Arthritis? | Arthritis Information



I'm new here and was hoping to get some help.  I am just starting to have some symptoms that make me think "maybe" this is arthrits.  For a couple of weeks now, I have had joint pain in my fingers, also stiffness, especially at night.  I don't notice the pain and stiffness as much when my hands are active, but if my hands are motionless for a while the pain and stiffness comes back.  It's in both hands and every finger hurts to bend.  The pain is not unbearable, but annoying.  Should I see a rheumatoloigist?  Is there a such thing as a natural healer of arthritis?  I'm not a person who likes to take meds and like the natural way much better.  Thought maybe you all could shed some light on this for me.  I know if I go to the doctor and arthritis is what is wrong, they will want to give me meds.  If there is something out there that is EFFECTIVE and NATURAL, and you know this from experience, please let me know.  Thank you 
See a rheumatologist right away. If determined not to be such a very serious disease, then maybe consider an alternative. If it is ra, the sooner it is diagnosed and treated the better chances of not getting worse and possible remission. Hoping it's not that nasty ra disease.
I agree with Lev, you should get it checked out. Nobody likes taking medicines, seeing doctors... etc. But RA is a serious disease that, if left untreated, results in disfigured imobile joints and a shortened life span.

I'm sorry, I know this wasn't the answer you were hoping for. Please let us know how everything turns out. okay, will let you know what i find out.  If is it arthritis, and caught early, can it be taken care of... I mean like remission?
I remember one of the first signs of my RA was in my hands. Long before I suspected RA I would wake up in the middle of the night after moving my hands and fingers and it felt if my hand was broken. Very painful after long periods of rest.
There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis and I won't pretend to know much about any of them other than OA & RA.....but no; it can't just be "taken care of" and then be gone. It's rare that these things go into remission without some sort of treatment.
If it's found that you do have a form of arthritis start your research. There are lots of different treatments from Alternative treatments to traditional meds. I'm sure with some effort you can find a treatment that will help you.
Good Luck.
