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What do you consider "Doing really well"? RA wise that is.


For me, when the fatigue is on holiday even if only for an hour!

Due to not being able to take most meds for one reason or another, I can't really say much more, in the beginning, it was nice when the Arava worked, but then the side effects were bad so It didn't last long.
  Good post.  HUgs Janie.
" Really Well " Probably only 1 or 2 places that hurt"Really well" to me is feeling so good you don't think about RA at all. I know when I am not doing well RA defines me.

Really well is....

going through the majority of your day without a thought as to restrictions because you've had none or very few.....
being able to accomplish any "normal" task without a problem or needing help.
No RA pain (I still may have pain in a couple of joints due to old injuries, notably ankle and shoulder), no unexplainable fatigue (ie, fatigue is not from staying out partying all night, or working my @ss off, or not getting enough sleep), no stiffness, no swelling. JasmineRain2009-04-24 07:21:27Great topic, Joonie!
A "doing really well" day RA-Wise is being able to arise from bed, shower, and dress unassisted.
This is a thought provoking question.
After my horrific onset rendering me an invalid- I thought I was doing very well when I could feed myself and go to the bathroom alone.
When I got well enough to return to work I thought I was doing very well even though I had fatigue, achey joints and stiffness. Nothing that would stop me from doing what I need to do though.
Now 18 or 19 months into the whole thing I don't think I'm doing very well with fatigue, achy joints and stiffness. Even though it doesn't stop me.
Now for me to say I'm doing very well- I want to feel pre RA.
Yet when I read about some people who struggle every day- I say shame on you  wannabe- YOU ARE DOING VERY WELL.
No fatigue and no stiffness.  HG[QUOTE=hessalina]"Really well" to me is feeling so good you don't think about RA at all. I know when I am not doing well RA defines me.[/QUOTE]
This is a prefect was to define it in my opinion. I've felt more and more like this lately and I'm so happy!
Tolerable pain/stiffness/fatigue - I don't think I've had any days without. That's sad when your good days are seen as the ones where you don't take extra meds.
(I'm coming out of a flare right now. Not the happiest camper!! 
When I can walk and get somewhere without being in pain.  When I can work a full day without having to take a nap in the afternoon to get through my evening classes.  A day without pain meds or with just a minimal amount. [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree] This is a thought provoking question.


Its ok to want to feel good. It really is. That is what we are all aiming for, after all.Great question. Great answers, too! I agree with "feeling like I don't have RA" as being really well.

Forgetting about RA, even if only for the day.  Getting through the work day and still having energy to do something in the evening.  Coming to terms with the idea that this is a life-changing disease and accepting that life will still be good, just different.

When I get to work, I have to get out of the car with my laptop and purse.  On a good day, I don't even think about it, I just move.  On a bad day, it's like...ugh, here we go...a lot to do with wrist movements, but also just general fluidity of movement.  Having to twist and swivel around to reach and get out of the car.  Then I have to walk up to the third floor.  On a good day, no problem.  Bad day, elevator![QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]
Yet when I read about some people who struggle every day- I say shame on you  wannabe- YOU ARE DOING VERY WELL.
Your daily struggles are no less than anyone elses that you see as worse than yours. So... no shame on you and if you feel like you are not doing really well... then so be it. Only you know how well you are doing.
The point of this... was to see just how differently everyone perceives what "Doing really well" means to them. It shows that everyone thinks differently and has different meanings. And they are all GOOD ones!
For me... doing really well... is when the way I feel after I get my Remicade infusion. When I do not even count down the hours to my next pred dose, no pain meds needed, swelling is minimal and all other RA symptoms are barely noticable. I still need help doing something, from damage, but that is expected.