"Muscle Soreness, Exercise Injuries, and Vitamin D | Arthritis Information


From Dr. Mirkin, references a recent Current Opinion in Rheumatology article:

I am now convinced that a leading cause of muscle soreness and slow-healing injuries is lack of vitamin D.

thanks, Suzanne!   good article I always enjoy Dr. Mirkin!  Glad you liked it, too. I liked this post too.Good post. Thanks.Reread this.Thanks for re posting this I had a PM about vit D and the muscles

Vitamin D May Prevent Arthritis

Research Links Vitamin D Deficiency to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Why vitamin D is so important for people with RA: Part 1


I always like Suzanne's posts. [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]I always like Suzanne's posts.[/QUOTE]

I never like yours
[QUOTE=Henrietta] [QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]I always like Suzanne's posts.[/QUOTE]

I never like yours

Troller Henrietta-
How sweet!!!
For those of you interested in some of the science behind all the Vitamin D research, this is a very good site........
Thanks for the updated material, Lynn.  Things change so quickly!
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