no swelling | Arthritis Information


Do you know anything about RA in which the swelling disappears completely, but practically every other RA symptom known to man {long list} and pain in every single joint still rages on? Very high Rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP, etc. Appreciate any information, thanks. I don't get much swelling at all. I am sero-negative to boot. But I have pain and stiffness in a lot of joints and fatigue. The only swelling is on the sides of my hands above my wrists and my fingers a little. I am sero negative.  I have lot of swelling on the right side of the body mainly. But less pain except my foot which has achille tendonitis and plantar fascitis both

Pain and swelling come as a package deal for me most of the time. I've didn't notice before but here recently you can now feel the swelling on my chest wall and also the back of my neck when it acts up there. Niiiiice! ;)

Hope you're having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!!
At my last RD appt. I had plenty of pain and stiffness, but almost no swelling. Its a mystery to me... If you come across any answers as to why this would be, I'd love to hear them!

Good luck to you!I have very little swelling, except in the knees and even not then too much.
 OTOH I hurt like hell, and am sero negative.
This is a good start, but I hope we can get more info on this. It's like the disease is illegitimate or something in the eyes of the RD, even with very high blood tests. I have some theories: I also have high cortisol (due to 30 years of thyroid disease) & that could reduce swelling, a natural steriod. Or could some of us have more of certain types of immune cells and others more of other different ones (there are several types of immunity cells involved in the RA process)? My RD just says I'm the only one ever, and he's been wrong before, so I want to know if you are out there!! Thanks.
This doctor says he's still pretty confident my dx is correct. It's always my small joints- hands and feet that are affected along with other random joints. I did get into a remission once with MTX and prednisone but I have fallen out of remission.
If you do not have confidence in your doctor please change. It makes a world of difference to have trust.

Yea. Would be hard to do again so soon. But your encouragement is good.

Feel like it's always up to me to find answers on my own. Have learned 99% of what I know about it on my own: I guess medicine doesn't really have a clear handle on RA still. ??
20% are admittedly sero-negative, but they will not admit that ANY are swelling-negative.
I  tested 330 on the RF, and 238 on the Anti-CCP and I very seldom present with swelling.This is a intersting post. I hope more of u put some of the favts regardin swelling to make more sense about RA.Wow!! Do they try to tell you that you're not sick? I've talked to people who can't get Biologics or steriods because of being swelling-negative. SAD!!!!!!No way! My doctor has been after me to start a biologic since I first started seeing him!  Have met about a dozen swelling-negative people since I started asking. That 's a lot for something that doesn't even exist.
The stiffness lasts all day usually and the pain is pretty much constant as well.  I'm having a hell of a time convincing my doc that I still feel lousy.  According to her, all my labs say that I'm in good health and that I should feel good.  I can't seem to get her, or any other rheumatologist I've seen, to try another treatment for some reason.  They either don't like one treatment or feel that my current one is adequate.  The problem is that I know when something isn't working for me so well anymore...or not at all. 
So in short...I'm relatively swelling negative but if I weren't on massive doses of prednisone I'd be puffed up like nobody's business!  (40mg daily by the way)

My RF has always been in the range of 1,220-1,648 yet I only get mild swelling in fingers that other people can't see, but my ring won't swivel and my fingers hurt so I know it. I do have stiffness when I wake up, lasting about 30min, in fingers and hips and feet. My feet and hips do that even when I sit for a longtime, so that means I endure that not only after nightime sleeping and my long nap, but watching tv, using computer, reading, so it's a daily problem. I cannot ever make a real fist; fingers just won't close all the way so I drop things like coins. Is that what you wanted to know?

I have alot of pain and very high sed rates but didn't have alot of swelling until recently. My pain has mostly been concentrated in my feet and sacailiac joints but have now decided to move all over. Last week my middle finger stiffened up and my hand swelled and I can't make a fist. I looked at photos posted earlier and man thats my hand lately. How can 1 finger have so much pain. I am waiting for my 2nd dose of Remicade and I don't know if I just wait it out or call Dr. office to tell them about the latest thing or what. I have not ever had this kind of problem. On a good note my achillies tendon area seems to have let up maybe it has moved to my hand. what i started out to say is that my Dr. would always look at my hands and say oh your doing good see ya in a month and I would say hold on what about the rest of me and what about the inflamation going on. I guess he would be surprised to see my hands about now. I just think it is possible to be in a flare and have pain without the swelling and redness. I know I have experienced it before. Laurathanks laura.
can u come with me to the doc on friday and tell him that??
they only focus on hands (mine do hurt plenty enuf) and swelling. I want to find a way to shortcut to the top of the rheumatologist ladder to send them all a message. American College of Rheumatology: listen (read) up! Well, went to dr. appt w/RD.
...obviously, Laura couldn't come with me, only my teenage daughter did.
Unfortunately, he scoffed again at the lack of visible swelling in my RA, so for me, I guess it's looking for a new dr.  A depressing endeavor. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Thanks to all of you who gave me strength by making me know I am not alone. I think he tried me to feel foolish and I did not. I was just sad.
Y'all take care, Kelly
Kelly I'm glad you didn't feel foolish. You're not foolish. I know it's depressing looking for another doctor, but you need someone who will listen. We all do.
Happy hunting!