Tendenitis of the body? | Arthritis Information


I seriously wonder how many diseases cause this? I am just in a mood today. I don't think it is just fibro. Too much swelling. Not joint swelling, tendon swelling. RD is going out of town for a few days can not get in until Thursday. Ouch is all I can say about that.Milly, I am so sorry you feel so bad!  I know when my fibro is acting up, I feel like I must have some other dreaded disease killing me, it makes me feel so horrible.  You may be having a flare of both RA and fibro... the pit of pits, I know!  So unfair!  Do you have something to help you through a flare?  Maybe a visit to your PCP could tide you over until you see your RD. 

Honestly, the low dose naltrexone seems to have helped me with my fibro pain more that anything else I have tried.  I know it is not recognized as a conventional treatment, but it has helped me.

I hope you feel better soon, Milly, and I hope your weekend ends brighter that it is starting.
awwww Milly I hope you feel better soon! The family went to a United Nations Festable. I stayed home and ordered in. I have had no patients with anyone today. A stiff neck and well stiff everything can really bring you down quickly.

Called the RD and the cell phone walked out the door. So my DIL says your doctor called he will see you Thursday at 11:30. I would have run out the door and followed the cell phone. But I can't run. I tried. I saw her pick up the phone and I couldn't chase her down. I wanted. Needed a pred pack. Now it is the weekend. Thursday OH NO!!!  Just one of those days.
I guess I could try an extra muscle relaxer and just sleep threw the week. LOL I have done that before. That is take one in the morning not take two at once.
Yes sometimes I feel so awful I think it is bone cancer. Maybe it MS? I wonder is Myasthenia Gravis painful?
I tryed to swim yesterday. What a joke. Not enough range of motion in my arms. Back was to stiff and arched to float. So trust me I did not over do it. All I acomplished was gettting wet. LOL
I really never thought I was to messsed up to enjoy the pool. Well I was alot better yesterday than I am today. So I was really surprised at how hard it was to swim. They always tell you to do water exercises and swim to help your fibro. Back in the day they said take these strong antideppresants and go swimming. That was the standard treatment for fibro. The meds made me sleep like all day. I said sure if I drown then I can't complain about the pain. Anyway it was a desaster and it didn't help.
Well I just took my muscle relaxer. At bedtime as prescribed. Soon it will be the end of wonderful yet misserable day. I really do not like to self medicate so I will stick to the program as long as I can stand it. But I have been prescribed more one muscle relaxer a day in the past. Well it should at least help my neck and back ect for a little while. Sleep tight and feel better in the morning.Milly, I'm so sorry to hear about your rough day. I hate having to stay home when the others are going to someplace fun. I hope you get a good night sleep and wake up to a better tomorrow.
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