Ankle sore | Arthritis Information


I have a sore on my ankle that has not healed for a week.  Have been off the AP for a month because of stomach issues.  Wonder if I should go to the ER.[QUOTE=Jan Lucinda]I have a sore on my ankle that has not healed for a week.  Have been off the AP for a month because of stomach issues.  Wonder if I should go to the ER.[/QUOTE]

Is it an open wound?  If it is maybe you should have someone take a look.  It would not hurt.
It has a semi-scab over it.  Maybe that is good.start with your primary care need to go to the emergency room for a soreHe is in Riverside, rheum.  No GP here.First dermatology apt I could get was May 20.Any Urgent Care centers?a scab is natures bandaid. are you diabetic? that can be a concern if you have a sore that is not healing. If the area becomes red, inflammed and you develop a fever, you may want to get it checked out. Thanks all for the replies.
I got a prescription for liquid doxycycline since I started having stomach issues with the tabs and think that will address the problem.  I've had this before I started AP and then it went away.
