OT Healing for Columbine and Virginia Tech | Arthritis Information


Prayers for healing for those affected by Columbine and Virginia Tech tragedies.  Today is the Columbine 10th anniversary and Virginia Tech 2nd anniversary.More healing.Tech has come a long way.  I had a number of friends who ran in the 3.2km run that was held on the 16th.  The distance was chosen for the number of individuals killed that day.

Unfortunately, one of the consequences of budget cuts is that the schools can't spend the same amount of money on safety.  Luckily, these kids have grown up in the shadow of Columbine and are more willing to speak up to adults if they feel a student might cause trouble.  Being in middle school, my students have no ties to Columbine but Tech affected them deeply. 
I was thinking of you. 
I also have relatives in Littleton.
I wanted to tell you that CareNotes has pamphlets for children and teens on When Bad Things Happen.  Might be helpful.
Did anyone esle read an article about how much of what was reported at the time of Columbine was not true? I forget where I read it but things like a girl was asked if she believed in God and when she said yes they shot her....that supposedly never happened.
Also it was said that it was not true that the two killers had been bullied.
My daughter who is claustrophobic just had to go thru a drill at her school which they do yearly to teach kids what to do if such an attack happens. They had a lockdown procedure. All lights went out, doors locked and everyone under a desk. The police had to open each door. They didn't know when it was going to be so she suffered horribly for a month waiting for the day. She was afraid she was going to freak when she was stuck in the room with all her students.  Ended up at the time she was in a closet with 2 other teachers (worse) but she did fine.....
By law, we have to have two lockdown drills a year.  The first one just involves our school and staff, the second involves the SWAT team as well.  Luckily, these kids have grown up doing the drills so it isn't too stressful.  I still hate it.
Glad your daughter did ok.  It is not a drill I look forward too....
Do you think these drills help Rebecca? WTB-
I've also been a teacher.  Sorry to hear the effect on your daughter, but I do think they help, fire drills, etc.
Yes....But I think more for the staff. People tend to freeze in crisis situations, so the more you practice something, the more instinctive the reaction is.  WTB-
I haven't seen any article changing the original tragic story of Columbine.  I think the reporting was pretty accurate.
I think the drills help both staff and kids, but if they help anyone, they are worth it.
There has been quite a bit in the news regarding the inaccuracies of Columbine.  They said the problem came from the fact that kids with cell phones were calling in information.  This was the first time the cell phones were around during an event.  Information was made to the public before getting checked by authorities.  rocck-
Do you have any links?
I just checked wikipedia.  They said the story that the girl was shot after being asked if she believed in God was later disproved by the F.B.I.  I had not heard that but am very very glad if it is true.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/20/columbine.myths/index.html?iref=newssearchI don't always find CNN to be accurate.  Wikipedia either for that matter.  May do some more checking.Here is another link: www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517183,00.html
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