Corruption in Rheumatology | Arthritis Information


Lev asked about 'proof' of corruption in Rheumatology -
There are many more examples just doing a google search.  Whats happening in Lyme and what's happening in Psychiatry is just the tip of the iceberg. 
I printed them.. I AM going to read them. but the first thing that struck me on the article is the word:  EDITORIAL
You have to start being honest. I asked you for proof that the American College of Rheumatology was corrupted by big pharm as you posted that they were. The whole subject that we were discussing was the updated July, 2008 American College of Rheumatology recommendation for the minocin therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. There is corruption everywhere. Just re-read the AP thread. Yous have corrupted the AP thread beyond belief. Yous post snippets from 1990's as if they were todays news on clinical trials and actually have any thing to do with todays ra meds. Yous still haven't posted the multiple clinical trials as promised. You still haven't answered the questions that were asked on the AP thread and other threads. You promised Reader that you would answer her question and show the clinical proof of the effectiveness of AP therapy. Pip, all I have ever asked is that you APers be honest. If yous ever get honest you will post the the ACR's recommendations for minocin therapy . That's the truth. I didn't ask you for articles on "corruption in rheumatology". What does that have to do with anything discussed. I can say it untill we run out of webspace, and it will never make any difference to you and your co-horts. But one more time, get honest.
Lev, you need to go to school and learn how to spell.

Buckeye - I expect better from you.  I seriously suggest you go back and reread what I wrote and reply accordingly.  Right now, a reaction of that magnitude, shows me I'm right on the money - as well as you belong with Lev and his group.  I must be mistaken.

Nikkilynn - I'm so glad to hear you have hope - I mean, that might explain your success on Rituxan.  Remember that  study that YOU posted that showed Rituxan worked less well than the placebo for seronegative people!  How else would one interpret that - your hope is what helped that med work for you.  GOOD FOR YOU!!!

Mel -
I'd be interested in going off Naproxen - I keep trying to.  How long would you like?  My next appointment is in April, I think so I'd need to be back on by then so I could truthfully say I'm still on it - LOL.  He gets his knickers in a twist. 
And do me a favor - quid pro quo - ask your doc about AP and report back to AI on what she says.  You'll see some 'negative' thinking then.  ;-)
PA is Psoratic Arthritis; sometimes abbreviated as PsA because something else is PA too.  Can't remember what tho.  I was Palindromic RA, then RA, and now I'm back to PRA.  Yes, they feel differently.  Again, not trying to give the naysayers a chance to jump, and not trying to say 'my pain is worse than your pain' - but PRA is MUCH more painful than RA.  Or at least how I experienced it was.  There was a point where I just wanted to die because I could not imagine the rest of my life with that amount of PAIN.  I didn't know how I was going to hold on 6 weeks until my first AP doc appointment.  By this point my RF had risen from 353 on diagnosis to somewhere in the 600's (703 when I started AP) and I was on a walker at night.  From there I went to my wheelchair.  Can you imagine having to borrow this stuff from your parents???  That's not how life was supposed to be. 

So, yes, if you want more info on Palindromic - go to  Please lurk there and you will see how bad we are compared to what happens here on AI.  There is one guy who has only had 4 - 5 good days last year.   They have a forum that gets the most hits - 'what hurts today'.  Then there are all the people that moved on to regular RA and are dealing with loss of mobility etc.  AI/RA looks like a walk in the park to me.  When I was RA, it was a walk in the park compared to PRA.
As for Lev, see, I can't possibly consider him honest.  He has been corrected multiple times on points about PRA and keeps spreading misinformation; intentionally.  Some people, (and some who consider themselves Christians), spread that same misinformation and it's hard enough for us to get diagnosed let alone treatment.  Considering Lev ran one PRA peep off this board, and the others have refused to name their disease for fear of his BS, I just can't consider Lev anything other than a hateful, misinformed bigot who, thank GOD got his hell of RA here on earth. 
Part of what I've been doing while I've been running around and playing with my daughter is rebuilding my filing cabinet.  When Reader wanted those studies on how Minocin worked to to prevent damage I couldn't find them in the 30+ K of emails I'd saved to my hard drive.  I've transferred everything off to a portable hard drive and opened another email account just for research and for sorting.  I've managed in the last month to delete about 10K in just junk that accumulated or in multiple copies of the same info.  I'm sorting by drug (thanks Lynn for that seronegative Rituxin thing) by disease and by symptom.  And I'm doing that also for my 'natural meds' research too. 
When I'm all done I'm posting all of the Mino stuff here.  And that will be my last post.
Because this place is waaaay to disfunctional for my tastes.  When you people refused to stop Lev when he's done this multiple times in the past, I figured there was no more hope for this board and stopped referring people here.  When you allowed him to make 'slant eyes' comments and hateful posts about other races etc, I got more and more disillusioned. 
The final straw was when GoGo was outed.  You can twist things any way you like, but lets be honest here - she posted something that others here posted first - yet she was the only person outed.  There was some research that was done and the only common link was AF. Some people, myself included, were worried about that 'connection'. 
The way I figure this is - if they have GoGo's info, then they have mine.  Where can I best watch over my information?  Hmmmm - that would be on AF.  The great thing is - they're a Foundation (like the Roadback) and are governed by a lot of rules.  Like not deleting info.  (The RB doesn't delete info yet Idiot Lev is starting that rumor.)  There is only one place me and my info will be 'safe' and that's the Arthritis Foundation. 
I want you all to think about how silent this board went when GoGo was outed and left.  Think about the people that were HORRIBLE to her - yet apologized AFTER she left.  We know who you are. 
The other APers - they'll probably leave here too - I'm not taking them with me but I am telling them where to find me.  Same for any of you regular meds people. 
This board is going to be nice and calm - no AP, nothing except Lynn and Lev.  How happy you will all finally be.
Antibiotic Protocol - Mino, Zith, Naproxen, Folic Acid down to 1 mg, Milk Thistle, Bromelain, Potassium, Magnesium & 1/4 my old Tramadol! Adding Nystatin, Diflucan, NAC, GSE, OofOregano & Melatonin!
Lev, you just never give up.[QUOTE=lorster]Lev, you need to go to school and learn how to spell.[/QUOTE]
I know physicians that can't spell.. and engineers that write a nice block but spelling is not their forte....
Just had to get the last word in didn't you babs?[QUOTE=lorster]Just had to get the last word in didn't you babs?[/QUOTE]
editorials are not proof of anything..its opinion and interpertation of facts.
Even if they could provide a specific link between pharm and some drs it still does not indict the entire profession.  I can guarantee you that alternative drs, homeopathic drs, nautrapaths are not free from corruption either
as for spelling mistakes: Dr Bruce Cronstein the author of the second article spells the name of his medical school incorrectly on his bio page at NYU.  Its Cincinnati not Cincinatti
Interesting post.  I hadn't seen it before.