Contemporary treatment principles for early RA | Arthritis Information


Kiely PDW et al. - The principles for the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as discussed in this study focus on effective control of the inflammatory process in RA, however optimal uptake may require changes in service provision to accommodate appropriate care pathways.


Results [QUOTE=Lynn49]...Consider the risk–benefit ratio and tailor treatment to each patient [/QUOTE]

And to think! this has been the focus of discussion in at least two current topics right here on this forum. ([QUOTE=SnowOwl]You know, I read this and thought, why isn't it titled "Common Sense Treatment Principles for Early RA"?  Medicine is still at a stage where there are so many advances and possibilities and yet so many people from whom they're withheld, or who refuse them, out of prejudice, ignorance, or economics.     [/QUOTE]
