Find a Vein for infusions. Gone. | Arthritis Information


Anyone else out there running out of Veins for the phelbotimst/nurse to find.  I went from the arms now to the hands.  I have to drink tons of water the day of my infusion just for them to plumb up.  I also have to stay warm.  It's silly but if I don't they end up sticking me several times.  But this all depends on the nurse if she is good they get it on the 1st try.  I have been stuck up the 6 times.

Anyone know what causes your veins to disappear?  I do have anemia and my veins are very tiny  but I don't know if that has anything to do with my not having any veins to work with.
I don't mind the meds it's just the infusion needles and being stuck several times
Ra: Dx. 1996
Meds: Orencia, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid, Prednisone.
I dont seem to have a problem with them finding a vein but it must be so uncomfortable for you. Maybe the anemia has something to do with it
Sorry I have no answers
I don't have anemia, but I have trouble with draws for labwork.  The top of my hand is used, and a butterfly or pediatric needle is used.  Like you, I hydrate and stay warm before lab; and try to avoid coffee that morning (that's hard  after a year of multiple sticks per infusion just to find working veins I finally had a port put it...for me its been great.  One poke and they are in..I have my Remicade on the days that Kim is working, she is the only nurse who can get the vein on the first try. Another nurse was on her third try one day, when Kim walked by and I requested she do it, she was only there for a meeting, but did it for me, on the first try. She said I have the kind of veins that you can't see, but have to feel? All I know is, if Kim's not working then I'm not going in. I've even had it a week early because Kim was going on vacation. I've been on both sides of the butterfly (nurse, patient). Try this little trick next time you go for labwork. Ask to be allowed to go into restroom when they call the person right before you and then to come get you in there. Then, soak your hands in hot water until it is your turn. 
That little heat pad thingie isn't enough for people like you and me. When I went for a glucose tolerance test to be sure I didn't get diabetes like my sister, the every 20min test for 2 hours got more and more behind schedule because they had so much trouble. After the last phlebotomist tried, I told them forget this, come get me in the bathroom. I showed them how a long hot soak can help. Some people just have too big of egos... others get "psyched out" and can't do it because they believe they can't. But even the very skilled can have trouble and need help.
Try my trick and let us know if it helped. And, do continue to drink plenty in advance too.
Yikes!  I've never had that problem.  My stepmother has had lots of problems like that though, and she too has had a port put in (she's been on chemo off and on for years for recurrent ovarian cancer). [QUOTE=your2smart]Anyone else out there running out of Veins for the phelbotimst/nurse to find.  I went from the arms now to the hands.  I have to drink tons of water the day of my infusion just for them to plumb up.  I also have to stay warm.  It's silly but if I don't they end up sticking me several times.  But this all depends on the nurse if she is good they get it on the 1st try.  I have been stuck up the 6 times.
Anyone know what causes your veins to disappear?  I do have anemia and my veins are very tiny  but I don't know if that has anything to do with my not having any veins to work with.
I don't mind the meds it's just the infusion needles and being stuck several times
Ra: Dx. 1996
Meds: Orencia, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid, Prednisone.
My veins do not disappear... this new remicade nurse... she jabs straight thru to the other side of my vein. The first Remicade nurse... she got my vein first try every time, but once and that was the time I forgot to hydrate. This new remicade nurse she has stuck me like 8 times and the least amount after this last infusion was twice. But before that least amount was 5 times.
I hear ya.  I feel your pain.  I go through the same crap every time.  Good thing I'm not afraid of needles, lol.My veins, or lack there of, was one reason for switching to Rituxan from Orencia.  It was getting crazy.  One time they tried close to 15 times(can't remember the exact number, I have repressed that memory!).  We tried all the tricks.  When I was taking off work for infusions, and then not able to get it due to vein access, something had to be done.  So, it was either a port, or new med.  Bloodwork and MRI's showed Ra was progressing anyway, so switched meds.
When I was in labor, a nurse from PICU came finally to start IV.  I feel guilty, but it's not my fault.
I always just tell the nurse that I am pretty attached to my blood thank you.
Het rocckyd
I current in a delima.  Doc wants to switch me from Orencia to Retuxin.  I have been on Orencia since 2007.  The only worry is if the Retuxin does not work i can't go back on Orencia.  Doc dosen't think the orencia is not working on the inflammation.  I just had a shot or orencia 5/1/09 and as I type my left knuckles are killing me.  Also my right knee is swolled still.  Question for you.  How long did it take for you to notice the Retuxin work.  I have had RA for 13 years and am tired of switching and trying new things.  Any advice would help.  Thanks
RA Dx. 1996
Meds. Orencia, Prednisone, Fosamas, Folic acid
