Reegie How R U? | Arthritis Information


How's the pregnancy going? You haven't given us an update lately! How far a long are you and are you feeling OK?Hi WTB, I am just over 23 weeks and I am getting bigger everyday.  I am feeling much better morning sickness wise but I am way more tired this time around.  My joints aren't feeling the greatest and not being able to take anything for the pain is hard, but I don't want to complain because I could be feeling a lot worse.  I can't wait for it to get warmer out but have to admit I am a little nervous if it is a really hot summer since I an not due until August 25.  My other two were born in mid to late June and that was hot enough.  How are you?glad to hear the update, reegie!!  You have all summer babies!!  wow.  THree of mine are spring.. two are december

I hope things get better for you, pain-wise.. I was always lucky that way... I wish that you will be too.
Thanks for the update! With each child I felt more tired too. Thankfully I did not have RA at the time- I hope you stay reasonable comfortable throughout!
Are the other little boys getting excited seeing your tummy grow? Do they talk to it?
I had 2 winter babies but my first was a heat of the summer baby and whew it was rough I have to admit. I remember being all swelled up. I think I had gotten a sunburn. I went almost 2 weeks past my due date and I was begging the doctor to just do something! He said go home, nothing is happening. If at 2 weeks you haven't gone we will induce. I went home and went into labor. Jerk didn't believe me! Left me waiting at the hospital for him for 3 hrs. before they finally convinced him it was for real!
Keep us updated Reegie- I love to hear about babies!
For sure I will keep you updated.  The boys are getting excited especially now that they can feel him kicking and moving around.  They do however keep telling me how fat I am getting. How cute!
I always loved being pregnant. It was the only time I felt comfortable not sucking my stomach in because I was around people!
