Arthritis Information -Polyarthritis


I have had RA for 35 years.  I was diagnosed with Polyarthritis last week.  I had been suffering with pain in every joint in my body except for my elbows for 3 mos.  I also was having intense fatigue and weakness.  My RA has increased meds.

Has anyone on this site had Polyarthritis and what was the outcome for you.
Thanks for any help.
I am only 46 and  have had polyarthritis since october 2007.  Some days I get out of bed and lay on the couch. Then I had a remission and boy was there some smiles as housework was done.  At the moment I am having a flare, so every morning that I wake up, I call good morning to everyone and thing.  I am so grateful to be waking up.  I take slow release pain killers and somtimes 4 lots of breakthrough painkillers.  But I am yet to be given a grandchild, so live each day as it comes.  If you can woohoo, do it.  If you can't - accept it.