I feel terrible! | Arthritis Information


I have been doing soooooo well. Not a complaint and all of the sudden I feel like crap. For the past few days I have woken up to swollen hands and I can't make a fist. My neck hurts and my knees hurt my wrists hurt even my jaw. Seriously out of no where.

I think I have been having fevers too.
I haven't had a flair like this since I joined here. I guess I should be thankful for that much. Hopefully it will go away soon. cah1418,
I was seen by a doctor today and she mentioned my hands. I told her that I can always tell when I'm sick because my joints let me know. She wasn't a rheumatologist. I told her that I guessed that when I get sick my immune system goes on high alert and sends out the anti-bodies and it's the anti-bodies that hurt my joints. If I'm flaring, I'm sick somewhere in my body. Hope you get better soon.
good point, lev... and something I just recently noticed myself.... 
I am sorry you're flaring a big cah....  it is the worst..
babs102009-04-27 12:31:25I think that's the hardest thing about having RA in my opinion. You can be crusing along doing great and then out of no where things just fall apart. Whether it's a flare up of RA symptoms or another sort of illness that gets it all started; it's always so discouraging. It doesn't matter how many times I go through it it always hits me hard because I get so use to feeling better I almost take it for granted. It's disappointing to say the least....but it's more than likely just a short lived set back. Try to keep your chin up and don't get too discouraged. Hopefully things will even out soon.
Hope you feel better soon.
I hope you feel better soon, cah.
RA is tricky- I hate it. Hope you feel better soon. Sometimes it can turn around for the good as quickly as it turned for the bad! Makes you feel crazy!Cah.....I'm glad you'vehad such a long stretch of wellness.  May you return to that quickly and with as little pain as possible.Thanks for all the nice comments. I actually just took a short walk. I feel like the more I move the better I feel. I am always the worst in the morning and then it seems to get better. I know tomrrow I am going to be hit like a brick again.  I was thinking of calling off work, but I think that might make things worse.
Lev, you may be right. I might be getting sick.  I have a tiny bit of a sore throat. But sometimes I just get a sore throat, like lumps in my throat when I am flaring. Headaches too.
Does anyone else get headaches from RA? I feel like that is a weird symptom. Maybe the headaches are caused by stress though.
[QUOTE=SnowOwl]I hope your flare eases soon, if not have you ever done a medrol burst?  Your sig line says you aren't on any RA meds, will your doctor prescribe a short steroid course for you?[/QUOTE]
I don't see a doctor anymore. Part of the reason I am not on meds. My doc wanted enbrel or nothing basically. I would like  to go back on plaq because I think it put me into remission for my teenage years. He said study's show it works as well as a placebo. Just another reason I won't go back to him. I really should find a new rd for times like this.
Definitely a new dr. is in order. Especially since you are pretty young.  I was a teenager and I lucked out at having a dr. who believed in agressive treatment.  We have a lifetime with this illness.  Obviously, the younger you are diagnosed-the longer there is for damage to occur.  I am 32 now and work full time-totally credit my doctors for this fact.
I often get headaches when flaring.  Don't know why.  Moving also helps me.  I just took my dog for a walk around the block.  Not the fastest walk-but it was great to get outside on a beautiful day. 
Hope you are feeling better soon.  Please consider another rd.  If you are still feeling rotten, maybe a visit to your primary dr. will help.  They might also be able to reccommend a new dr. for you. 
Sorry to hear you're having a flare - hope you are already feeling better. Seems like a dr who will listen to you and work with you is in order.

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