a superb day!! How was yours? | Arthritis Information


Here it is creeping up on midnight...

the end of a really great day!!  only one sad part really, that being my husband wasn't here to enjoy it with.
The weather was spectacular..... 70's and sunny!!
I was up early.. doing laundry and getting our week together.. then J and I left for his lax game... He had a good game!!  He had two assists - no goals this time, but it was a good defensive game for him!
I walked across these wide wide fields at least the lengths of four football fields to get to his playing field (I could not have done that in January!!)  Then, I proceeded to stand for almost the entire game! wooot!! 
Came home and cheated w/ pizza for dinner because it was so late when we got back and did a little more cleaning... called off quilting w/ the girls cause it was getting late...watched Grey Gardens on TV (AWESOME flick) and I'm still wide awake and going strong
feel like I'm gaining stamina.... strength... endurance... muscle tone..my hands are gaining back dexterity (I can quilt again!!)  ! 
Please I hope this keep sup!! 
6 a.m comes early......... so goodnight!!
tell me.. how was your day?
Pretty good day all in all. Took my grandkids to the pool part of the day. Went to the store this morning. Did umpteen loads of laundry. Pain and stiffness not so bad as compared to yesterday. It amazes me as to how one can be at there wits end in pain one day and pretty darn good the next. I have more swelling but less pain and stiffness. Just the flexeril must be kicking in a bit. See RD in the morning.
I got to spend my day on and off with my friends on my favorite forum. AI the only forum I am a member of. All in all a good day.
I got to sleep in this morning - thank Goodness, since I was up til 4:00 this morning reading.

Got up early for an 8:30 tee time.  Golfed 9 holes with my DH and we had such a good time, not a good game, just a good time together.  Went to our favorite little cafe and had burgers and then came home. I went through my painting supplies and tried to get some order, lost cause.  Had salad Nicoise for supper, sent some emails to friends, watched the Apprentice and here I am telling you about my day.  Whoops, forgot, I also got a nap, so now I'm not sleepy at all.  When I got up this morning I had lots of aches and pains but as the morning went along I felt better and this evening not much of anything aches.  A few little owies but that's it.  Night all.  Lindy

Had a wonderful day out with best girlfriend.  Played some computer poker and keno while having lunch and then went off to play some bingo.  It was a long day and everything hurts but the one thing that doesn't hurt as bad is my face from all the laughing.  Lucky we only do this once a month and now bingo is finished for the summer.  Tomorrow I am off to the golf course to try and hit that little ball over and over again. 
Sleep well.
TeedOff2009-04-19 23:51:12Well all - time to stop lollygagging and get back to my housework.  It's another gray drippy day here in Chicagoland... I can't wait til it warms up a bit more and the sun actually comes out from behind those clouds! My weekend ended at 3 AM and soon afterward I enjoyed the stars and the dark horizon from the verandah before moving on to a few hours of sleep. Today however has been spent digging in the dirt, grooming my furry faced friends, and accepting entertainment where I can get it- Ugh... the nitemare fairy just paid younger son a visit. And I was sleeping so well!
Personally I think it's just a ploy to sleep in mommy or daddy's bed. DH usually caves but not Mean Old Mom. ugh..you pretty much cant cave in.. Men think it's easier to just let him stay and it is....but, as you know, the easy thing is rare the right thing, now is it? 
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