For LevLarry ONLY!!!!!! | Arthritis Information



I would just like to know a few things, since you like to judge others so harshly.
Do you do housework?
Do you spring clean?
Do you wash your own clothes?
Do you wash dishes, in a sink?
Do you do yardwork? Mow grass? Cut down bushes? Trim hedges? Weedeat?
Do you take your poor dog for walks?
Just what is all done in a LevLarry day?
We all know you were taking "cruises". So... apparentally you can drive. I cannot drive. Driving is painful for me.
So... please do enlighting me about what it is that you do with your day, other than come on this board and calling people derogatory names and thinking you are actually worse off than everyone else. We are all in the same boat. Just because you think someone should be able to do more than you because you have it so bad off, does not mean they can. It is not a form of they do not want to, it is more of they cannot.
are you wearing asbestos, Joonie?Dudette!!!
I said this thread was for LevLarry ONLY! LMAO!
and No, I am not... I can take it though. Or are you meaning in the way that it has affected my brain?? *thinks hard on that one*
I just had over 5 hours of thinking time yesterday, about Lev and his annoying self, and I just wanted some answers to my questions. I mean you cannot judge those if you do not do the things you are judging others of.
asbestos prevents burns.... such as from flaming.Yes, I know. That is why I said I could take it.
Senior Member
You must have taken the JSNM School of Learning home study course. The first important lesson is that when cornered with a question that you don't like, don't answer the question, just attack and start calling names and change the subject. You must have passed that home study course. Pincusion, the questions only get harder from here.
Oh no its catching Lev has the same disease as myself and JSNM.
Sorry Joonie I know this is for Lev but its the reason hes not answering you.
Oh and I forgot these questions...
Do you tend to babies or toddlers on a daily basis? How about any one who is under the age of 12? Have you ever tended to a child while you had RA and all by your lonesome no help from anyone even when you could not do things for yourself?
Just want to know the answers Lev. How hard is it to answer these questions? I will even be happy with Yes,No,Maybe's for answers.
As Pinnie has stated ...  seems like you are Dean of JSNM School of Learning, not answering because you know all the TRUTHFUL answers to the questions would be  BIG FAT NOs.
I am glad you have decided not to make yourself look like a hypocrite, like you normally do.
The truth shall set U FREE & cleanse your soul!! That or have a cup-o-coffee.
Edited because I keep finding errors. Lev~I admire you for not biting on this one. It's uncalled for Joonie. Why are you doing this?
I doubt this is the way you want your friends here to remember you when you are gone.
Joonie is well within her rights, why wasnt Lev pulled up when he said those horrible things to her!!

Well... I am sure... that when I am gone... that Lev will still show his true colors and will find someone else to pick on and call lazy and an unfit parent and whatever else he said to me. He will just continue to judge people who he has no idea about what they go thru in their daily lives. Just because he thinks someone as young as me should be able to many things, even with RA... then he needs a rude awakening like I have just posted. Because if he cannot do some of those things, then he should not expect someone else to be able to either.

Me... I am amazed at a lot of things people on this forum post that they do. I am more amazed at the ones on here that work a full days work and continue that for the rest of their week and continue to work. Because most of the time I know... that I would die from pure pain or be down for the count for the rest of the year after some of the things people on here post they do.
I am just tired of Lev.
[QUOTE=Lovie]Lev~I admire you for not biting on this one. It's uncalled for Joonie. Why are you doing this?
I doubt this is the way you want your friends here to remember you when you are gone.
Why should Joonie not defend herself Lovie?  What Lev has called her, on many occasions, is totally uncalled for so for her to defend herself in this way is totally called for and may prevent future attacks on the rest of the forum.
I forgot...I will remember Joonie as nothing else but the compasionate, fun loving, at times goofy and one of the best friends a person could have.
TeedOff2009-05-02 11:10:20 [QUOTE=joonie]Me... I am amazed at a lot of things people on this forum post that they do. I am more amazed at the ones on here that work a full days work and continue that for the rest of their week and continue to work. Because most of the time I know... that I would die from pure pain or be down for the count for the rest of the year after some of the things people on here post they do.[/QUOTE]

Some of us pay a relatively high price for the day-to-day activity we engage in. Do you regularly and routinely attend physical therapy sessions and/or participate in exercises such as swimming or power walking to rehabilitate, strengthen, increase, and maintain physical function? What about other aerobic conditioning activities?

It is so easy for me to blame my lack of fitness on RA, but point-of-fact much of it is simply that I do not push through the lethargy, fatigue, and pain that is a direct result of being physical weak and unfit.

