Simponi (golimumab) approved by FDA | Arthritis Information


Simponi has been approved for use in mod to severe RA, PsA and AS.  Its a once monthly anti tnf injection..typical anti tnf side effect profile,0,5737586.story
Good to see that they are still working on drugs to help control this awful disease...
Hopefully one day they can hit upon a cure.
Thanks so much for sharing this This is just great news for me and many others that are running out of treatment options.  Wonderful news...just wow!  This along with the sunny, 90 degree day we had here today and I'm feeling a little more positive. 
Gotta love good news...hope the FDA doesn't turn around and do what they did with Actemra. (wanting more research info) I wonder when this will be available for prescribing to docs?  Anyone have a link with that info?  I've flopped on all the other anti-TNF's and only have orencia and rituxan left.  Maybe this stuff will work better for me if I can talk to my doc and see if she wants to give it a whirl when it's available.
