Terrible, no good, awful... | Arthritis Information


Omgosh. I haven't been around in a awhile. I have been feeling so horrid. Today was the straw that broke the camel's back. The MTX I took last night made me so sick.  I was totally miserable all day from that and from a cold coming on today. Still not taking the Humera I am scheduled for more testing on the carrodid and leg veins to further rule out heart involvement. I am so miserable it's awful. I know there are lots of us here on the board with difficulties of one sort or another. I know I am not the only one, but sometimes it sure feels that way. Someone said to me the other day "cheer up" and I about wanted to slap them silly. (I know that wouldn't have been the Christian thing to do but at the time it seemed like an excellent idea)
I've said it before as I am sure have others here on the board~~~This isn't the life I signed up for, at all. 

oh my, oh my.

I can't type or spell either
mom2threeinaz2009-04-26 00:33:22HI Momto3, firstly the only good thing about a flare is that a calm comes after the storm, that doesn't help you right now I know but the thing about RA is its unpredictability, tomorrow you could be fine, who knows, all you can do is keep in touch with your GP and/or RD and make sure you are doing all you can to help yourself, this disease is something that takes a whole team to manage, and a lot is self management, I am learning as I go on but I do have days when it just shocks the hell out of me and I cry on the phone to my GP or RD panicking what to do?????  So try warm bath/electric blanket/rest/whatever usually works for you, I had a crap day today too, MTX was Friday and I always get really fatigued and headachey and painful joints, sometimes MOn/Tues are better but usually thats it, and I am also taking Rituxan which I felt was doing something, now it has gone into hiding though!!!!!  All the best, I really do hope you don't have heart involvement.  Hugs Janie. Hi Mom,

I so know how you are feeling.  I am 20 years into this disease and it is ups and downs.  The beginning was the worst.  Give the mtx and plaquenil a chance, maybe you can switch to injectable mtx so you dont get the stomach upset, this has worked for many.  I dont know how much prednisone you take but maybe you could take a little more until you are stabilized? 
I am also going through a rough patch now, swelling, pain, it stinks. 
I hope you feel better soon and also hope your heart is not involved.

(((mom)))  we know how you feel...... I'm sorry you are suffering now.. if only it was easy to make it all go away....... but it's not.  It's an almost constant battle trying to find out what is best....

I hope you can take your humira soon........I hope that is the magic solution!!
Aw, sorry you have to go through this.  I guess all of us at one time or another, or many times, wonder how it is that we ended up with ths stupid disease.  When you say that this isn't the life you signed up for we can all relate to that for sure.  But it is what it is, and I hope you can adjust to your mtx so that it isn't always making you sick, and that you can start your Humira really soon.  And I'm glad you didn't slap your friend, she just doesn't understand.  Sometimes you just can't  "cheer up" and sometimes you don't want to either.  But you will.

Sorry to hear that you're suffering.  Hopefully, the mtx side effects will be gone today and you can feel a little better.    While it probably wouldn't be good to slap them silly, it sure helps to think it, doesn't it? 

Many hugs, and hope you have a better day soon.
[QUOTE=mom2threeinaz] This isn't the life I signed up for, at all. 


As Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"BTW - good luck with all the tests.  You WILL get through this. HUGS!!!!! I hope you feel better soon!!
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