Gimpy who got outed after she outed another poster, so I suspect that's why she left...
And really, Jan Lucinda posts on that thread all the time. 
A Party of one.  Who is left to discuss anything with?  And there is the inferense to Gimpy again.  She left because, as like right now, she was poked and jabbed by AA until she fought back and posted what town AA lived in.  AA retaliated by posting Gimpy's picture, city and phone #, but of course, that was ok by you too.  I was watching all that and really wondered.
For those insisting I am Gimpy, why would Gimpy be posting on the polymyalgia board at the same time she was posting on the RA board?      
You can find Pip on the AF board...I'm sure the others interested in AP will soon follow.  And, it's a moderated board, so there will be no name calling from anyone, however the difference between facts and opinion will still be questioned
As for Gimpy...You play with fire and you get burned. Or as my mother always said..what goes around, comes around..........


Truth trumps bullies. If what was being said about the miracle of AP was the truth and could be backed up by science and medical fact, we would be the ones looking pretty darn silly. All we did was ask that what was being posted as scientific fact be backed up by the scientific facts. Your friends couldn't back up their statements with scientific fact. All they did (with your help) was to attack those looking for truth.
It hasn't trumped anything so far as I can see and you wouldm't know truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.  Time after time there would be url's posted with the information you all wanted but nobody was interested in checking those out just keep pounding post after post after post that same old BS until I wanted to puke.  Those were not attacks being made they were defending AP but of course it had to turn personal or else it would not be any fun and the rest of the pack could not join in the hunt.  WHAT TRUTH WERE YOU LOOKING FOR?  You say you have your choice of meds and you are happy with that so why are you so interested in AP.  It should not in the least interest you.
It hasn't trumped anything so far as I can see and you wouldm't know truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face.  Time after time there would be url's posted with the information you all wanted but nobody was interested in checking those out just keep pounding post after post after post that same old BS until I wanted to puke.  Those were not attacks being made they were defending AP but of course it had to turn personal or else it would not be any fun and the rest of the pack could not join in the hunt.  WHAT TRUTH WERE YOU LOOKING FOR?  You say you have your choice of meds and you are happy with that so why are you so interested in AP.  It should not in the least interest you.
did you read those links?
I did.. most of it was inconsequential OR THE LINK DIDN"T WORK... and when I brought that fact to her attention she said:  Works for me.. go to the site and blah blah blah....
I call B>S>
babs102009-04-21 12:22:43oh.. and today, I got a new bit of information from my RD regarding the CCP test (antiCCP)
PIP and Cathy had both been discussing this exam..... and PIP said that RD's don't retest this after time... but that AP docs do!!
MY RD SAID: It's only for DX!!  not for monitoring the disease...... another load of B. S. floated in here by the APERS!
I'm furious at this crap that's being tossed about... Teed....  You have nothing important to say regarding the therapies discussed here.. you are just causing a scene. 
teedoff/pissed off you say you are just leaning toward info on AP, so why are you so offended about posts from different people in the past and why did you not speak up then. why go from hardly a reply to daily rantings about the injustice of pip and her peeps.  You seriously dont think she dished it out?????Wait; Teedoff is Gimpy?[QUOTE=babs10]oh.. and today, I got a new bit of information from my RD regarding the CCP test (antiCCP)
PIP and Cathy had both been discussing this exam..... and PIP said that RD's don't retest this after time... but that AP docs do!!
MY RD SAID: It's only for DX!!  not for monitoring the disease...... another load of B. S. floated in here by the APERS!
I'm furious at this crap that's being tossed about... Teed....  You have nothing important to say regarding the therapies discussed here.. you are just causing a scene. 
here's the actual conversation:
Senior Member
There's the Hygiene Hypothosis and the Danger Model.  That's my favorite as it seems to be the only one that takes into consideration the possibilites of environmental exposure.  I had a post a while back with Danger Model in the title and don't think anybody except me was as excited about it as I was.
Also, Cathy - mainstream med docs don't seem to repull CCP tests but AP docs do.  Apparently you can go CCP negative when you're in remission on AP.  I went negative and am staying there and hubby went negative on his (57 down to 0) with Minocin.  It's why I keep asking on other threads if anybody is having those tests pulled on the traditional meds.
Antibiotic Protocol - Mino, Zith, Naproxen, Folic Acid down to 1 mg, Milk Thistle, Bromelain, Potassium, Magnesium & 1/4 my old Tramadol! Adding Nystatin, Diflucan, NAC, GSE, OofOregano & Melatonin!
Senior Member
Okay, now I understand why you have been asking everyone about their CCPs - well the new rheumy pulled it, so we shall see after almost 3 years. 
Hygiene Hypothesis?  Danger Model?  Oh boy.  LOL  Cathy<