Best wishes, Shug

I also think dr.'s sometimes treat differently depending on what you need to do.  He often squeezes me into his schedule if necessary, and refered me to a pain dr.   Obviously, I did no plan on raising my son by myself.  But, life happens.  If you had asked my 5 yrs. ago if I could do what I do now, I would say no way.  But, my dr. has been insturmental in allowing this.  He is very quick to prescribe prednisone for me-he knows this is often what gets me through. I have also climbed up the biologic ladder very quickly. We have had very long conversations about my goals regarding treatment.  I need to work until Nathan is through school.  I know that I am risking future complications-he has made it clear. But, he supports me in my decision.  I know I am speeding up the disease process by keeping this pace-but there really isn't an alternative. I have taken more days off this year than ever before.  Much of it is due to the jaw.  Even so, I am not taking off what the dr. wants-just what I can afford to do.  I am looking at another open joint jaw surgery this summer, plus the dr. really wants to do the knees.  Gonna have to choose....  Thank goodness I teach and have built in holidays!!

Don't sell yourself short girl.  You are dealing with this disease every day-and doing what you need to do.  You have had some crazy complications regarding blood pressure/strokes symptoms.  Scary stuff.  If you do decidde to go back to work, talk to you dr. and see how she can help you. 

You don't need to justify yourself to anybody..... 

Joonie please don't take what Lev said about you to heart.  I know I would be very hurt to have those things said about me, but you just have to ignore it and not let him hurt you.  I don't know why he feels the need to lash out and hurt people with his words, but that's just who he is.  What he says reflects on HIM, not on you.  

You have reached out to many people on this board, sometimes when no one else would.   You are a good person dealing with life's difficulties the best way you know how, like everyone else.     

Ok, I was kinda hurt by what Lev, said to me. I even told hubby about it on the hour drive to get my infusion. And my hubby said I should have told Lev a few choice bad words and then some more bad things. My hubby is that way. I, on the other hand, try not to be like my hubby. But sometimes, I have reacted like that.
I do what I need to do when I need to do it, and as long as my hubby is fine with it, that is all that matters to me. No one around me has ever called me lazy. I am the one who thinks I am lazy. I use to do a lot of things before my RA got this bad. Arguments me & the hubby had before I got worse were mostly over how he would mess up my clean floors with muddy shoes or how he did not put his dirty clothes in the hamper or how I just washed that bowl & spoon he was eating his cereal with. Now that I look back at how we would have major arguments because of how it seemed like he did not appreciate what I done all day and then to come home and mess up with I spent the whole day doing, was really pointless. I mean... I was such a neat freak, germ-a-phobe that I actually was to the point of leaving him and getting a divorce at one time. So... these last 4 years have mellowed me out because I had nothing to argue with hubby about. We have really grown closer together these last 4 years. I mean we are back to how we were when we first started dating. We hardly ever argue now, and if we do it is because I am grouchy or feeling down and I egg him on about things like why he does not spend time with me. He does, it is just when I am not doing well... I want him to be with me all the time to keep me company.
But like I said. Lev has NO right to judge others. And he should not tell others they need to cleanse their souls.
When did I get a Schooling of Learning and appointed a Dean?  He's FIRED.  Joonie, please accept the open position of Dean, thank you. 
Sorry, Joonie, but I agree with Lovie on this one.  Lev is Lev and he is going to do/say what he wants no matter what you do/say.  Why start this?  It seems counter productive to me.  As for the way people think about might be the way you portray yourself.  I happen to agree with some of what Lev said (although I would not have been so harsh).  BUT, I don't live in your body and don't know what you go thru on a daily basis.  I do think that if you come to a public board and talk about sleeping all day and your inability to do house work, etc, you are going to catch some back lash, right or wrong.  I don't want to hurt your feelings, that is not my intention.  I have often thought that a hobby of some sort would be the best thing for you.  I can also say from experience that when I'm having a hard time and am in bed longer or sleep more, it is counterproductive, not helpful at all.  I always hurt more when I don't move.  Just my two cents.
[QUOTE=Lovie]Lev~I admire you for not biting on this one. It's uncalled for Joonie. Why are you doing this?
I doubt this is the way you want your friends here to remember you when you are gone.
[/QUOTE] To me, it doesn't matter if I agree with what Lev said about Jonnie or I don't agree with what he said...Joonie still has the right to defend herself with a doubt about that.
Why?  Why now?  Lev and Joonie have gone at it for as long as I have been on this board and I suspect much longer than that.  What is the big deal now?  People on the board have already developed an opinion about Lev, Joonie, you and me, etc.  It just seems like a waste of energy, especially if she doesn't have any.
[QUOTE=kelstev]To me, it doesn't matter if I agree with what Lev said about Jonnie or I don't agree with what he said...Joonie still has the right to defend herself with a doubt about that.
[/QUOTE] I guess because I think everyone has that matter how they feel.  They can choose to not reply...or they can reply to any remark made about's pretty simple.[QUOTE=kelstev]I guess because I think everyone has that matter how they feel.  They can choose to not reply...or they can reply to any remark made about's pretty simple.[/QUOTE]
I agree wholeheartedly.  Joonie has every right to respond to any negative comment about her.  No one has the right to look down their nose at Joonie or anybody else for that matter.  You have no idea how she feels unless you walk a mile in her shoes.
TeedOff2009-05-02 19:02:11One thing I have learned from this board is that everyone suffers differently from RA.  My rd says there are many variations of the severity of RA so what one person can do may not be the same as another RA sufferer.  I definitely have been the brunt of many ugly comments because people do not believe the progression of my RA.  I learned to ignore it.  If you really want to use this board for support - try not to give into the temptation to read an insulting post.  I now just skip them and only read people who I believe sincerely care.  It sure has helped me - don't let a few bad apples spoil what can be a very informative, supportive environment - there are still some great people here
Spelunker-  Swimming is so therapeutic but it is still difficult for me to know how much swimming is good and how much is going to cause a flare.  What I can do one day - I may regret the next.  Still ............  without swimming I believe I would not be getting better.  Hurray for the YMCA.  They have an income based fee schedule.
One last thing - I do not come to the board if I am feeling "vulnerable".  I also think if you are being picked on - it is good to take a break.  Coming to the board once in awhile makes me less invested in people's opinions and more able to only take in what is good about the board.  Maybe this will help others. .
But then, he has a mouth on him like a dirty torn sack and he reads evil into every comment/action made that does not fit with his ideals. I believe I mostly refrain from opening my mouth when I read something here I dont agree with,  but which may cause mayhem if I comment. So do many others.
Lev doesnt. I wonder what superhero's foe  type outfit we could put him in. Ummmmmm......
Something that has no heart, spine, and with an oversized tongue might do it. Now for a name!
Senior Member
Originally posted by inf×€amedOnline

