What Meds you take before infusions? | Arthritis Information


Ok... so... my list is a little longer than most, because my RD is trying to play it safe.

I keep forgetting I have to take pre-meds before my Remicade infusion, but my hubby remembers and gets them for me.
I take:
2 - tylenol arthritis
Aggrenox (it is to help prevent TIA) - I have to take 2- day of and 2- day after infusion
Ampicillian (to prevent bladder infections) - I take 2- day of and 2- day after infusion
Was taking allegra-D (to prevent allergic reaction) - but I ran out 2 infusions ago.
And before they start the Remicade... I receive solumedrol and benedryl.
Anyone else take a slew of meds, just to prep for their infusion? Or am I the only freak on the board that does all this?Joonie, have you tried Zyrtec?  It's an antihistamine that used to be prescription-only but is now available over-the-counter.  While I've never had to have any RA infusions, I do have some significant allergy issues and Zyrtec works very well for me.  It's pricier than OTC Claritin, but if you're only using a couple doses a month right before infusions, you might talk to your rheumatologist to see if it would be an OK choice for you.  Also - why were you taking Allegra-D (with pseudoephedrine decongestant)?  I would think someone with blood pressure and/or stroke issues would be advised against using pseudoephedrine, especially the extended-release version found in all-day combos like Allegra-D.  My father and husband have both been told by their cardiologists that they are NOT to take any decongestants, no matter how badly the snot is running down their face. She RXed zyrtec first, and then it cost too much, the co-pay. It was . So, she done allegra-D for me and RXed me 14 pills, and it was only .
She told me last visit when I told her i was out of allegra-d, that I did not need to take it anymore, since I am getting the benedryl before and something about the solumedrol was also good for allergic reactions too. I do not know.
So... I can mark that med off my infusion & meds list!

I just get the tylenol and then IV benedryl and solumedrol.  This has only been with the Rituxan.  That seems to be protocol  They all agree that it is not really necessary, but people receiving the med for cancer treatment can have crazy reactions.  So, it's part of the deal. 

I just had my 1st infussion of Remicade last week and due the 2nd one next week I had nothing but the infussion I had no reaction and got along just fine. I might have got a headache but I got that with Orencia and MTX also. I just hope it kicks in quick because I am screaming in this flare. My hands have never been this bad. I have always had all my trouble in my feet. LauraI am sorry to hear you are in a flare, Laura. It is bad when it affects your hands, because it is hard not to use your hands if you want to be independant, and even then... there are something that just require you to use your hands no matter.
I hope it kicks in soon for you.
Joonie, that was sadly interesting to hear about your pre-infusion meds. I wonder what they do about people who have severe drug allergies (ie to the solumedrol).
I sure hope the recent infusions help both you and Laura,

If I change biologics, then I can stop taking maybe 2 of those meds.

Nothing, I do ask for a bottle of water.Oh at my RDs office you can ask for a bottle of water, capri sun, kool-aid jammers, and even a snack LOL! I think I only got one bottle of water, because of that time I forgot to hydrate so well. I have mine at the hospital and they always ask if I want lunch, I just want outta here.Oh I would SOOOO take the lunch! LOL!
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