Arthritis Cited As Common Cause of Disability | Arthritis Information


The Number Of Americans With Disability Is Growing; Arthritis Cited As The Most Common Cause


Nearly 48 million Americans have a disability, an increase of three million from 1999, and arthritis tops the list of most common causes of disability, according to an article published in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). In addition, the number of people who report arthritis as the primary cause of disability has increased by one million. The Arthritis Foundation believes that findings from this study must be taken into consideration as a part of health care reform in this country and arthritis research and prevention efforts strengthened to reduce and minimize the burden of arthritis.

"Arthritis is a debilitating disease that profoundly impacts the lives of millions of Americans on a daily basis," said John H. Klippel, M.D., president and CEO, Arthritis Foundation. "The effects of the 46 million Americans with arthritis on the economy are enormous; the direct and indirect medical costs of this disease are estimated to be 8 billion each year." Klippel adds that this figure stems from the fact that annually, arthritis accounts for 44 million outpatient visits, 992,100 hospitalizations and 9,367 deaths.

The numbers of individuals with arthritis who have a disability and are prevented from living their lives to the fullest are already staggering, and they are projected to worsen considerably. "With the aging of baby boomers, the prevalence of arthritis is expected to rise by 40 percent - that is up to 67 million people - by the year 2030," said Klippel. "These findings suggest a critical need to expand the reach of effective strategies aimed at disability prevention and management." Lynn492009-05-05 06:41:53