Help! Muscle Aches !! | Arthritis Information


I was dx with RA a couple of years ago, and have been lucky to have not had it too badly until recently. The past couple of months I have been getting what i call intense muscle aches from the palms of my hands up my forearms and now into my shoulders. It's sometimes like a "charlie horse", but in my arms. I also have the same thing going on in my feet.  Could this be part of my RA, or am I dealing with possibly another ailment? I am so frustrated. The past few years have been one thing after another, hypothyroidism, melanoma, and RA. I'm only 36, and getting to feel like the road ahead of me is going to a painful one.  If anyone has had similar symptoms or has any thoughts please let me know. I would be so appreciative.

Hi Alisia..

sorry you've had to find us........ bu this IS a good place to land.
I've had similar sensations of charlie horses in my legs/feet..  but I can't say it was RA... I also have PN and RLS..
Best to you.

RA and Fibro often go hand in hand.  I don't have fibro but my mom does.  She has awful muscle pain.

Have you mentioned this to your doctor?? 

I was actually just reading about fibromyalgia. I will def look into it!