OMG, do you really think that we are going to take your WORD on all that pincushion?  Just because you SAY so?  We're not stupid and you aren't "allknowing" regardless of what you might think.  "Oh I said someething to Ernest and lev repeated it exactly".  Do you hear yourself?  Do you ever read your own posts?  You sound like a 1st grader.
As for leaving this forum-  I sincerely doubt it.  Do you know how many times you've said you were leaving?  You never do unfortunately.  Just another sh*t stirrer, attention seeker, pathetic excuse for a woman!
You have a pathetically small penis. I mean it is so obvious!!
 Also must mention you are the epitome of a social psychopath sicko.
And where are your rocks huh?? Dont you rock anymore? Im SOOOOOOO disappointed.
What a let down!!   
I loathe eunuchs ...those without balls, and you possess nary a one hiding behind this BS.
So I hope ya dick drops off and I also hope it hurts like Hell. Long live your pain who or whatever you may be. 

"I believe I mostly refrain from opening my mouth when I read something here I dont agree with,  but which may cause mayhem if I comment. So do many others."

I underlined mostly for this post. See!! Im honest and truthful.
Now get to answer some questions asked of you if you have the gonads for it.
ETA:  I see you are searching for ' dick' Well I can tell you it means penis in Kiwi speak. Saves you some time to go find some' filth' and some liars someplace huh? But I do have to say, I have never seen you so worked up Lev...lolol.  Tsk Tsk go have a word in Ernies ear and tell him he needs to chuck me off this board.
Just wondering.


LyndeeNZ2009-05-03 04:59:48
pin cushion

It isnt peaceful here no!! Its just a bunch of people with an illness trying to defend themselves from bullies. I used to shut up and ignore them but if someone new signs in and i chat to them they wont get any help if they believe what Lev writes about me and others...Lev only comes in here when the board is starting to turn  peaceful, he stirs it up and spews out his own brand of rubbish. He supports people like AA who came in here with her racist ideals, he wrote a post to me and in it he picked on my two god children who are only 3 and 1 for being mixed race. Most of Lev's posts havent got a thing to do with RA or any other auto immune disease...I dont go out to cause trouble but I wont let other trouble makers on here cause trouble for me....

Phat- You are the first to criticise people,  yes you may have apologised  on occasion but then on a few others you havent....Take your own advice and dont read my posts.. You go on about being straight talking but then when other are the same  its a different story.You dont like it when others give their opinions.

You keep saying get a life...I have a wonderful life thanks, I have a great Husband, 3 lovely kids a nice home and some beautiful friends here in UK and all over the world.I have 2 very beautiful god children and am thankful everyday of my life for what I have. I am even thankful for my RA as its taught me humility and patience and most of all compassion to other sufferers so your opinion of me has no relevence to my life.

