Worst Week Ever.... | Arthritis Information


New to the arthritis game and need some advice before I go back to the doctor.

I was recently diagnosed with Osteo-Arthritis in my right ankle after it was broken several years ago.

It has rained here for the past 7 days straight and my ankle has throbbed every moment of it. However yesterday, I could not put any weight on my right ankle whatsoever. Any attempt sent shooting pain across the top of my foot in the joint where the leg and foot meet. It felt almost as if it were broken. Not only was it painful to stand on, the ankles looked like I had golf balls under the skin it was so swollen. Should someone chase me down the street...the stiffness in my ankle would have tripped me up for sure.

In addition to meloxicam and etodolac I was taking 2 vicoden a day...one in the morning and one at night. I use a heating pad and when I can walk I head to the therapy pool at my local gym. The heat definitely loosens my joints (noticing pain in my hands now also) but this week...nothing...I mean NOTHING worked.

Is this just how life will be now or is there something I can request that my doctor try next? I was walking 5 mph, 3.5 miles per day, 5 days a week. Now I am doing good If I can walk 3.5 miles in an HOUR!

I dont have a rheumatologist yet...should I ask for that? I just need a plan.Hi, I think a doctor and x-rays would be in order.

X-rays determined that I am experiencing OA in right ankle.

Met with Rheumatoid Arthritis Doc today. She took blood and x-rayed my hands. She prescribed a muscle relaxant for sleep and said we would meet again to discuss the results in two weeks...sooner if anything comes back alarming. She told me not to take the mobic and the etodolac together...one other other. Totally opposite of what the doc said that diagnosed the OA originally.

I am already frustrated. Not a moment without pain...not one. I've been under a heating pad all day.
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