thin mint girl scout cookie icecream | Arthritis Information


OK- I forget who started that thread but now I can't find that ice cream and I NEED that icecream! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!! I think someone (Babs?) found it at Wally World.... I feel your pain!It will be my quest this weekend. I will find this ice cream! I almost bought mint choc chip and Ben & Jerry's had Chocolate cookie mint  but I really try to watch what I eat so I don't want to be disappointed by not having the REAL was Lynn49!  she is the one who spoke of it and I found it at a Wawa.. which is a convenience store near us.......

it IS worth the search but supposedly and most sadly, it is limited in it's days on this earth
They also make a Samoas and a Tagalongs one...Who knew
my little store doesn't have it anymore  :(
I"ll have to check it out at the large supermarket.....
WAAAAAAAHHHHH I've typed in every zipcode I know Babs- none within 20 miles of any of them! Shame's at a store within 5 miles of here.  And the bitter irony?  I don't even want any. I'm sorry.......I couldn't help it Well, yes and no.  I mean, it's nothing personal or anything.  It was just too easy an opportunity to let pass.[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]WAAAAAAAHHHHH I've typed in every zipcode I know Babs- none within 20 miles of any of them! [/QUOTE]
IF I find it.. I'll meet you half way  I had a couple of mini chips ahoy- nope didn't do the trick I think I got lucky... My daughter's boyfriend works at the Wawa... He found it... there are no more there...... and I'm trying all my zip codes too... I think if' it's not in the store already.... it's not going to be... I'm even trying city zip codes..... nah dah.....
but, we oculd get lucky at the store! 
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Aww Babs!

probably an hour drive to meet in the middle  .......  no biggie... and meet wantto... that'd be worth the trip
babs102009-04-24 20:03:07You know I will be looking all weekend just for the heck of it. Just thought I'd let you know I found a carton of the icecream.
I had the most rotten week and I really felt the need to indulge myself. Even after the website told me there was none within 20 miles of my home I can't tell you how may stores I scoured all for naught. When I finally came across the last lone carton it was in the most unlikely store. I was there for something else and though why not just look. There it was - right out in front with no other cartons around it. It was like divine intervention!

Well  I hate to sound like sour grapes but that's what life's been giving me and is continuing to give me and it just didn't do the trick. It's good but it needs more cookies. Now I wish I had a whole box of the cookies to just stuff in my face one by one....
I'm glad you got your icecream.  Ad I'm glad you don't have a box of cookies to stuff in your face.  That is surely an act you would regret later Yeah you are right - then when my belly started spilling out over my pants I'd become even more sour.... Seriously though, Im sorry things aren't going well for ya.  Why are you having such  a bad day?  Or is it week, month.....I wish I could help.Oh Linnc- I have so many negatives going on I don't even have the energy to talk about them. It's going into the second week now... But thanks wishing you could help. You're welcome.  Things'll get better WTB.  Don't worry.  They always do.  Linncn2009-04-26 19:45:19oh hon............ sorry you're being given the crap load lately.....  :(
don't let work get to you...and whatever else is bugging... I hope it goes away very quickly.
Thanks babs... things are kind of coming at me from all sides right about now. I feel like curling up in a ball to protect myself. Instead I will stand tall (all 4' 10" of me) and face things square on.are you really 4'10?That's it!do you realize I am a foot taller??      that's cool!  My BFF in high school was 4'10... they called us Mutt and Jeff're just a little thing, WTB!!  I'd love to see you next to my son, he's 6'5!babs I had a a close girlfriend just like you and we heard the same thing! So funny! Linncn then I dated a guy 6' 5"- until I caught a reflection of he and I in the glass door at the movie theater- I looked like his daughter! I was up to about his waist!
Then I married a 6' 2" man thinking well my children will get his height. WRONG! They hate me for it! (not really but they wish it weren't so)  Well at least none of them are 4' 10"!
