Anny correlation Between Inflamation and Tiredness | Arthritis Information


I was told by my RA doc that when your joints are inflammed that you experience tiredness.  I do believe some of this is true.  Today I am extremely tired and would like to take a day off of work just to rest.  I also notice when it seem to be under control that I had more energy.  Anyone think exercise would help? They say by exercising you body it realeases endorphines which help with inflammation.  Now who feels like exercising.  Huh!!

Anyone else out there tired? 
RA Dx. 1996
Meds: Orencia, Methox, Fosamax, Folic Acid, Prednisone.
I will keep you posted. My pinky finger is hurting. I hurt about everywhere all of the time. When I was most tired I had a very swollen pinky finger. That is just to say the flare started in my fingers and went everywhere else. So my fingers have been waking me up at night I see this as a bad sign. The pinky absolutley was throbbing.
I guess it could turn out differently. But it certainly brings back bad memories.

Fatigue is a big complaint for me. I do not have the energy to exercise to give myself more is a vicious cycle

I just read something about what you are talking about this morning. I was looking to see what the symptoms of chronic inflammation was.
It did say that one of the symptoms was fatigue. And also read that the more inflammtion you have the more fatigued you feel. And sometimes the inflammation can cause "flu like" symptoms.
Here this is not the original site I read what I said, but does talk about it.
Yep, fatigue is my constant and unwanted friend when I am having a hard time.  Ladybug, I am sorry you are having a difficult time.  You are right about not having the inclination to exercise!  No fair!

The most life frustrating symptom I have is the Great Fatigue. I have always called it my afternoon flu. Every afternoon I get hit with it and it feels like I have a fever of 104 (40). I've experienced 104 temp many times so can honestly say that is a great description, except that my eyes don't ache like with an actual high fever. Lucky for me, my RD has always believed me and recorded my complaint about it. She says it is often the worst symptom an RA patient has.  Today, after sleeping well at night, I felt really lousy. Hubby made us breakfast and asked me if something was wrong just because I wasn't my usual chatty self (chatty cathy). I told him I was hurting and he felt bad. By 10:30am, I gave up, took my Ultram and went back to bed. I woke up over 3hours later feeling much better. I hurt less and my brain is functioning, which is good since I needed to finish paying the bills. So, that's my day so far. Hubby says it is a nice day outside, so I think I'll go get some fresh air and sunshine now. Unfortunately with my bad feet, I cannot do the absolute best and no cost form of exercise... walk.  With fatigue, it's hard to get motivated to get into car, drive all the way over to the pool, then do the water exercises, then drive back home, but I need to. My attempts at Pilates and home exercises are ok, but not good enough. Sorry for rambling, just trying to demonstrate you are not alone with this problem.

Good topic.I am a lot more tired when my joints are sore, I think its all connected somehow

Gee, ya think?  Really?
