Just Fatigue | Arthritis Information


Hi, I just got a call from my doctor saying that she thinks my extreme fatigue could be due to RA. She did a blood test for this.I was beginning to think I was going crazy or very depressed even though I'm on anti-depressants. I take naps every day after work and on weekends sleep a lot and still get tired afterward. I do not have any joint pain, but do remember my toes hurting at one time for a couple of years. I took Advil daily for a long time and it went away.I also had another short episode of my shoulder hurting (I thought it was from carrying my book bag); other than that no pain for a long time. I understand minocycline is sometimes used for RA. I am ironically on that every once in a while for my rosacea. My question is, could this blood test be accurate even though I have no pain?The doctor is referring me to a rhematologist.

I've never really heard of that...but I'm no exbert. Go see the Rhematologist. They as so much more knowledgeable in this area. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say; and it will releive your mind a bit.

Good Luck!


The only person that can answer your questions will be a Rheumatologist. Write down any questions you have and be sure to take the list with you. Thats the hard part. Try not to worry in the meantime.

After you have seen the doctor you can drop by and maybe we can help you more then. Good luck. Yes, the fatigue could be a sign of RA.  I started out with EXTREME HUGE fatigue for awhile with no pain, but nothing ever showed up in blood tests.  Then one day I just exploded all over with joint pain and swelling. So yes, it could be the start.

I agree with making an appointment with a Rheumatologist.  I am 36 and have been recently diagnosed with aggressive RA.  At 22 I went to an Internist for chronic fatigue and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  The doc put me on synthroid and said within a few weeks I would feel like a brand new person.  Well,

     I mentioned my wife's experience with fatigue in another posting, but when I saw your story, I felt that it bears repeating:  sounds like yours is a similar story...she was napping constantly and STILL tired.  It made things difficult for her, her work, her ministry, her life together with me.  My recommendation is to find a decent, well-rounded multi-vitamin/mineral/antioxidant.  Oxidative stress plays a big role in fatigue, and antioxidants are good defense against that.  Perhaps that kind of thing could help you the way it has helped her.  I am happy because she has her energy back, her happiness back, and her life back!  Well, Gav, maybe my reply to your post will lead to something that will help you.  Good luck and keep on keeping on! 

Hey there Gavintine,

We haven't heard from you, hope everything is alright.  Have you gotten an appointment with a Rheumatologist?

Peace & Love....Neasy


There is an article you might be interested in please look on pg 2 of the message board there is a posting by Wyaney on Ra and Fatigue.  Please check it out it is a very interesting article and please go to an rd as soon as you can.   A good multi viatamin is nice to have but it is not going to help the ra and the fatigue.  I am sorry Jason but arthritis and fatigue does not disappear by using a multivitamin.  Fatigue is a part of ra the thing is you must learn when to give into the fatigue to let your body rest, but you also need to make sure of a good diet, getting proper sleep, and doing some form of exercise to help keep what mobility you have and to help the joints.  I know it is daunting thinking of ra and what can happen, please get some books from the library and read up on arthritis, you would be surprised at what you can learn, keep a journal for the dr write in there what pains you have been feeling when does the fatigue hit and whatever else comes to mind.  Make a list in there of what questions you want to ask the dr.  My dr has made the comment to me that he wished more of his patients read up on their arthritises and asked questions, like I do, but too many don't.  I told him how can I help myself if I don't learn more about the  diseases I have and how I can live with them.  Good luck and please let us know what happens, I will keep good thoughts for you. 

Ps minocyline is a form of treatment, but it is not used by all rds, there is someone here, I think, that does get treatment that way I believe and they can answer your questions on that one.   Does anyone remember who that is???

Hi Meme!

     You are right...a multivitamin itself is not the sole answer to arthritis.  However I feel it is a very necessary part of the solution.  As far as fatigue is concerned, depending on the quality of the supplement, tremendous changes can be noted in individuals who have proper supplementation.  My wife's case is only one.  Either way, supplementation is intended as a vital part of a well-rounded process of treatment like you mentioned, and is definitely recommended.  Good call, Meme!


Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support. My appt. with the rheumy is May20th. Jason, I will also try the vitamins. I know that in the past few days I have been watching what I eat and feeling less fatiqued. I really don't have any pain. Maybe my blood test was a false positive?
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