That is a lovely post Pin, thanks for reposting it Lev.

No ones saying you shouldn't "defend yourself" I don't even know what threads you guys are talking about but I'm sure that you all have "defended yourselfs" at the time of the attack. No real need to start an entire new thread to rehash the whole issue. Joonie; I've always liked you (and still do) but you live for this sort of drama, and we all know it. I hope this thread makes you feel better if that is indeed your point.

Pin~thank you for your PM....but I think that says just about all I care to say on the issue.

Lev, this is why Joonie started this thread....... ( correct me if Im wrong Joonie)

I think you should get up and clean your house and quit being so lazy. I think you should start a regular sleep regimine and there by start learning to be a good parent. Quit the computer stuff and start being a parent. I think you should visit and spend some valuable time at parenting forums. I think you should apologize for your part in outing other members private information. Your question is stupid since jra is a form of rheumatoid arthritis. Palindromic is not a form of rheumatoid arthritis. I think that you should quit using your disease to not do what you should do. I think you should try to get away from your addiction to pain meds. I think that you should take parenting classes. I think that you should clean your soul.
  Now Lev, just WHO asked about what YOU think huh? You couldnt help yourself and you posted some nasty 'filthy' (Levs fave word) things without 'knowing 'Joonie or her circumstances.
( for anyone not understanding some of the comments, go back around 6 pages or so of LevLarry's posts on his profile and you will see what prompted this response of his....Lyn)

Joonies response to his comments.......

I would just like to know a few things, since you like to judge others so harshly.
Do you do housework?
Do you spring clean?
Do you wash your own clothes?
Do you wash dishes, in a sink?
Do you do yardwork? Mow grass? Cut down bushes? Trim hedges? Weedeat?
Do you take your poor dog for walks?
Just what is all done in a LevLarry day?
We all know you were taking "cruises". So... apparentally you can drive. I cannot drive. Driving is painful for me.
So... please do enlighting me about what it is that you do with your day, other than come on this board and calling people derogatory names and thinking you are actually worse off than everyone else. We are all in the same boat. Just because you think someone should be able to do more than you because you have it so bad off, does not mean they can. It is not a form of they do not want to, it is more of they cannot.
We are waiting for answers, just like Lev DEMANDS from everyone he questions.


LyndeeNZ2009-05-03 06:43:55Again; couldn't this have been addressed on the actual thread where these comments took place?
That's all I'm asking.

No ones saying you shouldn't "defend yourself" I don't even know what threads you guys are talking about but I'm sure that you all have "defended yourselfs" at the time of the attack. No real need to start an entire new thread to rehash the whole issue. Joonie; I've always liked you (and still do) but you live for this sort of drama, and we all know it. I hope this thread makes you feel better if that is indeed your point.

Pin~thank you for your PM....but I think that says just about all I care to say on the issue.
Geez Lovie...I think you are a fine person but just why the Hell did you feel the need to come comment on a thread you are not happy to read/see? I thought that matter had been discussed here at length after AA's weeks and weeks of mayhem with people commenting on how it was sick, ruining this forum, dont look at the thread if it bothers you, ignore trolls etc etc et al et al.
I feel strongly about how Lev treats people at this forum, like it or not. And I can and will get down and dirty if need be. Joonie does have a right to get some answers so if  this kinda stuff is painful  for you to read, just dont be here at this thread OK?
Sheesh!! You come make some inane bloody comments about how it is for you, and you admit to not knowing what threads ' you guys are talking about'. And thanking Pin for a PM?? Should I post  here to thank all who have PM'd me last few days ?
Lovie, just dont peek OK?
LyndeeNZ2009-05-03 06:26:35It's not "paining me at all". I have an opinion....and I too have the right to voice it.
I thanked Pin for her PM because I didn't respond to her and I did in fact want her to know I saw it.
I agree with Lovie..... sure lev can write what he wants.... sure, Joonie can reply in her own defense and even ask lev questions.....
but theres' not a damn thing ANY of you can do about lev answering them..
so... all this commentary and some of it attacking other members for no GOOD reason is utterly ridiculous..  think about it.. you may have made a nasty comment to someone because of their opinion that lev is lev..... wow.  that's really bad.
because lev.... will do or say as he pleases.....
Lev. Joonie asked you some questions at least have the decency to answer her instead of dragging up old posts that have nothing to do with this.
Joonie, please dont explain to any of us why you do the things you do. We dont live in your shoes so we have no right to judge you. We can suggest things to help you but to judge you is altogether different
I'd have to wager, Pinnie, that begging and cajoling from you would be the last thing that would work in this instance!! 
Thread is closed, unless Lev would care to share his answers to my questions.